Monday, January 28, 2019

Manson in Mexico

Manson in Mexico

Charlie's life has been extensively researched, and we know where he was month-to-month, especially after he became institutionalized.   But there is a big gap in the Manson timeline from January of 1960 until June 1, 1960, when he is arrested on an outstanding warrant in the south Texas town of Laredo where he had just crossed the border from Mexico. Neither Bugliosi nor Sanders mentions this foray to another country, nor that Charlie had been deported from Mexico.

The only source of information for his sojourn there was Charlie himself, and as usual, it's impossible to make any sense of the various versions he gave, or why exactly he got arrested by the Mexican cops.

--Charlie arrested for drug use?
"From memory, the Indians he'd scored off wound up tying him up mid-trip and calling the federales, who dropped him at Laredo once they spotted his warrant."

--A young girl is assaulted and Manson somehow got caught up in it?

Charles Manson Now by Marlin Marynick, pg27of155
"If you're highway patrol and you're molesting people on the way to school, one of the parents is going to get upset when their little girls come back with blood all over their dresses. That's what I learned in Mexico, In Mexico, if you transgress against another man's family and he comes and he takes your life, they don't take him to trial. They give him an apology for the behavior of an asshole that didn't abide by the rules and regulations that he should have abided by. Then if you come up and you won't snitch, the Mexican cops will beat your motherfuckin ass and make you tell. They'll hook you up to electronics and bury you in shit, if necessary."

--Charlie busted for possession of illegal weapons?

Charles Manson Now by Marlin Marynick, pg65of155
"I stole that from Pasadena in the fifties and took it to Mexico and scared everybody to death down there with something they’d never seen before. They seen that .357 Magnum, they thought I was from outer space. Can you imagine that .357 Magnum coming in a field of .45s and .38s."

--Suspect in a multiple murder case?

Charles Manson - 1992 Parole Hearing
INMATE MANSON: I just was released from McNeil Island and I was in Mexico City prison before that and I was in Terminal Island before that.
PRESIDING BOARD COMMISSIONER KOENIG: Now you said you also spent time in Mexico in a prison.
INMATE MANSON: Yes, I was in Mexico for -
INMATE MANSON: In Mexico City, prison, yes. Immigration prison.
INMATE MANSON: I had been accused of killing some French people and a couple dudes in Acapulco.
PRESIDING BOARD COMMISSIONER KOENIG: And how long were you in prison down there?
INMATE MANSON: I was there a couple different times.

Where and when did Charlie cross the border into Mexico? Why did he go there? Was he carrying a US passport, necessary for any further travel into Mexico(as opposed to merely day-tripping in a border town)? Was the US Embassy in Mexico City notified of Charlie's arrest and detention? Why didn't Bugliosi or the investigators express any interest in what Charlie was doing there?   He attempted to trace Charlie's entire criminal history, yet says nothing about Manson's incarceration in Mexico.  Why didn't Bugs contact the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles for some answers?  Or contact the US Embassy in Mexico City?  Or ask the State Department in Washington about what they knew?  This whole trip seems to be another "area of silence" in the Manson file. I doubt we will ever get any resolution.


Yet another version by Charlie, from Manson In His Own Words by Nuel Emmons:

"I headed south and ended up in Mexico City. ... When I first Mexico City, I had some dollars in my pocket so I partied and mingled with the bull fighters. I met a couple of the lesser-known matadors and spent a few days learning to use the cape and sword. Of course the bulls were only half-grown and the sword was never thrust into the animal, but even half-grown, those suckers weight four- to five- hundred pounds and can send a guy flying. After picking my ass up off the ground a few times, I learned how to handle the cape and could stay as close to the bull without getting touched as some of the matadors. "You good, gringo," they told me. "You got all the moves, but you never be matador. You not tall enough."

[This would be like a foreign tourist to the US, using his pidgin English, falling in with NFL football players.  Not impossible, but highly improbable.  And I don't remember Charlie ever boasting to anybody else about his bullfighting skills.]

"When my money started running out, some of the things in the homes I was invited to also started disappearing. No one called the federales, but invitations stopped coming my way. ...a hustler and thief manages to find his own kind wherever he goes, and Mexico City has some areas that would make the events on Miami Vice look like choir practice. I ran into some game, chilly dudes down there. ... I earned some respect from that group of people by being so ignorant I didn't know where to stop. I had stolen a .357 Magnum from one of the haciendas I had visited. ... With some jailhouse Spanish and the kind of hand signals I'd seen the scouts use in the movies, I walked into the Yaqui camp like I belonged there. ... Intending to trade the Magnum for mushrooms, I pulled the gun from my pants, pointing it at the guy who was talking. I said, "This buy mushroom?" ..The gun looked threatening, but that wasn't the way I meant to be, so I handed the gun to the one who said he'd give me some mushrooms.

