Monday, September 23, 2024

Matthew Roberts RIP

 On August 28, 2024 Daze with Jordan the Lion posted a YouTube with Matthew Roberts announcing definitively that Charles Manson is NOT his birth father. Matthew hooked up with a woman named Kim who had her own experiences with using Ancestry DNA to find her birth father and offered to help Matthew. Once Matthew's DNA was processed Kim was quickly able to rule out Manson as Matthew's father. She was also able to narrow down who Matthew's father was and learned he was one of two brothers. 

But then...

On September 5, 2024, a week later, Jordan the Lion announced that Matthew Roberts had unexpectedly died. Jordan posted a heartfelt tribute to Matthew who he considered a friend although the two had never met in person.

I'm glad that Matthew was able to find the answers he was seeking before he passed. 


  1. I think I shared this earlier this year as a comment...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This sad story has some similarities to one that has been popping up on the WWW lately. Luis Armando Albino was kidnapped in Oakland in 1951, raised on the east coast, recently found through a DNA search and soon died.

  4. Finally.
    George Christie, the former National President of the Hell's Angels, has "corroborated" what I sent to Matt
    (David the lawyer posted the email I sent to Matt regarding my message I sent to George Christie)
    pertaining to what was said to me regarding "Happenings" at Spahn Ranch when the Charles Manson Family lived there.

    George Christie has an on-going YouTube series.
    Start at 5:30 into the video
    Mr Christie talks about Danny DeCarlo and some of what was told to me pertaining to "Happenings" at Spahn Ranch.
    Mr Christie knows a lot of what went on at Spahn Ranch. I'll be very surprised if he ever goes into some major details.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  5. Nice to hear from you, Super Mario 3, and thanks for the link and pointer. Interesting thoughts concerning the cuffs, but there could be multiple reasons as to why front vs back.

    1. Thanks TabOrFresca.

      I agree with you pertaining to the "cuffs."
      (multiple reasons).
      So what is George Christie implying pertaining to Danny DeCarlo being handcuffed with his hands in the front?

      Mario George Nitrini 111
      The OJ Simpson Case

  6. Mario, George Christie is implying that DeCarlo was given special treatment because he was an informant. Back in July I posted DeCarlo's rap sheet and provided a link to a grand theft drug charge. Look at all the documents and decide for yourself if you think the dates line up well enough to conclude that DeCarlo was an informant prior to the Aug. 16, 1969 Spahn Ranch Raid.

  7. Thanks Ms Deb.

    That's what I was leaning towards
    (DeCarlo was an informant).
    I wasn't sure of the dates.
    As usual, your investigative skills are 100% correct.

    I guess the question now is,
    when did Danny DeCarlo first become a Charles Manson Family informant?

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  8. Glad to see you back Mario you are an entertaining fellow.

    Could you define "happenings" for me? I've heard you use the term before not exactly sure what you mean

    1. Terrapin.
      The word I use "Happenings," is a person who frequented Spahn Ranch when the Charles Manson Family lived there, told me about some specific "Happenings" when he "visited" Spahn Ranch.

      Mario George Nitrini 111
      The OJ Simpson Case

  9. There were 11 males arrested during the Spahn Ranch Raid.

    This first link points to a series of photos taken that day.

    These following photos of Manson and Rinehard show that they are cuffed in the back.

    Search for:

    “Officers stand with Danny DeCarlo, Charles Manson, and Robert Rinehard on Saturday, August 16, 1969.”

    “Straight Satan Robert Rinehard sits on a trailer in cuffs”

    “Charles Manson is seated with the family in front of the western facade.”

    “Charles Manson is manhandled by a Sheriff's deputy.”

    When DeCarlo is shown in those photos he is cuffed in front.

    But there are other photos take that show that at least 9 of the 11 males were handcuffed in the back, and this includes DeCarlo.

    Using the above link search for:

    “Steve Grogan, Larry Craven, Danny DeCarlo and Charles Manson on a trailer in front of the ranch”

    Using this second link go to page 140 and you will see Flynn, Swartz, Plumlee, Bailey:

    If you use the first link you can see photos of Flynn, Plumlee, and Bailey without cuffs while others in the picture are cuffed.

    I don’t believe that DeCarlo received special treatment that day, unless you consider the bruise he received to his brows (above the nose) supposedly from the butt of a rifle.

    Rinehard was wearing colors and Manson was agitated (and being a pain). Possibly the reasons for being cuffed in the back.
    If DeCarlo had to pee, they may have changed his cuffs from back to front or maybe that was the officers choice.

    There are no timestamps on the photos, so it’s unclear when many of the guys were cuffed in back. It may have been done before they were transported to jail.

    DeCarlo had a number of pending legal issues at this time. I doubt he was an informant at the time of the Raid. He would be involved with the selling of Shea’s guns within the month. Seems to be a poor choice if you’re working a deal with LE/DA. But you never know.
