"I had the pleasure of interviewing the nephew of Jay Sebring Anthony DiMaria. Anthony has spent over two decades gathering information and speaking to people who knew his uncle as well as authorities, authors and other victims families. He gives us a candid and heartfelt interview about his family, the after-effects of the murders, what he found out has been misconstrued about his uncle and his fight to keep the killers in prison. any of the information we speak about with backing paperwork will be added to our Facebook page and linked below along with links to his book and documentary sites for @JaySebringCuttingtotheTruth."
It is journalistic malpractice that CHAOS is published as a work of non fiction when the only evidence presented is "Trust Me Bro". I am glad that the vast majority of the public realizes they have been scammed. I am glad the documentary makes fun of Tom. (review forthcoming). But I find it astonishing that this got published at all. Listening to Anthony, it's clear O'Neil harassed people over and over again. After 20 years and much agita you have a glorified update of THE ULTIMATE EVIL. Sickening.
ColScott, I am moving this discussion from mid-March to here, because you spouted your big mouth because, I thought the Will Rogers Estate was also Dennis Wilson's house, oops I made a mistake. ColScott were you one of little kids pulled of the wings of butterflies because you wanted to cause pain? In High School where you bully that terrorized the younger, smaller kids because you could get away with it? Well, I want you to know you that you are not going to bully me anymore. Last year I learned I have Metastatic Breast Cancer. I'm not going to as lucky as your wife instead, this is terminal, Metastatic Breast Cancer is 4th Stage and it has spread, I have two tumors in my breast and it's also in my liver, lung, and adrenal glands. So how does it feel to bully a dying woman?
While I wish you only the best it is a sad sign that you consider being told to stop posting falsehoods as bullying. Were you one of the children who cried when the teacher told you to stop raising your hand because you were never right? Were you one of the kids who cried when she lost at track and demanded a participation trophy? The Dennis Wilson estate status in the fire had already been covered here. This is a research blog, we are not here to calm your fee fees. You felt so upset at being corrected (again and again) that you simmered for weeks and then posted here- this is not a healthy path at all. As a person on the internet I wish you the best possible outcome. As a member of the blog I again as you to make your posts pertinent. Thanks!
Paulcast is going live tomorrow night to discuss the interview. (Wednesday, March 26th) and May possibly talk about part 2 of the interview.
This interview Paul conducted, is one that I’m proud of Paul for doing. We learn quite a bit of useful information…especially concerning the Tex Watson tapes, with that said, I’ve never believed there is anything shocking or revealing on the tapes. I’ve read “Will You Die For Me?” (currently titled Cease to Exist) and we all know that the book is based off of the tapes. If there was anything revealing in the tapes, then the proper authorities could have linked “The family” to the other suspected murders…to which they didn’t because there were no more murders committed by “The Family” other than the assumed killing of Crowe, the murder of Gary Hinman, the TLB murders and the killing of Shea.
I have noticed that Tom O has responded to the interview via his FB. I personally have no qualms with Tom. I’ve never spoken to him but twice. Once was a disagreement on Ruth Anne’s year of birth and the other was him trying to discount what Olivia Hussey had to say in her book about her time at 10050 Cielo drive…. With that said, If you’re going to post emails that make you look good, Then you must post the ones with the critique so the whole story is told.
Did both Anthony and the interviewer leave out Steven Parent's name when mentioning all the victims of TLB?
Many thanks for posting this interview. And many thanks to Anthony DiMaria for taking the time to provide this in depth information. It is interesting that Anthony identifies what he describes as the genesis of the formula for profiting from the story: namely, dehumanizing the victims. To Anthony, this is what "sells" the story of TLB, and allows for any number of additional variations of the story to emerge. Certainly looking forward to part 2.
@carolMR Anthony called me after the interview and realized he had forgotten to named Steven Parent as one of the victims. He felt absolutely horrible about it as he is close to the Parent family and holds them in high regard. I was out of Province and didn't have a chance to update it till now. Apologies to the Parent family and rest in peace Steven 🙏
Well Colonel, I should have expected to get the response I got, just more bullying. Actually, Colonel I did really well in school. I was an A student except for 4 years of German that cost me a bit, I had 4 years of German in which I mainly got B's and a few A's. I also played the drums from middle school through University. Being an A student and playing drums is not something mediocre people do. I also have two degrees, one in Sociology and another in Holocaust Studies. The perfect job for me was to be a rsearcher at one of the Holocaust Museums, but I didn't want to move to Washington DC or Los Angeles. Instead I went into the Family business and was able to retire at 50 years old due to good investing. I bought my first house at 24 and paid it off for my 30th birthday present to myself. Believe me I put a lot of information on this blog in the past years, a few I got wrong for which I always rectified. So I am not a complacent or mediocre person like you implied. I hope your wife's cancer doesn't comeback, but as we all know for years Patty Tate fought it and it finally took her life. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Yes and no one here wished it on you. Good luck!
Found it... Pittmans, Clem, Col Tate, Col Tate second wife, BUGliosi, Melcher, Statman, Orca Tate, Sebring Family, Roger Smith wife- Truly how many people did Tom O abuse/scare/threaten to get his bullshit theory validated? I pointed a small portion of this out to him and he excused it as a journalistic technique. Real journalists don't wait till people are dead to accuse them of things they never said or dead. Just the worst person....
ColScott, I have to agree with you on Chaos. I find it preposterous that people actually buy into the author's BS. It's been 55 years, and none of these people have come up with concrete evidence to prove anything other than what it was: mass murder!
Education in America is at a sad low point
Agreed 100%!
Exactly. You can say whatever you want about the dead. They can’t sue. Case in point, if we look at Schreck’s claims about Cary Grant…you have to ask if he would say the same thing about him if he were alive?
Remember when Chevy Chase made the same allegation that Schreck made about his sexuality? Grant sued Chase for defamation.
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