Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas


  1. Happy Holidays to all my old friends at Manson Blog!!

  2. Merry Christmas. Here's to keeping it nice and weird, the good kind of witchy. (My swipe text spelled "of" as "pig". Pig witchy: manson oxymoron)

  3. Season's greetings to one and all.

  4. A short poem by Rudyard Kipling: Christmas Eve In the Workhouse

    Twas Christmas Eve in the workhouse, the event of all the year.
    The poor men's hearts were filled with joy and their bellies were full of beer.
    When in walked the workhouse master and as he passed their stalls,
    He hollered "Merry Christmas everybody!" But the bastards answered "Balls!"
    Well, this riled the workhouse master and he swore "By all the gods!"
    "You'll have no Christmas pudding you dirty filthy slobs!"
    Then up stepped an old an aged pauper who had stormed the Khyber Pass,
    He said "You can take your goddamned pudding and shove it up your ass."

    Merry Whatever You Celebrate to all.

    (Kipling didn't write it.)

  5. As Mother Night draws over us to signal the end of yet another year on Earth, I extend to all of you wishes of happiness & good cheer on this holy day. God bless you all! I hope your christmases are spent eating & drinking with beloved family, friends, and pets (who are our true angels on earth!)
    May the coming year bless all of you & yours with health, wealth, and contentment.
    Here's to another wonderful Mansonblog year in the books! Who knows what 2019 will bring? 🌹💕

  6. A fave of mine - Don and Phil

  7. Ha HA HA LOVE this Post DebS !! Merry X-Mass to ALL of you here @MansonBlogg

  8. Deb, that last pic....I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  9. Monica said...
    Deb, that last pic....I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

    Ik, r? At least use a third piece of fruit for crying out loud...

    1. Bahaha... I guess a burning flame doesn't quite fit.

  10. Excellent post, Deb. Merry Christmas

  11. Monica said...
    Bahaha... I guess a burning flame doesn't quite fit.

    Only on Valentines day!

  12. Merry Christmas & Hippy New Year!
    I hope this next year is filled with lots of love & blessings for everyone

  13. "2019 is coming down fast!"
    Happy New Year everyone. =D

  14. OT
    My granddaughter, SADIE, was watching a cartoon about a PIG, that went to an English amusement park and went down the HELTER SKELTER.

  15. Orwhut, that was Peppa Pig...the most famous cartoon here in the UK! She is lovely really!!

  16. Happy New Year, fellow Mansonologists. May 2019 be THE year!

  17. Claire,
    You're correct it was Peppa Pig. I'm in the USA and my grand kids love it.

  18. Best wishes to ALL for a great 2019!!

    From the West Coast of Canaduh!
