Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Last of the Manson Girls - NEW Trailer


  1. Manson conspiracy theory? Which one is he talking about? Mae Brussell's theory that Charlie was a patsy? Hasn't that been debunked?


  2. Those Mansthon girlsth are tho thexy.

  3. Sociopathic young women just ain't what they used to be.

  4. Logan ... they all do. Hollywood just can't seem to get enough of the forehead X thing.

  5. Paul Krassner was a hero to me when I was growing up. This movie makes him look like a fucking idiot.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't remember anyone from the sixties or seventies having the Krassner guy's mannerisms except maybe Tommy Smothers.

  8. Oh come on guys- its a pretty good line:

    "What, just because we supposedly murdered seven people."


    Her reaction is actually rather good.

    For Krassner fans this comes from his Tripping With Squeaky stuff which was satire/comedy to begin with that he repackaged several times. Now repackaged for 30 somethings not us. Actually looks fun to me.

    Rolling Stone article 1975-My Trip With Squeaky: Just One of Charlie's Girls- you can find it here:


  9. Sometimes the best cure for life’s woes is a sense of humor.

  10. Brenda was/is the sexiest Manson girl.

  11. I agree, Dreath. Totally inaccurate and not exactly reaching us as the target audience, but it looks like it has some good lines and will be entertaining. Gotta keep a sense of humor.

  12. Sam,
    It's funny how many of us have our favorite Manson girls and we don't all like the same ones. With me the camera angle makes a lot of difference. Robert has a scene of Cappy in his latest film that I think makes her especialy pretty. Other times it's Sandy or Ruth Ann that shine.

  13. The problem with this sort of production, will manifest with certain audience members viewing this as fact.

    Just like the numerous iterations of Hollywood produced docu-dramas about Steve Jobs. They are custom made for an audience that has already dedicated themselves to giving Jobs' starfish, a permanent catbath.

    For a historically accurate depiction of the unbridled fraud, deciet, and assorted buttholery, one should view "Triumph of the Nerds". Or the "Manson" docu of the Silicon Valley.

  14. I have NOT seen the "trailer" BUT let me see if I "got IT" from the comments so far.

    This guy Paul Krassner is a REAL talking head BUT the film uses actors to portray the Family.

    IT also uses "Knott's Berry Farm" for the old western movie set as the Spahn Ranch.

    Donald Trump does a cameo as the famous "dragon slayer" Bugliosi and Hilary (in drag) does a pretty good Charlie Manson.

    THEN, when OUR very own "secret agent" returns from HIS investigation at Farmersville, Texas, the movie comes ALIVE. Literally, when HE visits the spooky graveyard, Mrs. Watson's hand jumps right out of the ground. Cut to TEX serving Communion wafers in the prison chapel to a group of Black Muslims. "Umm, God is gooood."

  15. Is this a black comedy? It looks sort of funny but I'm not sure if it's the good kind of funny or bad.

  16. Farflung said...

    " Jobs' starfish, a permanent catbath."

    That deserves committing to memory.

  17. In the Roling Stoned articel Krassner write/says; ,,We all sat talking for six solid hours. Squeaky told me lots of Charlie stories and I began to understand his peculiar charisma. Using an eclectic combination of theater games, Scientology, psychedelic drugs, sex, music and good old-fashioned conmanship, he had deprogrammed his family from the sadomasochistic values of mainstream civilization.

    I do not realy know Krassner nor his work....but if he normally speakes/writes truth, then I guess we have an answer for the Sceintology Post we discussed a few weeks back...

  18. Be a bit careful with Paul Krassner's 'accuracy'- compare him, perhaps to John Stewart.

    He was a Merry Prankster (Ken Kesey et al) and a co-founder of the Yippies (Jerry Rubin/ Abbie Hoffman) and a stand up comedian (protege of Lenny Bruce). His thing was political humor and satire. Remember these are the guys who nominated a pig for president, showed up before HUAC dressed like George Washington and saluted judges with 'Heil Hitler. Probably not factually accurate. But the scientology connection is.

    And the show:

    IMB: "Paul Krassner is briefed by Mae Brussell about why the Manson Murders were a CIA conspiracy and learns the name of the person who may be the key to exposing it."

    From “In 1971,” Martin continues, “Krassner became convinced the Manson murders were part of a larger CIA conspiracy in order to bring down the youth protest movement and make hippies look bad. Fed information by conspiracy radio host Mae Brussell [to be played by Robin Reck], Krassner tumbled down a rabbit hole of agent provocateurs, assassinations and ulterior motives that ultimately led to a face-to-face meeting with the remnants of Manson’s ‘family,’ the basis of his ‘My Acid Trip’ essay.”

