Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Apologies if you've seen this one before. It's new to me.

Ruth Ann Moorehouse

The year she marries Edward Heuvelhorst at age sixteen. 



  1. I always imagined their home looked like the house on Aqua Teen lol.

  2. Looks like Heuvelhorst died in 2012. He's from Holland, MI, like Ella Jo Bailey. I wonder if they attended the same Dutch Reformed Church and didn't know one another.

  3. Did Heuvelhorst know beforehand, that the marriage was a sham and that Ruth never intended to hang around.

  4. Hi, whut. I wondered about that too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Green,
    As I remember, it was after years of reading on the Family that I learned, Ruth Ann married a bus driver in an attempt to become liberated. After more years someone said it was Charlie who advised her to do vet married. I guess a person training himself to be a pimp would have learned that move somewhere along the way.

  7. NO, they're not babies at 16. 16 IS THE AGE OF CONSENT in MOST of the US. SIMP. 14 should be legal as it is in the bible, also she was 14 when she married the buss driver, which was LEGAL in California at the time to marry a 14 year old, and should still be. Teenagers are not babies simp.

    1. And what do Mary and jesus think of all this?

  8. Joseph said:

    14 should be legal as it is in the bible

    Nowhere in the bible is 14 given as a legal age for marriage or sexual consent. However, if you give me the reference where you claim it to be, I'll gladly climb down with my tail between my legs.

  9. Since when do we live by biblical law? Sounds like someone wants to marry (or bang) a 14 year old.

  10. frank said:

    Since when do we live by biblical law?

    Millions of people all around the planet live by biblical law {or try to} ~ depending of course, by what one means by 'biblical law' because it does not have a singular, one size fits all, forever more, meaning.
