Saturday, January 22, 2022

Gail Bugliosi Calls Hef Her Good Friend

A&E is kicking off a ten part documentary series, Secrets of Playboy, Monday at 9 pm EST. One of the big reveals is Hef was fascinated by Charles Manson. Someone claims Hef had Manson home videos and studied them. He also studied Helter Skelter. 

I hope Gentry got a night in the Grotto, gratis. Hook a writer up every once in awhile. 

Another person pretends they're shocked because Hef was great friends with Sharon Tate and blah blah blah Charlie. Anyway, I thought you might want to check it out. 

Oh, Mrs. Bugs says Hef, "Couldn't have been a better friend to all of the people he invited to his home."

If you say so, Mrs. Bugs. 


  1. Hef wanted to interview author Robert Heinlein ('Stranger in a Strange Land') but Heinlein cancelled when he found out Hef wanted to ask questions about Manson.

  2. Someone claims Hef had Manson home videos

    This comes up again and again, a variation on the idea that CM acquired/stole a video camera (true, I think?) and used it to film sexual activity at Spahn or Barker. Is there any likelihood that this is/was the case and if so that they blue movies of the 'Family' are still out there.

    My nose tells me that this is very unlikely. Such videos, were they to exist, would have a high street value and thus would surely have surfaced by now. But I'd like to be proved wrong. And to the best of my knowledge the films said to have been shot at CD have not surfaced either.

    But hey, what would I know?

  3. Hefner watching Manson porn...far out!

  4. Video cameras of the day plugged into something right? No chargers yet.

  5. I sometimes wonder why none of the men's magazines ever did a feature on the girls of Spahn Ranch. Does anyone know whether this was even attempted?

  6. Video camera? One story goes that they stole an NBC-TV truck loaded with film equipment in 1969 - but they also had super-8 cameras. I may be wrong, but I don't think video cameras were commercially available in 1969.

    1. Video cameras were like the size of a refrigerator in 1969.

  7. I can remember a few years back when Jimi Hendrix home porn was let loose on the Internet. Ditto with Chuck Berry I gotta say I seems unlikely that Family saga digitised porn would not have leaked by now.
    I do check out 1960s porn on various streaming sites purely for research purposes.

  8. Bunnies, I need each of you to get a knife and a change of ears and meet me in front of the mansion.

  9. The video portapak (battery-powered) was first released in 1967. Though initially expensive, they were widely available by the early '70s. In the late '60s, they were more the province of rich Hollywood types & rock stars... and peripheral figures in their various A-list scenes. It's certainly not inconceivable that Charlie & co had access to one. His alleged description of it (in from memory Emmon's book but it could have also been mentioned in an interview) always struck me as sounding like an early Portapak.

  10. He does have footage. Too many different people have said so. I've talked to one person who has seen it. It isn't porn, it's just them singing and dancing on the ranch. He's actually give copies on tape to some people, so his denial is laughable.

  11. He does have footage. ...... He's actually give copies on tape to some people ...... his denial is laughable.

    In the interest of public understanding it would perhaps be helpful to know who the He and the some people are here.

  12. D. reminds me of the undereducate plebes I used to deal with on the ONLY official TLB site. Ignore him he is full of shit.

    Is this the same Gail Bugliosi who learned her sainted husband had another family when he died? Does she love Latin Music too?

  13. You idiot, Col. Gail knew about Buggies illegitimate daughter since her birth and eventually helped raise her. Gail was a doormat but no dummie$$&.

  14. Hef moves thru the bookshelves of his leather-bound library while a fire roars in his oversized stone fireplace.

    "Now, where is my signed copy of Helter Skelter? I need to study Charles Manson. Oooh and maybe a bit of skinny girl dirt sex on my reels."

  15. Sharon Tate wasn't the only photogenic, Mansion-affiliated starlet whose acting career was brutally terminated amidst rumors of explicit 'home movies'. Melonie Haller, who played the "female sweathog'' on season three of Welcome Back Kotter, appeared in the March 1980 issue of Playboy, but then she had a really rough night in Long Island the following month:

    "On April 12-13, 1980 Haller attended a dinner party at the Southampton, Long Island home of film producer Roy Radin. Haller had been introduced to Radin by photographer Ronald Sisman, and visited his home hoping to forward her stalled acting career. The day after the party, Haller was discovered on a commuter train to Manhattan, unconscious and bloodied. She claimed to have been beaten and raped during the party at Radin's home, and further alleged that the crimes had been filmed by Radin and/or others in attendance. Radin claimed that Haller had consented to 'sexual games' during the party. The Haller case was widely covered by the New York City press. In 1981 businessman Robert McKeage pleaded gully to assaulting Haller, and was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment".

  16. Melonie Haller and Roy Radin have absolutely ZERO "affiliation" to Charles Manson or any of the victims. Take the tinfoil off your head and thrown out Maury Terry's book of fiction.

  17. I said MANSION affiliated not Manson. Go back and read more carefully before you lash out next time. Haller appeared at the Playboy Mansion (the subject of this post) , was photographed there and subsequently victimized, and her case has some interesting parallels to the Tate case in regards to "home movies". Just because you personally don't like the Terry book (or any of the MKUltra-related theories, etc. ) doesn't mean its totally irrelevant to this blog. Same with the O'Neill "Chaos" book.

  18. There is nothing of relevance to Manson in Maury Terry's book. He got it right when he said "narcotics was the name of the game", but that's the only line of truth in that book of trash.