[Anybody ever hear Charlie talking in Spanish?  I sure haven't.  And it's also kind of strange that Charlie would have even known about psychedelic mushrooms as far back as 1960, much less go out of his way to seek them out.  He doesn't seem to have been a big drug user until he got to San Francisco in 1967.]

"As soon as the gun was in his hands, he pointed it at me and said "You loco, now I kill." He stuck the gun in my stomach... and pulled the trigger. When he snapped that there weren't any shells in it, the four of them started laughing...

[Seems suspiciously close to the circumstances of the Crowe shooting.]

"Even the federales heard about the macho gringo who was friend to the Yaqui. They told me all about it, after they arrested me. "Oh Si, Senor Manson, we hear about you before. The United States say send you back to Texas." Two weeks later I was being booked in the Laredo jail."

[In this version, Charlie is arrested solely on a warrant from the US side.]

Charlie says he was trying to score some psilocybin magic mushrooms, which is weird, as drugs have never been Charlie's main thing.  And the existence of those mushrooms was not widely known in 1960, even though they were the subject of a feature in Life magazine:
In May 1957 Life magazine published an article titled "Seeking the Magic Mushroom", which brought knowledge of the existence of psychoactive mushrooms to a wide audience for the first time. ...  The article sparked immense interest in the Mazatec ritual practice among beatniks and hippies, an interest that proved disastrous for the Mazatec community ....    (ethnomycologist Gordon) Wasson's 1956 expedition(to southern Mexico to get the specimens) was funded by the CIA's MK-Ultra subproject 58, as was revealed by documents obtained by John Marks under the Freedom of Information Act.  The documents state that Wasson was an 'unwitting' participant in the project. ...

So was Charlie an 'unwitting' participant in something similar going on?

May 1957 Life magazine - Product Placement, CIA-style?


"I get high with a little help from my friends."
  --The Beatles



This double murder from Sept 13, 1959 that happened in Mexico City has some interesting similarities to TLB:

Mercedes Cassola, 39, and Ycilio Massine, 23, were found stabbed to death in the bedroom of her house in an affluent neighborhood of the city.   The crime remains unsolved.

Cassola, 39, was an heiress born in Spain and Massine, 23. was born in Mexico of Italian parents

--They were stabbed to death in overkill fashion
   (18 deep stab wounds in Cassola, 47 in Massine)

--The male victim was allegedly castrated. (Some early reports from the Tate scene had Jay Sebring being castrated.)

--Some accounts claim that bloody writing was left on the wall

--The phone line was cut

--The ex-husband of Cassolo was initially a suspect but was cleared as he was in Europe at the time.

--Two different weapons used in the killings, of different sizes.

--No signs of forced entry. Mercedes Cassola didn't appear to have any enemies.

--Two maids sleeping in another part of the house did not hear anything.

--The two dogs in the house did not bark at the intruders.

--Victims were vilified in the press, in the Mexican version of "Live freaky, die freaky." (There were allegations Massine was a male prostitute.)

Could there be a connection to Charlie?  The timeline is off, as Charlie didn't get to Mexico until early 1960.  But that's assuming the timeline is accurate.

Even if Manson had nothing to do with it, the cops there may have looked on Charlie as a suspect, and he may have been peppered with questions about bloody writing on the wall, or cut telephone lines, etc--details which stuck in his memory.



  1. The Mexican cops beating your ass is very accurate. I am very familiar with Laredo and actually have family property down there 1/4 a mile from the river/border. Charles Manson was lucky he wasn't put in a pot & boiled....alive....down there. That is one place you don't fuck around.

  2. Interesting.

    As far as your question, "Anybody ever hear Charlie talking in Spanish?," one of the standard Mansonia books, maybe Sanders, refers to him singing love songs in Spanish at some point, perhaps to some shopgirls in a beach town circa 1967-1968, I can't recall the specifics. Also, one of his finer cover songs, apparently from the 9/11/1967 Universal session, is "Close to Me," an English-language version of the 1959 Mexican classic, "Sabor a Mi."

    As far as, "And it's also kind of strange that Charlie would have even known about psychedelic mushrooms as far back as 1960, much less go out of his way to seek them out," my understanding is that Wasson's 1957 "Life" magazine article made quite a splash at the time. And is certainly now considered a classic in psychedelic circles.

  3. Starviego said...

    Anybody ever hear Charlie talking in Spanish?

    In this interview from around 2011, the one where he admits to having been in the LaBianca house before the murders, there are a couple of places where he speaks Spanish. I don't know if it's proper Spanish as I don't speak it myself, but the person he's speaking to certainly seems to understand him.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Starviego,
    Thanks for a very interesting post. You've prompted me to order a copy of "Charles Manson Now" from ebay.

