Monday, August 5, 2024

Bobby Beausoleil Interview

Blog reader Andrew sent me a recent interview with Bobby Beausoleil. The interview was originally recorded back in January 2024 and aired on the Hamilton Morris Podcast Patreon website. It since has been distributed to the usual podcast outlets and to YouTube.

Hamilton Morris is known as a journalist and scientific researcher. He was the creator and director of Hamilton's Pharmapoceia where he explored various mind altering drugs. The programs were distributed by Vice TV. Morris is well educated.

In this interview Beausoleil discusses his part in the murder of Gary Hinman, his opinion of Charles Manson and he offers a motive for the TLB murders.

There is an overview at the beginning of the podcast that's interspursed with a number of commercials. The interview starts in earnest at the 14:28 mark.

Thanks Andrew! 


  1. Fascinating post, Deb… thanks for sharing. Bobby (for all his narcissism) paints a far more believeable picture than many other accounts.

    1. I agree. It sounds great to me, all the way up to the point he has to admit to stabbing Gary to death - Then he gets a little squirrelly.

  2. Just a note from the promotions department: July was MansonBlog's best month EVER statistically. We even smoked Manson's death. Thank you, everyone!

  3. Brown Rice,

    Every time I see your avatar I invariably hear:

    "Like, you rang?"



    in my internal ear.

    There's just no escaping it...

  4. Yeah, shoegazer. Sorry about that. I don’t blame the Beatles or LSD… I blame Maynard G. Krebs :-). The depressing part is that there’s probably not many left who recognise him.

  5. It bums me out that the interviewer is such an obnoxious & ignorant person. This could’ve been an excellent interview if Morris had bothered to do even the bare minimum of preparation to familiarize himself with the details of Bobby’s musical career. Still, thanks for sharing! Always great to get a new interview from someone so directly involved in this string of tragedies.

  6. This guy's old man is making the Tom O'Neill doc for Netflix. I used to watch this guy's show on VICE. He's quite interested in a guy up here in Denton who gets high licking frogs.

    This guy's old man is making the Tom O'Neill doc for Netflix.

    Can't wait to pick that one apart. lol

  8. Hmmm...the woman in this interview says her sister was with the Family but left before the Tate murders, and that her sister came back to CT with a rival of Charlie's. Video's cued up to when she begins to talk about that.

    1. So, who is she talking about that she claims was Charlie's rival?

  9. Thank you Deb S - good post as usual. Lots of food for thought in some of the things Bobby B said. Definitely worth listening to.

  10. I don't believe anything that comes out of BB's mouth. Never have.....

  11. I agree with AustinAnn...
    I thought Hatami sent Manson back to the owner of the property's residence at the time...the guest cottage, where Manson learned Terry no longerv resided there.
    Beausoleil is full of bs.

  12. Exactly what I was thinking Iman ... Manson was well aware at the time that Melcher had moved out of the house on Cielo
