Monday, March 10, 2025

Disappearing Act: The Avulsion Cut (GRAPHIC)

Video interview of TLB first responder LAPD Robert Burbridge:

"The only wound I could see on Sharon Tate was right in her pregnant belly. It was a big gash... like an avulsion cut... It's like they were almost going to cut the baby out of her, that's what it looked like."

It appears to me that there is indeed a large, deep, horizontal 'avulsion' cut across Sharon's belly, filled with blood.  Also, there appears to be a shorter vertical slash through the middle of the horizontal cut, as though an 'X' was cut into the flesh of the belly.  

 Greg King, Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders, c. 2000  pg243
Time magazine 8-15-69: "..there was an X cut on her(Tate's) stomach." 


Also note the puckering and swelling in the flesh along the borders of the horizontal cut.  This suggests the wound was inflicted while Sharon was still alive.

Though this prominent and clearly visible cut mark is not mentioned in the autopsy report of Sharon Tate. 

Nor is it marked on the autopsy diagram.

Tate Autopsy Report
'There are four stab wounds on the chest.  ...others labeled #5 through #16 are described in a subsequent report.'

So why the discrepancy?  Was it because the avulsion cut suggests it was done for the purposes of removing the baby from the womb, as Burbridge suspected, and that the prosecution did not want to go there, for whatever reason?


The only possible reference to the avulsion cut on the frontal autopsy diagram is a 'stab wound #5'.  Oddly, there is another 'stab wound #5" marked on the rear view of the autopsy diagram.

Was this the coroner's roundabout way of letting us know that there was something hinky about 'stab wound #5'?  Or did The LA County Coroner's Office suffer a bout of "sudden-onset amateur hour" syndrome?


brownrice said...

Surely there's better rabbit holes to go down than this one.

starviego said...

This wasn't the only falsification of the autopsy report. They hid the results of the tox screen for THC and cocaine, and were unable to estimate time of death because they didn't dispatch coroner's technicians to take body core temperature tests until it was too late.

Jenn said...

Love you guys but a heads up that there would be bloody photos might be appreciated by some. I’m OK, but others might appreciate it.

James D. The Manson Archives said...

What exactly was fabricated? They didn’t test for those drugs. They didn’t hide it from autopsies. In fact to counter that why did the hide it from Tate’s and Sebrings, but not Folger and Frykowski over MDA found in their systems.
Next, that does not look like a cut. It looks like blood clotting after running down the front of her stomach.
And last but not least, Folger and Frykowski were in direct sunlight thus their bodies were heated. Medically speaking even if your dead for hours, and exposed to the heat, your body temperature is still going to be high. This happens when you’re alive too. It’s what leads to heat stroke or other life threatening emergencies.

For Tate and Sebring, will have to look to see if the temperature of the inside of the house was to determine if the body temperature is accurate. said...

Star, have you seen these actual photographs or are you basing your conclusions on these low resolution png files?

starviego said...

I have only seen the photos on the net, as they are shown in the thread above. And clearly, they show a deep cut, not dried blood.

cielodrivecom said...

Star, there is nothing clear about those particular versions of those photographs. They're low resolution and extremely compressed. Compression creates artifacts and artifacts distort photography to a point where it's completely unreliable

starviego said...

"Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left."

SixtiesRockRules! said...

Many thanks to you both, Cielo and James, for schooling amateur anomaly spotters. This sort of nonsense is also very prevalent in the field of JFK Assassination studies, specifically the issue of the Zapruder and other films and photos taken by witnesses. Some people are always trying to claim they made a "breakthrough" in both TLB and JFK without possessing the necessary background and credentials to make a credible case.

starviego said...

"Tell a man something he already knows, and he will thank you for it. Tell him something he doesn't know, and he will hate you for it." -- proverb (sigh)

James D. The Manson Archives said...

There are HQ photos and they are consistent with the autopsy report, and by that I mean you can tell that is not a X nor was I where the baby they tried to cut the baby out.
Next, the media reported all kinds of misinformation. For example, when listening to news reports from the Labianca’s, one reporter said Death to Pigs, Rise, and Helter Skelter were written on the refrigerator. And we know that clearly not true. said...

Tall on accusation, short on fact