  6. [OT] - As part of my true crime fascination I'm also a Rubin "Hurricane" Carter case junkie. BBC World Service Radio is doing a six part series on the case. They post another each week containing 40 hours of tape recordings previously undiscovered. It's really really good!

    This is a quick overview of the episodes:

    and this is where you can listen:

  7. Matt-are hey clear he shot up that bar?

  8. [OT] Leslie was recommended for parole today but like Bobby we will need to wait and see if Gov. Newsom will reverse that decision.

    1. Yes. Given the information posted previously, the outcome will be most interesting.

  9. Thought some people might be interested in this tweet of mine

    I tweeted to George Christie.
    The photo that Mr Christie posted has the person who told me about certain HAPPENING'S at SPAHN RANCH when
    The Charles Manson Family was there.

    And there is a Mexico situation also.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

    1. Mario - please could you say what you mean please. Ta.

  10. I did Milly James.
    The photo that George Christie posted in Twitter, the person who told me about certain HAPPENING'S at SPAHN RANCH when
    The Charles Manson Family was there, is in that photo.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

    1. My point is Goo,
      with what I've been told, no doubt, there were HAPPENING'S AT SPAHN RANCH that NOBODY wants to talk about.
      In fact, George Christie just replied back to me here:

      A couple of weeks ago, I was completely out of line Tweeting to Mr Christie. Mr Christie handled the situation in a professional and respectful way. I just apologized to George Christie. I was wrong.

      There is no doubt at all in my mind, that George Christie knows quite a bit of certain situations that went on at SPAHN RANCH when The Manson Family lived there, that have not been made public. And I can't blame him at all for not wanting to discuss certain things that went on at SPAHN RANCH.
      George Christie is an HONORABLE man.......

      Msrio George Nitrini 111
      The OJ Simpson Case

    2. You never say anything at all.

    3. It's fascinating ..He could talk for hours and say absolutely nothing

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm still not altogether clear as to the happenings you're referring to but thanks for your respose nonetheless.

  13. Milly James.
    There were HAPPENING'S at SPAHN RANCH, from what I have been told, that in my opinion, will NEVER go public.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

    1. So you met someone who told you something about something that no one is talking about (except to tell you) and you can’t talk about it. Got it.

      Exciting stuff.

    2. There is no need to use an apostophe on plurals btw.

  14. Oh jesus who let nutter Mario out of his white coat?

    1. Hi Col,I'm rather uncomfortable with that comment. I'm sure Mario has something to say but clearly doesn't express himself fully as others do. All respect to you.


    2. Oh goodness Mr Murphy.
      I've never said one derogatory word towards you.

      But, while you're replying to me, for the 3rd time

      "any reply to me on this Tweet I made on Twitter regarding

      Mario George Nitrini 111
      The OJ Simpson Case

  15. I love MGN III~ Mr. George-Nitrini III, you bring a certain spice to life (and by extension the blog).

    On the topic of handsome chuck's sojourn to Mexico.....I seem to recall this being discussed at great length in Shrek II's updated Manson File, but as with practically every "fact" advanced in that book, little to no evidence is ever provided. If I remember right, Charlie told Nikolas Schreck that he even took mushrooms on top of a Mixtec pyramid.... O________o Sure. We believe you.

  16. Thank you Milly James & Logan for your kind words.
    Im hoping
    ColScott (aka Don Murphy) will answer my question.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

    1. I'm a newby here and really don't want to get tied up in any difficulties. I'm simply intrigued as to what you know. Please inform us. Thank you. Diolch.

  17. Milly James.
    It's not what I KNOW regarding certain HAPPENING'S at SPAHN RANCH, it's some of what has been told to me about certain situations that went on at SPAHN RANCH.

    Please reference this blog-post by David, the lawyer, and my comments:


    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  18. You're Welcome Diolch

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  19. Let me help here and maybe also give MGN111 some help.

    MGN111 speaks in riddles. Myself and a person who went by the name Ziggy tried to locate the construction site where he claimed he signed a formal contract with Manson back in 1968-9. We were, to say the least, unsuccessful. I have kept the directions provided by MGN111 in case something provides an actual link. That is extremely unlikely given those directions.

    While I disagree with the Col's approach, I understand where it comes from.

    MGN111 certainly doesn't provide details or explanations for his comments or any evidence. He chooses bad form by naming those who choose anonymity. And he claims associations or verification for his claims that don't seem to exist. In fact it seems he is seeking twitter hits for some odd reason.

    On the last post he commented that I knew what he was talking about re: the Spahn Ranch issues her raises here, again.

    My response: "Look, we go way back and I owe you from that TIME with the THING with the GUY in the "PLACE" --- but I have no idea what you might be referring to."

    Anyone respectful or at least not offensive to others is invited to comment here. And all are welcome to do so.

