Monday, July 8, 2024

Charles Manson Parole Documents

 These two pages are documents that Manson received when he was paroled March 21, 1967. The first document is a standard form made out for all paroled persons. It was signed by Manson.

The second document is a Permission to Travel form filled out by hand. Besides giving Manson permission to travel to San Francisco, Spokane and Seattle, Washington there is parole office contact information for each of the cities.

Next to the info for San Francisco there is a phone number and the name Roger Smith that looks like it was written by Manson. The telephone number is for the San Francisco office of the Federal Probation Officer.

So, Manson was given permission from the moment of his release to go to San Francisco, Spokane, and Seattle. He was also given Roger Smith's name as the person to contact in San Francisco.