    Hey, RH, you should be in this. Per their Facebook: "Paul Krassner (Elliott Kashner) regales Laurence Merrick (Christopher Robin) with his fascist 'French Connection' theory while Sandy (Cindy Marie), Brenda (Sarah Taurchini), and Squeaky (Jen Bevan) look on."

  19. OMG: He's RIGHT, when Donald Trump just announced to the BLACK people "What have you got to lose?"

    So I asked myself "What have the BLACK people got to lose with Helter Skelter?" As a minimum, THEY might put the "primal" FEAR back in the WHITE race and that would surely equalize the contentious situation.

    Most Interesting, the average BLACK man fears that some COP is going to 'choke hold' him till he can't breath and the WHITE man FEARS that some Black man is going to invade HIS home and KILL him.

    SO what exactly is going on HERE? And when I mention the words BLACK Muslim, in the very context Paul Watkins did on the witness stand, the RIVER of knowledge (regarding the Manson Case) quickly runs DRY.

    BOY, do we have a GREAT judicial system. All we seem to hear from VICTIMS families is WHY?

    AND ALL the Judge seems to say to the Defendant is: "Sit down and shut-up - OR go to YOUR room."

    SO what am I MISSING here? OR put another way: "What have WE got to LOSE" that necessitates such a bizarre Dog and Pony SHOW.

  20. BTW - The way you judge a "trailer" is you watch it without sound FIRST. That way you can "decide" whether to listen to the "trash" that may be included inside.

    Personally, I would ask: IF the real people are still alive, WHY would anyone WANT to SEE / HEAR wanna-be actors pretend to be the 'real' people ?

    Just doesn't make ANY sense to ME.

  21. "...when I mention the words BLACK Muslim, in the very context Paul Watkins did on the witness stand, the RIVER of knowledge (regarding the Manson Case) quickly runs DRY."

    Probably because you can't look into the NOI link without stumbling over the Feds. By the early '60s they were all over the Black Muslims, inside the prisons and outside the prisons.

  22. The only Manson "movie" I've watched is Jim Vanbebber's The Manson Family. When I was a horror nerd, I thought it was great. Last time I watched it, I couldn't believe what a hack VanBebber actually is. To think he was considered to be "the future" of horror at one point.

    All of these movies are cringe-worthy crap for millennials.

    BTW, Donald Trump and Charlie are very similar. Both victims of a bias media who despise him, yet rake in the money with deceptive editing of quotes.

    Both are accused of wanting to "start" a race war by the same establishment helping to usher it in and both just merely see it.

    Europe was took big payouts to open their borders to snakes who are slithering in and reeking havoc on it. Religion aside, most of them have an extreme hatred for the western way of life and the absolute devastation that Bush, Obama and Clinton has caused. So we have an oppressed people who are "rising". The Pope is kissing the feet of "asylum seekers" as Muslims walk into a church and slit a priests throat during mass.

    Clinton wants to bring in how many? 50,000? If anyone is like the DA/media creation of Manson, it's her.

  23. "In the Roling Stoned articel Krassner write/says; ,,We all sat talking for six solid hours. Squeaky told me lots of Charlie stories and I began to understand his peculiar charisma. Using an eclectic combination of theater games, Scientology, psychedelic drugs, sex, music and good old-fashioned conmanship, he had deprogrammed his family from the sadomasochistic values of mainstream civilization"

    So in other words, he was no different whatsoever from Leary and all of Krassner's kosher cohorts (Hoffman, Rubin, Dworkin, Sanders, etc.) with megaphones or every musician with a record contracts. Only difference is, they lead people to masochistic values.

  24. And here is what Crasser says next:

    "However, he reprogrammed them with his own philosophy, a kind of cosmic version of the racism deliberately perpetuated by the prison system which had served as his mother and father for so many unjust years. Sandy, who had been a civil rights activist, was now asking me to tell John Lennon that he should get rid of Yoko Ono and stay with "his own kind."

  25. Isn't guilting people into not believing one should stick with their own, racist in and of it's self? The Family had an almost pre-christian, tribal way of living.

  26. People are xenophobic by nature. Racism is just xenophobia. Overcoming it is accomplished through education, higher thinking and a willingness to understand others. There's no guilting anyone, only pity for them.