    But remember, those who can't support their comments with evidence are likely just seeking attention or, like Ed Sanders, should be assumed to be writing a form of 'fiction' until their comments can be verified or corroborated.

    So, MGN111 if you would like to spell out what you claim to know in simple English and support it with evidence, go for it, until you do....... see my comment just above from the last post.

  20. Hi David, the lawyer.
    Here's one reason I comment the way I do. Just like George Christie, I must keep certain "Things" related to The Charles Manson Family Case & Saga in a certain light. I come from a very dark world. And that's the way it has to be for me.

    As far as my Twitter account goes, believe me, I get MANY views and engagement's. Not a lot of replies, but the bottom line for me is:
    I am toxic POISEN. Neither side in The OJ Simpson Case & Saga want anything to do with me.

    What I claim to know is, there are certain situations that happened at SPAHN RANCH that were told to me. That's what I know in that situation.

    And whatever happened to
    Ziggy Osterberg? I like Ziggy just like I like you David.
    You jogged my memory in a blog-post you did. And I remembered the color of Charles Manson's guitar. I thank you for that.

    That construction site? Maybe someday I'll have it EXACTLY pin-pointed.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  21. Oh, and I got to add:
    Starviego, I really like your
    They have a certain "EDGY" feel to them. Kind of like my persona on a parallel level.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  22. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...

    Milly James. It's not what I KNOW regarding certain HAPPENING'S at SPAHN RANCH, it's some of what has been told to me about certain situations that went on at SPAHN RANCH

    Who cares ? The rumours are not quite as old as the hills but they're of as much interest to a mountain goat.
    As I said to you when you first appeared on the scene, the fans want action, not waffle !

    Milly James said...

    I'm sure Mario has something to say but clearly doesn't express himself fully as others do

    That's a choice on his part, not some kind of impediment.
    I don't think Mario has got anything worthy of interest to say because if he had, he'd say it.

    Goo said...

    So you met someone who told you something about something that no one is talking about (except to tell you) and you can’t talk about it. Got it

    Goo, that about sums it up. In other words, we're all exactly where we were before we ever heard of Mario or what he can't tell us about the thing he was told by someone from the dark world that no one is talking about !

  23. grimtraveller,
    You have NO IDEA AT ALL of my situation. And that sums it up for me.

    Well Matt, I reside in
    The San Fernando Valley here in Los Angeles. I just may make a day or 2 of your 2019 Manson tour. And then I can tell you in person some "THINGS" that I would NEVER say in a public setting.

    Mr Murphy/ColScott.
    You gave you and Oliver Stone away last night. I have NEVER said one derogatory word towards you. In fact, I have complimented your knowledge on several occasions. But, WTH,
    Thank you Mr Murphy.......

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  24. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...

    grimtraveller, You have NO IDEA AT ALL of my situation

    That's right, I don't. No one does. And the more you continue to knock out your cryptic utterances, the longer I'll have no idea of your situation. And the more mysterious you seek to be, the less interested I'll be of it. I like discussions, debates, arguments, banter, questions, answers and I'll even cop to private jokes or certain {film, song, literary} references I've yet to understand.....I'll leave the arcane stuff to the Egyptologists.
    I'll always stand up for your freedom to express yourself how you like {and you know I've done that more than once} ~ just be sure to stand up for mine to be irritated by the oblique nature of it.

  25. Yes Grim, you have stood up for me in the past.
    I have my style, and it works for me.

    And if I see someone trashing you unnecessarily, which has been done to you in the past on many occasions, I will stand up for you.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  26. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...

    Here's one reason I comment the way I do. Just like George Christie, I must keep certain "Things" related to The Charles Manson Family Case & Saga in a certain light. I come from a very dark world. And that's the way it has to be for me

    I would have thought that even commenting in a cryptic way alerts those that you are wary of in this dark world you speak of. So saying something might get you in hot water, but even intimating that there's something you've been told or may know puts you in exactly the same situation. You're the one in effect 'drawing the darkness' towards yourself, so if I sound somewhat unsympathetic or insensitive, it's because you've elected to put your head above the parapet. If I knew murky things about murky people that could get me murked, trust me, no one would know a damn thing about what I know. No one would even know I exist.

  27. Well Grim, you live the way you want to live,
    And I'll live the way I want to live.

    Like Bart (not OJ) Simpson once said:
    "You're damned if you do,
    and your damned if you Don't."

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  28. While we're on the subject of MGN111 can someone explain to me what he has to do with the OJ case? No offense Mr Nitrini i'd ask you myself but i don't think i'd understand your answer

  29. No problem Terrapin.
    Please read this article that Bill Boyarsky wrote about me for
    The Los Angeles Times:

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  30. Find Mario and you've got your story! Love it, MGNIII of the OJS Case.

  31. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...

    Like Bart (not OJ) Simpson once said:
    "You're damned if you do,
    and your damned if you Don't."

