Friday, January 21, 2022

You Can Do The Devil's Business For $85 Million Bucks

A gaudy monstrosity complete with a couch for your American flag. "PIG" door not included. 


  1. This monstrosity sat on the market for almost a decade and sold for millions less than the asking price. How long will it sit on the market this time?

  2. Apropos of not this, I am halfway through Chaos (Jolly has just reared his fat head!). The book could've been 500 pages and left the travails of the author for a postscript note fest.... Anyway i gotta commend O'neill for tracking down the people I've been most curious about: Roger and David Smith. Roger managed to say almost nothing in a long interview but what'd we expect? Still very revelatory information for me about the Mendocino incident. Naked witches in jail sucking on Mother Mary's Milk titties!!? Roger Smith fostering Manson's baby?

    Pretty incredible David Smith was doing the Family in miniature with mice....

    I should've taken notes (never done it when reading anything and I forget everything). There's an inculpatory phone call from Bobby to the ranch from jail that the cops disagree about that is also significant to me. (Guenther says it happened but then disavows it

  3. We can go ride bikes after the comedy show.

  4. He DID interview the smiths. And he DID get into the secret evidence boxes and make copies. That's fascinating stuff. Library online is how I'm reading it. Now if i can just get a Charlie scorpion for free...

  5. O'Neill is clown and his theories come from the circus. Peel back into his sources for a few good laughs. He'd be laughed out of every academic press in the world with that bullshit.

    Roger Smith brought a newborn baby into his home and he and his wife cared for him alongside their own children. I'd like to see O'Neill and Roger take sample SAT tests and get a look at their scores. Please join me here for a comedy show once he updates his drivel and charges suckers an arm and a leg for the second time.

    *I can't stop typo-ing.

  6. The cognitive dissonance necessary to follow along with that stuff, no criticism of you, is too much for me. He's a good writer and the book is a page turner and I'll never say otherwise.

    But repeating what someone says or wrote isn't research in itself. It's the first step in the process. How many of these books are in university libraries? None. Because they can't prove or provide the necessary extraordinary evidence to support their wild claims. O'Neill knows it was professional hits. McGowan knew it. On and on back through time. Now if I give O'Neill $25 for another Kindle (or follow your link), he'll prove it once and for all.

    Anecdotal evidence is poor evidence. The entire Manson study is anecdotal. What's a guy gotta do for some empirical? Ours is a GIGO machine.

  7. Back when the property was actually 10050 Cielo Drive, Rudi Altobelli sold it for a mere $1.6 million. The only thing that I can see that remains of the original property is one of the large fir or pine trees in front of the house.

  8. Dan - I agree about O’Neill going off topic a fair bit! It’s a while since I read it. I really enjoyed the first half and there is some really interesting stuff in there. I thought it lost its way completely though when it moved onto the CIA, ultra and all of that business. It certainly lost me by that stage! There is plenty of food for thought in the first half though and I think I need to read it again!

  9. Dan - I agree about O’Neill going off topic a fair bit! It’s a while since I read it. I really enjoyed the first half and there is some really interesting stuff in there. I thought it lost its way completely though when it moved onto the CIA, ultra and all of that business. It certainly lost me by that stage! There is plenty of food for thought in the first half though and I think I need to read it again!

  10. Dan - I agree about O’Neill going off topic a fair bit! It’s a while since I read it. I really enjoyed the first half and there is some really interesting stuff in there. I thought it lost its way completely though when it moved onto the CIA, ultra and all of that business. It certainly lost me by that stage! There is plenty of food for thought in the first half though and I think I need to read it again!

  11. At night you can hear the ice clinking in the cocktail glasses down in the canyon.

  12. The sister house down over the hill is also for sale, as is one of the houses on the left leading up to the gate. You can go through the houses on realtor.

  13. Parts of that house actually look really cool inside. The outside, though ... oopha!

  14. Zillow listing

    It appears the spot where Abigale F was murdered might still be grass. Hard to tell though. The owner always swore there was absolutely no paranormal activity ever.

  15. Tobias, the fishtanks are definitely cool as long as someone else takes care of them. One of my specialties is killing salt water fish.

  16. I’d kill for a shower like that. Wait - no, scratch that comment.

  17. Between sloppy reporting by once respected journalists and the internet where thousands of knowledgeable 'experts' lurk it's now written into history for all to see.

    'Mansion where Manson murders took place....

    I often wonder how much of my history education is false.

    PS. I've read numerous posts here and on other sites denigrating the new building and praising the 'beauty' of the 1944 original. Personally whilst it had a 'charm' it looked well past its sell by date. To be frank, whoever bought the original was entitled do do whatever they wanted with the property. Two thoughts have always been with me, firstly the monthly rental Altobelli charged was extortionate and the property in 1969 didn't look particularly 'movie director' flashy.
