Friday, April 26, 2024

Randy Starr and Sherry Cooper

 This picture was found in the Simi Valley Star and published May 17, 1968. Was it Randy Starr that clued Sherry Cooper in about Spahn Ranch?

 A magnification of Randy and Sherry.


Gorodish said...

The magnification picture has Candy Starr,not Randy. Randy is second from left in the picture, somewhat in the background, in a dark shirt. It would be interesting to find out who Kelly and Candy Starr are. The school in background, Center Jr. High, was the old Simi Union High School. It was bulldozed around 1970. The school there today is Apollo HS, a continuation school.

DebS said...

I think you're right Gorodish. I found a picture of Randy and Kelley Starr, April 17, 1968 Simi Valley Star and the caption reads, "...looks over gymkhana field with Hollywood stuntman Randy Starr and partner, Kelly Starr."

Randy's true name was Joseph Vance Randall. I have his death certificate which says that he was divorced at the time of his death. Carolyn Biggs was his ex-wife's name. Kelly Starr may have been a stunt partner, I guess.

Looking to see who Kelly and Candy may have been I found an article about a man named Robert M Ruble who had a stunt school in Thousand Oaks and Chatsworth. Randy worked with Ruble.

"Working at his side at the school is Randy Starr, randy, 34, lives on the Spahn Movie Ranch in Chatsworth but can mostly be found in Hollywood."

..."Missouri born Starr used to drive stock cars with his friend Steve McQueen. He later joined the rodeo circuit for about six years..." Ventura County Star July 31, 1965

The synchronicity is endless.

starviego said...

--LVH letter written while awaiting trial at Sybil Brand:

"Our magic carpet was a white pick-up with the insignia, "Randy Starr and His Stuntmen", with a horse's head on the side. .. Gypsy and I rode in the back with the cargo."

Does this imply contact between BB and Spahn even before they hooked up with Manson?

TabOrFresca said...

Thanks DebS.
Was Randy’s marriage to Carolyn Biggs before, during, or after his ~Marriage/relationship with (AKA) Windy Bucklee?

DebS said...


I'm not sure. Randy and Carolyn married in 1965. They were not married in California, so I don't know the exact date. A divorce was filed between the two of them twice according to the California divorce index. The first time was June 1966 and the second time was January 1968.

Windy Buckley said the name of the daughter she and Randy had was Starlina. I could find only one child born in California with the first name of Starlina.

Name Starlina L Spurling
Birth Date 23 Mar 1965
Gender Female
Mother's Maiden Name Saunooke
Birth County Los Angeles

Name Starlina L Spurling
Gender Female
Birth Date 23 Mar 1965
Birth Place California
Death Date 25 Jul 1965
Death Place Ventura
Mother's Maiden Name Sounooke

Given the mother's maiden name, Saunooke, this is the child Windy claimed was Randy's. I was not able to find that Windy was married to anyone by the last name of Spurling.

There was a short article in the Ventura County Star, July 26, 1965, about the baby's death.

"Santa Susana Baby Found Dead

An autopsy is to be performed today to determine the cause of death of 4-month-old Starlina Lea Spurling, daughter of Mrs. Lee Spurling, 2770 Zimman Lane, Santa Susana.
The infant was found dead by her mother at about 10 a.m. yesterday. Deputy coroner Henry Alama said the child had apparently died several hours earlier. She was taken to Reardon Simi Valley Mortuary."

Windy could weave a good story but not much of what she said could be proven. I have no idea if she really did have any kind of a relationship with Randy Starr.

DebS said...

Starviego, Randy Starr was friendly with the Family members and Manson. What Leslie describes could have happened in 1968 or 1969 and not necessarily prior to Beausoleil meeting Manson.

Here's a post I did on Randy and in the post there is a link to Randy's Grand Jury testimony.

Milly James said...

Who the heck is Mr Lee Spurling? What do the address records show? Anyone know?

DebS said...

Milly. It's Mrs. not Mr. Lee Spurling. She is Lee Saunooke aka Windy Buckley, the woman who told tall tales about herself, Randy Starr, Shorty Shea, Manson, and anyone else she could remember from Spahn Ranch.

kraut_iznota_knotsy said...

I get aroused whenever I mentally picture Simi Valley Sherry riding Donkey Dan.

Milly James said...

Hi Deb, my point has been missed. If she is a Mrs, then presumably there's a Mr. I was wondering who the Mr was.

elcoyotemalo said...

Is that S. Atkins riding on the back of Sherry's horse??

Monica said...

Kraut. This is not the place for your lustickiness. And I won't reply if you choose to disagree.
Deb, thank you for your continued research and knowledge.