    David Lee Roth said it long before Bart did. In the song "Fools."
    And like grimtraveller once said, "If you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't, then either outcome is the same so you might as well do."

  32. Thanks Monica.

    I've read many of your comments here on this blog. Very, very enjoyable for me to read.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  33. Very good Grim....Touche....

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  34. Terrapin, I understand Mario knows about OJ's missing bag. (My curious self keeps up with you MGN111.) Now... if you could only tell us about the real MANSON SAGA motive, you'd impress a lot of these MANSON SAGA readers.

  35. Like Whodini (the band, not the magician) said.

    The freaks come out at night
    The freaks come out at night
    The freaks come out at night
    (The freaks come out)
    The freaks come out at night

  36. Well Monica, thanks for reading about me.

    The real motive? That's a tough one. I've read some of Starviego's
    blog-posts. Starviego has a real good insight of thinking "OUTSIDE" of the box pertaining to motive.

    I can tell you this. With my only encounter I had with Charles Manson that I comment about here:
    Manson only used the word "revolution,"
    nothing to do with a "race war."

    I lean somewhat about Manson being miffed at Terry Melcher, and that's bssed on some items discussed.

    The LaBiancha murders? That's very difficult to figure. Was it random? I don't think so.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  37. Mr Don Murphy (aka ColScott)

    I want to make sure that there is TRANSPARENCY in your "LAME" & somewhat vile threat you made at me here:

    If YOU Mr Murphy, OLIVER STONE, any of STONE'S lawyers, or ANYONE else think I'm afraid, think again Mr Murphy,
    I FEAR NOTHING......

    So Mr Don Murphy, or any of your "ASSOCIATES"
    BRING "IT" ON..........

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  38. Mario Dumbass- you realize that people are laughing at you right? They are amused that a stupid human like yourself not only exists but is proud to be so dumb. Dogs follow you around to pee on you. The cashier shortchanges you because she can. You are the reason why education is so important. You bring the average down.

  39. Mr Murphy, you're giving yourself and Oliver Stone away.....

    Mr Murphy, I have been laughed at by Many people.
    I COULD CARE LESS.......

    SO Mr Murphy, like I said here:

    "And you call me a coward?
    ANYTIME you want to meet me here in Los Angeles Mr Murphy where we both reside, you let me know the time and place, and we'll have a MAN-to-boy
    (Me being the MAN, you being the boy)
    LEGAL discussion."

    The OJ Simpson Case

  40. Starviego's post is still up and my ebay copy of Charles Manson Now, that it inspired me to buy, is already here. That's what I call service.

  41. MGN 111-

    The article you reference paints you in the same light as you’ve painted yourself here- vague and secretive to elevate your importance and/or information. Plenty of people have information about ‘things’ and they either elect to state their information, or keep it a secret. You remind me of the 3rd grader who runs around the playground telling people you have a secret, only you have no real secret- you just love that people think you have a secret and thrive on the attention it brings.

    I’m not writing this to say anything negative about you. I don’t know you. Maybe you’re a great human, I don’t know. But the appearance of what you’re doing here is as stated above-

    My question would be- why do you tie yourself to the OJ case? I’d guess the answer to that would be that article gives you what you believe to be, credibility. To me, that article dilutes your credibility.

    There’s no goon hit squad trying to silence some great secret of Spahn Ranch here in the year 2019. Just a bunch of old decrepit men and women who’d like to protect their legacy.

    PS- the earth IS round. America DID land on the moon. There is NO Bigfoot. And the CIA was in NO WAY involved with the Manson Family. Sorry.

  42. AstroCreep.
    You have your opinion of me, and that's your right regarding my personal involvement in
    The OJ Simpson Case & Saga

    As far as what has been told to me about certain happenings that took place at SPAHN RANCH when the Charles Manson Family lived there, I would not post them in a public forum.
    But I will tell you this AstroCreep. I've been thinking about Matt's 2019 Manson tour, and I REALLY think it will be cool for me to talk about the Manson Case with knowledgeable people, and tell them some of what I've heard, and see what they think.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  43. I think people here are putting too much energy into Mario's nonsense and it is taking away from interesting conversation. Says he would not post anything in a public forum but will not stop talking about it. Lets get back to something interesting

  44. What I claim to know is, there are certain situations that happened at SPAHN RANCH that were told to me. That's what I know in that situation.

    if anyone tells me stuff I have to choose whether to believe it or not, and most often I would want some encouragement in the form of supporting evidence. Without it the moon is made of green cheese.

    I used to get headaches trying to make sense of Hendrickson's posts (QEPD) but I think MGN3 is probably even less coherent. The difference is that Robert had stuff to say. MGN3 (to my mind) has DS to share.

    My advice, for what it's worth: put up, or shut up.

