Saturday, April 29, 2017

Manson Blog Featured in Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller

FLASHBACK: Mexico Deported Charles Manson As An ‘Undesirable Alien’ In 1960

 Mexico deported Charles Manson, the gruesome cult killer, in 1960 after Mexican officials identified Manson an “undesirable alien.”

The deportation occurred on June 1, 1960, according to a newspaper clipping from the Laredo Morning Times unearthed by Deborah Silva of The Manson Family Blog.


Unknown said...

Ha! Way to go Deb. About time the whole world knows what an amazing researcher you are!!

cielodrivecom said...

Well deserved recognition Deb

DebS said...

Thanks to you both! I was surprised and happy.

Mr. Humphrat said...

sweet! way to go Deb :)

David said...

Very cool, Deb.

starviego said...

Congratulations Deb!

But that topic has got me thinking:

--When and where did he enter Mexico? For what purpose? How long was he there?

--How did the Mexican cops locate Charlie? Did he get in trouble down there and was deported by the Mexicans for this? Or did the US authorities tip off their south-of-the-border colleagues as to his location and that THEY wanted him deported?

starviego said...
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starviego said...

Do a search for "FLASHBACK: Mexico Deported Charles Manson as an “undesirable alien."

The story is going viral on the alt media. Deb has put this blog on the map!

brownrice said...

Congrats, Deb. As St & Cielo said well
deserved recognition.

Matt said...

DebS, hero of the Alt-Right!

brownrice said...

Hmmmmm..... having looked at the other articles in the Daily Caller I see what you mean, Matt. Get ready for an influx of neo-nazi millennials... :-)

Matt said...

Uh huh. Richard Spencer would be right at home...

Anonymous said...

Just as an FYI here (from the guy who wrote the story):

I can assure you that no one hates Richard Spencer and his disgusting racist followers more than I do.

Obviously, there's little I can do about any sites which may have copied and pasted all or part of it.

Here is my most recent story on Spencer:

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Vows Auburn U. Will ‘Rue The Day’ It Cancelled His Speech


Spencer is very popular among fellow white nationalists. However, his following is relatively meager from a national standpoint. For example, a conference he put on in November was dwarfed by the annual gathering of dudes who like to dress up in “My Little Pony” outfits. (RELATED: White Nationalist Leader Richard Spencer Defends Conference Attendance Compared To BronyCon)

Your always-intrigued reader,


Manson Mythos said...

What does Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right have to do with the Daily Caller? That has a staff full of non-whites and jews? Is anything even remotely conservative now considered to be "neo-nazi", "white supremacist", etc...

However, I DO like the Daily Caller and have no problem with Spencer either.

I mean, say what you wish about Spencer, but it's not "white nationalists" running amok in America, burning streets down and causing mass violence at campuses.

Unknown said...

Charlie talkin to his Grandson Freeman about Mexico . . .

Jenn said...

Manson Mythos wrote:
"I mean, say what you wish about Spencer..."

OK. Spencer is a racist.

Penny lane said...


Matt said...

Here's a story about how Richard Spencer has his wealth. Turns out, it's largely from government agricultural subsidies -- which is, of course, part and parcel of our federal food stamp program.

Manson Mythos said...

Mother Jones....a site that makes super villains out of types like Spencer, but waxs poetically about the Black Panthers. Who's leader shot a 16 year old girl, were black nationalists, dope pushers, etc.

I like the article on the "alt-right's attack" on the Berkley protester. The one who showed up to a free speech march to throw M80's in glass jars at elderly people.

Personally, I'd rather see the youth pick up James Mason's SIEGE than listen to a light weight like Spencer. That might inspire the kind of action needed against communist scum who are infesting this country.

brownrice said...

My mother always told me it wasn't wise or polite to discuss politics or religion in company. Mind you, she was a communist & an atheist....