Sunday, November 10, 2019

Abandoned Home of Former Manson Family Member Paul Watkins


  1. Great find Matt! I have been following Wonderhussy for a while now. We have tried to find Pauls house several times and this video may help us finally locate it. It is a shame that it has fallen into such bad condition. We have asked several people in the Tecopa area if they knew where Paul lived, but no one seemed to know. In fact, a few didn't even know who he was. Sad, just really sad....

  2. She's a terrific historian, well-read in the subject matter. She must read MB!!! Also, she's good at keeping the viewer's attention and staying in perspective. I really enjoyed it.

  3. I follow Wonderhussey too as she's transitioned slowly out of the Vegas scene and into these outdoor explorations in her general region. Lots of abandoned places and ghost towns visited. She's also done the Golar, Barker and other Manson desert sites.

    But as for her historical accuracy, well, she's pretty good most of the time but often parrots what she hears that's not quite on point.

    But I didn't know the 'Watkins' homestead in Tecopa was collapsed and in ruins with lots souvenirs laying around for those into all things Manson. How did that happen ? But I wouldn't be surprised if the locals tell inquiring folks they know nothing just to protect. After all wasn't he one time the Mayor or was that in Shoshone ?

  4. Very cool. I’d love to go there and get history on who might’ve lived there after Paul. I believe his wife committed suicide but I’m not sure when or where.

  5. Thank you for that. It was very interesting. I have always liked to read about Paul. I think that he was looking for himself and with Charlie, not only did he get a spiritual feeling but he also got all the sex and weed that he wanted. He was one of the true hippy/flower children in the family. I read his book years ago.

  6. She's good.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hello,
    It appears that this is quite a lucid tour here and very well done:
    Wonderhussy's voice is very nice and clear.
    The filming is of good quality and it's almost as if us 'investigators' and whatever we are, are there during this nice, fun and somewhat sad tour.
    Brother Paul (pass the cigarettes and coffee this way girls) Watkins was an interesting character. I met some 'hip' well meaning guys like Paul in the late 60's and early 70's. I know that he meant well, though I have some, which I consider valid criticisms, of him, but not on this particular post/film by Wonderhussy.
    (perhaps a post about Paul and his meanderings back and forth between the'Family' and appearing in court as a prosecution witness in another post would be good)
    Having read Paul's book and I think that was thanks to The Colonel, I like Paul as a
    person and no one is perfect, I know.
    From what I know about brother Paul's life, I was taken with some irony, or perhaps another word or so might fit in along with that word, which would be:sometimes you gotta say, "it's a small world."
    Here we have Paul living in Sidon, Lebanon for four years in the years 1951-1955, as I take it from his book.(Chapter 2)
    At that time, I was also a child living a hundred miles away,not far from Jerusalem.
    Paul came back to the U.S. in '55. I came in '56.
    Years later, in July, 1969, I was in and around the sunny town of Chatsworth in the Golden State. It was at the time quite more fitting to those words than now, huh...
    So, from Paul being nearby as a child, to me, all those years ago, then to find myself a walk or short ride away from Paul at Spahn Ranch.
    Yeah, I know that's some thinking on my part, but that's the way my mind works, kinda weird at times, but I've been through a lot in the 60's 'hip' days and more.
    It was rather surprising to see Paul's old house a wreck and, like Barker and that area the gang lived in,around there, it's sort of like the 'Family' members that went to prison: a life of freedom just 'wrecked.'
    Spahn Ranch and some old junky house the 'Family' stayed at in Topanga-also gone.
    The places some of them stayed at in the 'Haight' before Spahn are still there but those were not their houses, they just 'crashed'places, hung out and whatever.
    I must say, friends and others, that I really hope that Paul's daughters are well.
    No one associated with others that committed crimes should suffer. That includes Susan Atkins brother.They should be offered comfort and respect. I know that you can relate. Thanks

    1. A small world you say. Did you ever meet Paul? Also, are you saying Susan Atkins was innocent?

  8. Dan, I don't see anywhere in Fayez's post that he says Susan Atkins was innocent. Not speaking for Fayez, but I agree that families of murderers are victims the same way families of victims are victims. That is what I got out of the line "That includes Susan Atkins brother." I remember reading how badly Tex Watson's parents suffered. That they died with broken hearts.
    Someone that I grew up with in Ohio picked up this girl in a bar, killed her and dismembered her. Once he was caught, his families house was constantly under attack. They had to leave the area and the house was burned to the ground.