  45. Mario is sad evidence as to what a life of drugs and ignorance can do to a person

  46. Is this the best you got Mr Murphy?

    "Mario is sad evidence as to what a life of drugs and ignorance can do to a person"

    You think I'm ignorant Mr Murphy?

    Well, PERHAPS this is what alcohol
    has done to you Mr Murphy.

    On another issue, when you talked to
    Robert Jay Marczak, did he send you the COMPLETE Direct Message Correspondences he and I had?
    (Some if it pertaining to OLIVER STONE)

    And did he "play" any audio recordings of his and my telephone conversations?

    Mario George Nitrini
    The OJ Simpson Case

  47. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...

    I can tell you this. With my only encounter I had with Charles Manson that I comment about here:
    Manson only used the word "revolution,"
    nothing to do with a "race war."

    Well, why in January of 1969 would he be telling you about a race war ? He wasn't even telling the Family the details of that until February of that year. And he'd just listened to the White album which has 2 songs on it with "Revolution" in the title.
    On the other hand, he was talking about a race war with Gregg Jacobson from around May of 1968.
    Make of that what you will.

    Matthew Record said...

    I think people here are putting too much energy into Mario's nonsense

    It's cold, we're snowed in and we need the exercise.

  48. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...

    ANYTIME you want to meet me here in Los Angeles Mr Murphy where we both reside, you let me know the time and place, and we'll have a MAN-to-boy (Me being the MAN, you being the boy) LEGAL discussion."

    Ooh, pistols at dawn ! Can I come ?

  49. Um, MGN111, I think you fuck with the GM at your own risk.

    I'd cool it if I were you.

  50. Um, MGN111, I think you fuck with the GT at your own risk.

    I'd cool it if I were you.

    (Sorry, type O before)

  51. Mr Ott,
    You worry about you
    I'll worry about me.

    I'm 68 years old but I can STILL handle myself REAL WELL in ANY given SITUATION.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  52. Suggest we don't feed the trolls.

  53. Sorry son, you are behaving in a silly, immature way and getting called on it.

    I'm 64 and I try to behave.

    Try it, you may like it.

    PS: I ain't no troll, but a real journalist, unlike some of the others around here.

  54. Proteus
    Yes, that YouTube video I took of myself is from September, 2017, and is NOT my best photogenic face.

    But, here's a photo of me from last month

    And if calling me a troll is the best you got Proteus,

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  55. Blogger Proteus said...

    Suggest we don't feed the trolls.

    Did you see the other video on his account!? Wow..

  56. Mr Ott,
    Perhaps you forgot that
    Don Murphy/ColScott first started trashing ME. So I responded.

    Anyone can try and call-me-out ANY way they want. I COULD CARE LESS....

    And you know what Mr Ott? I was in a REALLY BAD frame-of-mind this morning. But now, I'm in a REALLY good
    frame-of-mind. And you know why Mr Ott?
    It's because I realize now that by
    Don Murphy trashing me, he has STUPIDLY outed-out his buddy Oliver Stone.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  57. Mario,

    Aside from the small possibility you know a few on this blog from way back, the rest of us don't know what you're talking about and all that entails. This tends to make everything you've said on this blog from the beginning null and void as in without purpose or direction. It's an incredible amount of composition time you've spent leading to the question of why ? Is it desperation to be part of something or creep along with a mysterious persona to *play* others for entertainment while in the psych ward ? Because the way you're coming across clearly fits into sociopathic definition with a little Asperger's too.

    By the way, you're much more articulate verbally in your vid than with your writing. And if you're really Nitrini (the 3rd, as I've heard you say) then that's usually expressed as Nitrini III rather than Nitrini the one-one-one unless that's the way they do it in Italy. But actually, my older brother gave up his III after my grandfather and father passed which is another option given your claim to be 68 which is right around what I am.


  58. Am I alone in not knowing what the heck is going on?

  59. Robert C
    Yes ,I am Mario the 3rd.

    I have my own style of commenting, and it works for me. Please start here. It's my first comment on this blog:

    I actually had legal reasons for first commenting on this blog. Matt's been kind enough to let me keep commenting.

    Actually, the 111 was something I used quite a while back. I realized that I goofed, but I kept signing off with it, so I kept it that way.

    I'm NOT playing ANYONE for entertainment. My commenting on this blog is serious business for me. Once in a while, I'll joke around with someone. But for the most part,

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  60. Mario needs to go nap nap now people. He has stayed up and wet himself a little bit.

    Miriam Gladys Nitrini 666

    The Mario George Nitrini Home for Wayward Clods

    1. Col. I've no axe to grind here but do you have to be so abusive?

  61. Mr Murphy. Perhaps instead of trashing me, "MAYBE" you could answer these 2 questions I asked you earlier.
    So, for the 2nd time Mr Murphy:

    when you talked to
    Robert Jay Marczak, did he send you the COMPLETE Direct Message Correspondences he and I had?
    (Some if it pertaining to OLIVER STONE)

    And did he "play" any audio recordings of his and my telephone conversations?

