Monday, July 29, 2024

Cleaning up some missing pages from the Spahn Ranch raid reports

photo from

There is not a lot that is inspiring happening in the Manson-sphere these days. So, it might be a good time to post some pages that were missing from previous posts about the Spahn Ranch Raid and have been found. 

There was  post on a report from Sgt. Gleason dated August 4, 1969, though it's being sneaky and the original post can't be found. It was a three page report with the second page missing. The missing page has been located so, the report makes more sense now. 

There was also an August 11, 1969 report written to Chief John Knox with the first three of fifteen pages missing. That original post can be found here.

A new 54 page pdf with documents related to the raid has been created with the missing pages put in the appropriate places. Included in the pdf is the warrant. 

Spahn Ranch Raid and Warrant file.