  9. Fayez: "No one associated with others that committed crimes should suffer. That includes Susan Atkins brother."

    Oh, he means "susan atkins's brother", not "susan atkins, brother"

    It's bs to have to pay for someone else's infamy

  10. Dan,
    that is quite right, Susan's brother is what I meant, who went through agony from narrow minded/cruel people's reactions, as did other relatives and friends of those that committed crimes.

    yes, thanks for clarifying what my words meant.
    Meanwhile, back in July, '69, in the three days I was in Chatsworth, I did not meet brother Paul(yeah, cool Diane I'll hump you now at the shack) Watkins.
    I met three girls from Spahn Ranch.
    I was with one for a day. I like them a lot and especially liked Susan (you name it I've done it) Atkins.
    I wanna also say that Paul did leave a fine legacy, so to speak, in that he did write his book, though shirking some responsibility, as did Tex and brother Charlie.
    And his daughters who have nothing to be ashamed of, they are, if anything, victims of sorts by unkind people.
    Funny, also is how Paul went from being, at least a 'want to be' hippie and all that living at Spahn and then...a mayor! And an author! Yeah, well, the mayor thing was rather a joke and Paul should not have appeared with Bugliosi at book peddling shows and in studios giving interviews-at least not with dis-honest Bugliosi.
    Dig? By way, it's freezing here in Boulder/Denver and in the mountains in Colo, what the hey

  11. Pearl said the"family" were the nicest people.

  12. Fayez Abedaziz said.
    snip...By way, it's freezing here in Boulder/Denver and in the mountains in Colo, what the hey

    Is it ten degrees and gettin' colder at Bolder Dam today?

  13. Doug said
    Not Kenneth Biros?

    Yes. How on earth did you guess that? We were in the same graduating class and took the same school bus from kindergarten on. He was very quite and some kids picked on him. I remember that he would have a crazy temper when pushed.

    1. It clicked for me when you mentioned the home burning. Also, he was the 1st person executed with only one drug being administered.

      Horrible crime

      Horrendous human being

  14. Paul died in 1990. Martha stayed in Tecopa and raised the girls until she died unexpectedly in 2007- I believe drug related. She had remarried by then. She stayed in the Tecopa house I believe till her death. That seems like a bit much decay for 12 years but that area is harsh.

    I forwarded the link to Lise who I have not been in touch with for a while. If I hear anything I will report back.

  15. Orwhut,

    Your question had me think of this goofy event that takes place most every year in Boulder. That would be the 'Polar Plunge' at the Boulder reservoir. That's probably what you meant by 'Dam.'
    Last time it was in March and a bunch of people wear funny costumes and jump into the freezing water, ostensibly for a charitable cause.
    While the weather in the past couple days was supposedly in the 50's, what is somewhat irritating is when you see the sun shining and you go out and it's more than crisp air-it's feeling freakin' colder than you think.
    When I was about to go into a coffee shop in the 'hill' area, across from the C.U. campus I saw some people walking around with t-shirts. I smiled and walked into the coffee shop for hot drinks and goodies. People can be dumb.
    So as not to seem digressing too much from the topic at hand, lemme say that I was introduced to a fella, a Californian, in a coffee shop, (years ago)a rock band member doing gigs from Colo to California, basically for fun and expense money, that showed me pics of him sitting, with others, in the hallway of the old courthouse where brother Charlie and the three dears were being tried. He talked of how amused he and others were when the girls walked by singing. and of seeing their supporters from ye old Spahn Ranch.
    Of course brother Paul was there, as we have seen in pics as he waffled between hanging, still, with the gang, mostly babes by now, into 1970 at Spahn and the courthouse.
    Col, I see what you say about Paul's old house and too bad about the two girl's mother. Also, in this video about Paul, the nice lady said that Paul met the Spahn cuties while hitching a ride, but actually, he met them in Topanga, in a house they were staying in, before that.
    Also, is there noticeable air pollution in Chatsworth and at Spahn these days?
    I'll be going back there to visit sometime. Thank you