    So Mr Murphy, a simple yes or no answer will suffice. Now a yes or no answer can't be that hard, can it? Even for you Mr Murphy?

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  62. Milly

    Yes. People like Mario deserve nothing less. His lies and distractions take away from the work we need to do.

  63. Mario George Nitrini 111 said...
    Matt's been kind enough to let me keep commenting.

    tick tock...

  64. Col - I appreciate your replying to my comment. Mario clearly has his own versions of events. Nevertheless he is a human being and I'm uncomfortable with someone being subjected to that level of vitriol. I'm sorry to have to say this.

  65. Mr Murphy.
    Can you name 1 lie I've said on this blog? NO YOU CAN'T....
    You're the one who's lying Mr Murphy by you saying this:

    "His lies and distractions take away from the work we need to do"

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  66. MGN3,

    You are using this blog for your agenda. Stop now.

    Yes.... or else.

  67. David, the lawyer.

    Don Murphy first started trashing me. I responded and defended myself.

    OK. I'm through commenting on this blog. Thank you Matt for letting me comment.

    Mario George Nitrini 111
    The OJ Simpson Case

  68. MGN3,

    No sir. You arrived asking questions off topic. You may comment here all you want on the topic. But what you have done here is not o.k.

    Go back to your first comment. Oliver Stone is not a topic here.

  69. Milly- Thank you for your comment. Do you know that twenty years from now people who have taken fotos in MAGA hats will be mercilessly hounded out of their homes and into the streets, forced to live on cold steam? And rightfully so. Mario needs mental health assistance. Until he does he is NOT a human being he is a damaged animal in need of institutionalization. You seem like a nice, empathetic person. There are demons in the world that want to hurt us. Mario is a demon.

    Dear deluded demon,

    I never attacked you to start with. So that IS a lie. I answered both your refrains with one seven word sentence.

    I noticed you were babbling and drooling and claimed Oliver Stone committed a crime. Well you sort of did, you were incoherent AF and seemed possibly a "slow" Depends wearing adult. I asked you if you were in fact accusing Oliver of something so I could alert him to alert his lawyers. This is NOT an attack. If you were accusing him and doing it truthfully you had zero to worry about. If you were lying and making shit up like a "ahem" deranged lunatic then you would have something to worry about- but you say you never lie so you are fine!


    Mario- I hear that gargling with Drano while chewing a Tide Pod can help your condition. Free advice LMK if it works out.

  70. Milly

    The Col has his style, and has in fact mellowed considerably, although tolerance is not one of his virtues.

    He can be forgiven this, however, for his knowledge and perspicacity. He does have one or two bees in his bonnet (milkmen figure strongly) but is prepared to change his outspoken views in light of fresh supporting evidence (e.g his views on BB).

    In short, it's worth getting used to him and his ways: he is very often right, and I have never known him target anyone who was undeserving.

    My ¢2.

  71. Proteus said...

    I have never known him target anyone who was undeserving

    Dennis LaCalandra, Robert Hendrickson, Dreath/David, Matt, Panamint Patty and Austin Anne, to name but a fraction off the top of my head. It's a long list, almost 1950s FBI~ish in its scope and tenacity !

    Milly James said...

    I'm uncomfortable with someone being subjected to that level of vitriol

    If it helps at all, passions and patience sometimes do get stretched around here. When I first landed on these pages back in 2015, it seemed at times like pit bull fighting. But after a while and a judicious look through the archives of this and other sites {and the discovery that lots of the same people frequented different sites} I began to piece together how the various relationships had developed and it made a lot of sense when one person might then speak to another in a particular way, be it secretive, sneaky, sweet or sharp.
    It's not for the fainthearted but it is worth sticking around.
    And ColScott is actually one of the easiest people to handle around these parts. I think of him as the bus 324 as opposed to the 183 {one has to go a lot further to catch the 183}.

  72. Chris Till said...
    "As far as, "And it's also kind of strange that Charlie would have even known about psychedelic mushrooms as far back as 1960, much less go out of his way to seek them out," my understanding is that Wasson's 1957 "Life" magazine article made quite a splash at the time."

    The point is that Charlie didn't seem to be particularly interested in drugs at all before his trip to Mexico. But then he allegedly makes a pilgrimage to Mexico to get the psychedelic experience. But oddly he doesn't comment at all about his 'trip.' If he enjoyed it or not, on how it opened his mind, etc.

    Bottom line: I don't believe Manson ever did any mushrooms back in 1960.

  73. starviego said...

