Monday, July 29, 2024

Cleaning up some missing pages from the Spahn Ranch raid reports

photo from

There is not a lot that is inspiring happening in the Manson-sphere these days. So, it might be a good time to post some pages that were missing from previous posts about the Spahn Ranch Raid and have been found. 

There was  post on a report from Sgt. Gleason dated August 4, 1969, though it's being sneaky and the original post can't be found. It was a three page report with the second page missing. The missing page has been located so, the report makes more sense now. 

There was also an August 11, 1969 report written to Chief John Knox with the first three of fifteen pages missing. That original post can be found here.

A new 54 page pdf with documents related to the raid has been created with the missing pages put in the appropriate places. Included in the pdf is the warrant. 

Spahn Ranch Raid and Warrant file.


Torque said...

Thanks for these documents. They are fascinating in their detail of the people and goings on of Spahn. I'm always astonished at how sloppy these criminals were in their enterprise. They admitted so much to basically anyone who would listen, with even Charlie admitting to law enforcement that he was on parole on a federal crime, all at the same time inviting the presence of the law into Spahn.

It would appear that about the only thing they did not hint at in these documents was the Tate/LaBianca murders! Amazing.

Louise said...

That's refreshing 🙄

Jeff said...

Interestingly, pages 5 and others mention reports of Manson forcing followers to bathe men in a large wooden tub at Spahn ranch. Bruce Davis, in his February 2023 prison interview, said when he first met Manson in Topanga he was being bathed by followers in a bathtub outdoors.

It seems like this was both accurate and a regular thing for Manson.

Torque said...

Hi Louise, I hope my above comment was not misunderstood. My intent here was to acknowledge that the Manson Family, in my opinion, were all but asking to be arrested by openly talking to people about their crimes. And taken together, I'm truly surprised that they did not come right out and say that they had committed the murders.

However, we do know that Manson intimated to Al Springer that, "we got five of them just the other night." And Manson subsequently told Juan Flynn that, "don't you know it is me who is doing these killings?"

TabOrFresca said...

Thanks DebS.

On page 52 it says:
33 taken into custody,
11 male adults,
16 female adults,
1 male juvenile,
5 children.

Pages 46-49 lists 31, by name, taken into custody:
10 male adults,
15 female adults,
1 males juvenile,
5 children.

starviego said...

The link to the report only loads the first page. Or are do the full docs open for you?

TabOrFresca said...

The link points to a 54 page PDF.

DebS said...

The link opens the entire pdf for me. I will email you the pdf, Starviego.

Louise said...

It's ok, Torque..I wasn't sure really following the story, I honestly thought it was refreshing 🙄

Louise said...

You know, in a kind of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood way--

Louise said...

An alternate universe where the Tate- LaBianca murders are not mentioned (because they never happened). This is a thought that has crossed my mind a few times, maybe I should write a book about it 🤔

Louise said...

Don't mind me, the Aug 10"anniversary" date is looming once again. I'm happy to be able to express myself here honestly. Carry on 🙂

DebS said...

Louise, I am so sorry that you have had to go through this at the same time every year for the past 55 years. Killers do not understand how many people they hurt when killing someone. With this case you must multiply the victim's survivors by nine. I've spoken to quite a few survivors of cases other than this one and surviving is crippling for some. Some turn to drugs and alcohol, some are so frightened that they have trouble leading a somewhat normal life. Others have relationship problems because their significant other can't understand the enormity of how losing someone to murder can affect their lives. Then there is the guilt and the second guessing of how things may have turned out differently if they had just done something.

I can't know exactly how you feel but I can acknowledge that you are deserving of our respect and high regard. We thank you for coming to this blog and sharing your thoughts with us.

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