Friday, January 17, 2020

WFAA Footage from 50 Years ago Today regarding Collin County's finest - Tex Watson

Thanks, Tom!


  1. As an FYI, the Tex stuff starts at 7:10 into the video.

  2. Well now,
    here we see that ole Tex came from the great state of Texas.
    And they do things big in the Lone Star state.
    Like oil and barbecues? Is that with a q or a c in the spelling?
    Whatever, as long as I'm invited. I'm going there to visit this summer.
    Meanwhile,at the infamous hallways of the (in)justice center on Temple, where brother Charlie (rip) and the three cuties were being persecuted, we eventually looked up and why...there's Tex being led after his forced return to the city of Angels and crimes committed left and right, in our enlightened society!
    How about that civilized know it's all!
    Well, then we had creepy Clem Grogan being lead down the hallways to be tried and that jackass was there before that with the gang from Spahn way in support of the gang of four(no, not the Chinese ones during yet another 'revolution' in that beautiful country). But the four of brother Charlie and pretty, shapely Susan (rest in blessed heaven) and what's their names.
    Dig this- whenever I think of Tex and creepy Clem, I say, look at 'em, the suckers look like Lurch from the Addams family!
    Only Lurch was a gentleman, clean and had some class!
    Then, Bruce Davis showed up to be tried and he looks like he just stumbled away from a mental asylum! Brother Charlie had some real 'winners' there at Spahn, didn't he. Or, rather, some wieners! Ha ha in more ways than one, as Sadie joked about about with me.
    Most of the good folks of Copeville, Denton and Farmersville wouldn't know that Tex had been there, these days, they have enough daily crimes in Texas, on a daily basis to keep up with.
    Also, I see that there were rocks from...what the hell was the first part of the tape about? Who cares

  3. Sorry-that should read 'about them' with me-not the double 'about' thanks