  16. Orwhut,

    Your question had me think of this goofy event that takes place most every year in Boulder. That would be the 'Polar Plunge' at the Boulder reservoir. That's probably what you meant by 'Dam.'
    Last time it was in March and a bunch of people wear funny costumes and jump into the freezing water, ostensibly for a charitable cause.
    While the weather in the past couple days was supposedly in the 50's, what is somewhat irritating is when you see the sun shining and you go out and it's more than crisp air-it's feeling freakin' colder than you think.
    When I was about to go into a coffee shop in the 'hill' area, across from the C.U. campus I saw some people walking around with t-shirts. I smiled and walked into the coffee shop for hot drinks and goodies. People can be dumb.
    So as not to seem digressing too much from the topic at hand, lemme say that I was introduced to a fella, a Californian, in a coffee shop, (years ago)a rock band member doing gigs from Colo to California, basically for fun and expense money, that showed me pics of him sitting, with others, in the hallway of the old courthouse where brother Charlie and the three dears were being tried. He talked of how amused he and others were when the girls walked by singing. and of seeing their supporters from ye old Spahn Ranch.
    Of course brother Paul was there, as we have seen in pics as he waffled between hanging, still, with the gang, mostly babes by now, into 1970 at Spahn and the courthouse.
    Col, I see what you say about Paul's old house and too bad about the two girl's mother. Also, in this video about Paul, the nice lady said that Paul met the Spahn cuties while hitching a ride, but actually, he met them in Topanga, in a house they were staying in, before that.
    Also, is there noticeable air pollution in Chatsworth and at Spahn these days?
    I'll be going back there to visit sometime. Thank you

  17. I apologize, if that occurred, that my post is on twice, I guess I punched post again by accident. Thanks

  18. Fayez,
    My misquote was all I could remember of some old song. I looked it up and discovered the song was called "10 Degrees & Getting Colder". The version I heard was probably by Gordon Lightfoot. He seems to have gotten a hit out of it.
    Here's a link to the lyrics if you're interested.

  19. Fayez,
    Those double comments and other goofs happen to me all the time. If you look below your comment, after the date and time, you should see a tiny garbage can. Click on it and the comment above it will go away.

  20. Has anyone read Claire watkins' books? I haven't read her novel but her short story collection Battleborn is excellent. Quite sad & beautifully written.

  21. Blogger Doug said...

    It clicked for me when you mentioned the home burning. Also, he was the 1st person executed with only one drug being administered.

    Yeah, his original execution date was moved because there were questions on whether the single drug was cruel punishment

    His victim, Tammy had 91 premortal wounds caused by beating, 3 premortal stab wounds to her breast and stabs to her groin. After she passed, she was decapitated, a leg cut off, she was gutted and her private parts were cut out and never found.
    And they were worried about a shot being cruel??
    I know that this has nothing to do with Paul. It came up when the conversation went to families of criminals becoming victims. Kenny's family was run out of town and their house burned down.

    worried about a shot being cruel???

  22. I believe we posted this back when Claire Watkins "Battleborn" was published. It's Claire talking about her dad, her childhood, her mom and Tecopa.

  23. Fayez Abedaziz said...

    brother Charlie and the three dears

    Sounds like a psychedelic horror re~write of the Goldilocks story !

  24. gt,
    how you? Good, well then,
    who was that girl walking down the hallway from here to there?
    who's that brunette with that special model's flair?
    it's cutie Sadie man don't they wish they were there
    and Paul McCartney was the walrus
    and Paul Watkins was a nice guy
    anyway, GrimT, good humor there but maybe without the 'horror' word.
    More like an acid trip playing that some of us enjoyed back in the
    Strawberry Fields Forever days.
    So, what do you think of brother Paul (I can play the guitar even with smoking weed) Watkins
    living over in the Death Valley area after leaving the Spahny's for good?

  25. Mathew said: "Someone that I grew up with in Ohio picked up this girl in a bar, killed her and dismembered her. Once he was caught, his families house was constantly under attack. They had to leave the area and the house was burned to the ground."

    You grew up near Lucasville, OH? That's a pretty tough area, these days. I hear the opioid epidemic is rampant there.

  26. Still Grooving said
    You grew up near Lucasville, OH? That's a pretty tough area, these days. I hear the opioid epidemic is rampant there.

    No, I grew up in Brookfield Ohio. It is on the PA border north of Youngstown. That is where the murder too place and the body parts were mostly found in different places in PA. Lucasville is where the prison was where Kenny was executed. I don't even know where Lucasville is.

    1. Matthew - KB came up as my "Murder Minute" yesterday...