    Bottom line: I don't believe Manson ever did any mushrooms back in 1960

    Neither do I. I've never read or heard anyone undergoing a first mushroom trip say that they were not in some way affected by their journey to 'the other world.' If Charlie was doing mushrooms with Mexicans back in the day, it's a fair bet that they would have been giving him pretty potent shrooms and it's doubtful that he would not have commented on it, rather like he did his first acid excursion. That's the experience that took him to the other side of his mind and seemed to shine a light into things that up until then had made little sense to him.

  74. For all you PC over educated Manson blogger snobs...Charlie has said in interviews that he trained to be a bull fighter, but decided against it, and yes he has spoken in Spanish in prison interviews, also Matt, Rubin Hurricane Carter was FRAMED just like BILL COSBY was FRAMED...

  75. Charles Manson, apprentice matador? That is a new one...


  76. This version has Manson hospitalized in Mexico:
    “He fell off a cliff and cracked his head open on a rock in Mexico,” Dickerson says. “There was a parrot at the hospital, for some reason, and he taught the parrot how to say ‘motherf--ker.’ He said he regrets that as well. Because as he was leaving the hospital, that parrot was flying up and down the hall screaming, ‘Motherf--ker!’”

  77. Unknown, that's because you are low information,

  78. Did Manson go to Mexico in late '67?

    Chaos by Tom O'Neill
    July, 1967: ...(PO Roger) Smith requested permission for Manson to travel to Mexico, where he would've been totally unsupervised, for a gig with a hotel band. '
    "Manson is not to leave the Northern District of California," the parole board responded, noting that Manson's "history does not mention any employment as musician..."

    And yet, two weeks later, Smith tried again--he really wanted to send Manson to Mexico. He told the parole board that Manson had been offered a second job there by "a general distributor for the "Perma-Guard Corporation of Phoenix, Arizona named Mr. Dean Moorehouse..." The parole board rejected this second request, too. Interestingly, at the same time Smith made these requests, he'd launched a criminological study of Mexican drug trafficking for the federal government. He'd attempted to send Manson to Mazatlan, which was the main entry port city of Sinaloa, the drug trafficking capital of Central America in the 1960s. ....

    Roger Smith: "Yes, I was doing research on Mexican drug trafficking at the same time I was trying to send him there." .....

    After those two Mexico requests, Smith generated only two more documents regarding Manson for another five months. Both were simple form letters authorizing Manson to travel to Florida to meet with "recording agents." .... there's no sign that Manson and the Family ever actually went to Florida. If they went anywhere, the only available evidence suggests, it was to Mexico. .... Later, probation reports noted that Atkins and Mary Brunner had said they spent quite a bit of time in Mexico with Manson that winter. Otherwise, their whereabouts for November and December 1967 are entirely unaccounted for.

  79. starviego said:
    "The timeline is off, as Charlie didn't get to Mexico until early 1960. But that's assuming the timeline is accurate."

    On page 480 of Tom O'Neill's Chaos, he writes "Manson filed a motion arguing that his 1959 arrest in Mexico..."

    1959? Maybe the timeline isn't so "off"!

  80. Starviego, there's some info about Manson's Mexico arrest here-

    He was arrested in June 1960 and turned over to US authorities at the border.

  81. Thanks for the update. I left a msg for O'Neill on his site regarding the timeline, though I doubt he will respond.

  82. Charlie was in Mexico (April - May 1960) at the same time R. Gordon Wasson was doing his psilocybin / mushroom mind-control experiments there for the CIA in MK-Ultra Subproject 58. Then when Manson was handed over to the FBI in the Texas border town of Laredo on June 1st, he complained to the Federal judge (Frank Y. Hill) that he was missing memory and missing time from the past few weeks -- a tell-tale sign of MK-Ultra subjects.


  83. Also this tidbit:

    LADA Files Box54-2 pg2124
    In May/June '69 Ella Jo went to Mexico

    Who did she go with? Did Charlie send them there? For what reason?

  84. Another tidbit, from the book 'The Manson Women, a "Family" Portrait', by Clara Livsey, c.1980

    "He(Charlie) reminisced about his stays in Mexico, telling me how once he gave a ring to an Indian. "Can you imagine," he said to me, "that now the Indian owns a ring that belonged to Manson!" He told me about the time in Mexico City when his landlady, a "big mother," took all his clothing because he was unable to pay his rent.

  85. A recent statement by Roger Smith's grandson seems to confirm that Manson and a few of the girls went to Mexico for a short visit while they still up in the Haight: "... Manson was living in Northern California and at one point visited Mexico and then came back to Northern California."

    From TomO's FB page:

  86. Another reference:
    Probation Officer's Report to the Mendocino Superior Court, re Mary Brunner:
    "She(Brunner) and another girl, Lynn... lived with "Charlie" for a short time in Berkely, then they all moved to the Mendocino Coast at the end of July (1967). They have also visited Southern California and Mexico, lately."
