Monday, November 23, 2020

Paul Watkins Homestead

We looked for this house for several years and finally found it! This is the ruins of "Little" Paul Watkins homestead. Paul was Charles Manson's second in command. Paul was attractive and would entice girls to join the Manson Family. Paul was basically a hippy and did not take part in any of the murders committed by the family. He was a good kid who left the family when he realized the bad things that Charles Manson was into. He settled down in the small town of Tecopa, Ca. He was very popular around the Death Valley area and even became the "Honorary Mayer of Death Valley. Paul also served as a midwife and delivered several children here in Tecopa. His home sits on Bureau of Land Mgmt land. After his death the Bureau of Land MGMT bulldozed half of the home so that no one else would move in.


  1. Did any other family members ever say that Paul was Charlie's second in command? The only one I remember saying that was, Paul himself.

  2. Well that was a very nice video and commentary.
    In the real estate racket, err...the business, that fine house would be listed as:
    'rustic,' with wide open views, room for a patio and large yard. A pool even!
    In California, that would list at $400.000.00
    $300.000.00 in Colorado.
    By the way, soft, cute face Lynette said, at one time, that basically, come on, "we didn't have Lieutenants and..." you know, no command, as it were.
    I believe her pretty eyes and nice smile.
    Paul passed around the acid and did some stealing for brother Charlie and so, I think that 'whose in charge' and so on is kinda a willy nilly thing.
    From Tex to others, there were titles given but it was really an informal thing as to who was important to Charlie and so on. Take Bobby B. coming around once in a while.
    He was no hippy, as other males there were not, so Matt, you're right that Paul was a hippy, but we saw what happened on August-10 that ruined it all.
    Death Valley-the end our 'family' and of it all Paul, what are ya gonna do

  3. I always thought Bruce Davis was second banana.

    Wonder if the old household held any affinity for Watkin's daughters ? Now, maybe the remembrance views ... or maybe not so many good things.

  4. Replies
    1. Read his book. Charlie converted him to wide receiver

  5. Didn't they do this tour on this blog already?


  6. Blogger Dan S said...
    Read his book. Charlie converted him to wide receiver

    I read his book and the expression, "I don't believe I'd have told that" comes to mind.

    I was serious when I asked if you were related to Deb S. Your silence makes me conclude that you aren't her husband.

    1. No. Stromberg is my surname so i used s to keep some anonymity

    2. Plus we disagree on motive too much

  7. Whut, I know Deb's husband. His name isn't Dan...

  8. Thank's Matt.
    Panamint Patty and her husband sometimes do Manson research or go on related trips together and I thought Deb and her husband might, too.

  9. Dan S said...
    "No. Stromberg is my surname..."

    Any relation to Gary?

    1. No. But I'm kind of a musician. Now sign me to a label or these creepy crawlies are about to get real!

  10. Got it, Dan. I seldom use my real name in public forums either.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. O T

    Oddities About The White Album

    I hope I spelled everything right on the third try.

  14. I would like to see that mess physically cleaned up and recycle whatever can be recycled. Is there a prison work crew that could be brought out to the site?

  15. Dan S. Said:
    Didn't they do this tour on this blog already?

    That was Wonderhussy that took us here.

  16. Wonderhussy is awesome. She does a video tour of Barker as well.