  27. By nature, correct. Why interfere with nature and deviate from it? In reality, there is nothing wrong with belief in cultural and racial preservation. If everyone respected that, there would be less problems. "Xenophobia" is yet another word to malign those who do and whip the masses into submission so we all "get along" in a multi-cultural society, which as history and the current zeitgeist of the last 100 years or so have proven to be hotbeds of tension, violence and insanity. The fact is, some are simply culturally incompatible with others and the promotion of race mixing isn't going to solve any problem. It only leads to the destruction of "diversity" the left claim to embrace so much.

    But it always comes down to the white man. Why? Fear. Whites, especially liberals are terrified of other races, specifically blacks. Proof? The Jewish director of the latest Star Wars claiming Hollywood is "too white". Europe, is "too white" and oddly where the refugees are being pushed. Not Mexico, Japan, the filthy rich Arab countries. It appears the only places people deem as not being diverse enough are those with a higher density of white people.

    Anthony Bourdain, in response to somebody saying all of Europe will soon be all "coffee colored" people, said that is "really the only solution to peace" on a recent show in Germany. A country where refugees are raping women in epidemic proportion and killing them as well. Needless to say, I hope somebody smashes his face for that comment.

  28. I just realized something funny. Krassner and the other phony mouthpieces of the 60s used Sandy's quote as an example of how "bad" and racist" they were. Yet all of them openly supported Black Panthers and other black nationalist groups, who expressed the exact same sentiments in a more blant manner actually.

    It's like I said, fear. "I better yell Black Lives Matter" and point the finger over at those "other" white people, in case the shit hits the fan. This kind of "winning over" of blacks that liberals aim for is and of it's self a means of controlling the colored folk.

    Like Charlie has said. The guilt and fear of the whites within the establishment causes them to beat on the white people, call them a racist and throw them in the middle of the prison yard with the black inmates. Funny how their liberal enemies always going off about that no good "white male" do the exact same thing.

  29. Have you considered a Mai Tai on a nice beach in the tropics somewhere, watching the sun, set with a little Jack Johnson in the background and the person you love by your side (regardless of his or her 'color')- I mean just to take the edge off?

  30. Fun Fact: Paul Krassner invented the term "soft core porn" in an off-hand statement.g

  31. It appears a stormfront has blown into the blog.
    Let's hope it passes quickly.

  32. Death,

    A Mai Tai may be a little too "exotic" for that individual.
    Perhaps some good old gin that rotted the guts of his consumptive white trash ancestors back in the old country?


    Annyone seen this ?? Some nice Manson Quotes....

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  36. @JC

    Because I object to somebody saying the solution to peace is to ethnically cleanse white people, must mean I'm a white supremacist. But then again my ancestors (hard working Italians who came here after the 40s) were all "white trash", so I guess ethical cleansing is a good thing of ol' pale face is good.

    If you had a working brain instead of being a reactionary cuck, you'd realize most of my scorn is aimed at white people and not other races.

  37. ABOUT mixing the races: We are discovering NOW that "mixing" DNA can lead to eliminating disease.

    Since the "Holocaust" Jewish women have been marrying Gentile men as a "safety" net for THEIR children, but that kind of "mixing" purpose has been going on for thousands of years.

    DNA "mixing" has actually caused individuals to be born WITHOUT certain predisposed illnesses.

    AND "without" mixing of animal herds from one to another, an entire herd can eventually become extinct. "In-breeding" WILL destroy, Out-breeding WILL preserve. This is a LAW of nature.

    Had the Africans NOT setout to "migrate" and "mix" with the rest of the world, MAN may have been extinct by NOW.

    Of course, these facts go against the very grain of the greatest Story Book ever written.
    So what else is NEW?

  38. It appears that your reactionary ire is aimed at those white people who are better educated than you. Perhaps if you had spent less time watching spatter films, you too could have gone to a better school, angry little man?

  39. Yes, I spent all my time watching horror films, thus did not get proper educate and didn't go to a "better" school. Shame I wasn't black, because I'm sure you'd tell me it wasn't my fault and rather that of a racist white system. Which is the fear-based answer of all white liberals.

    If Anthony Bourdain was "better educated" than I, he wouldn't think breeding the white race out of existence and turning everyone brown would be the "only" solution to peace. Because if he and other leftists such as yourself were nearly as educated as you think, you'd know every place on earth with less white people (asides from certain parts of Asia) are shitholes of indignity and oppression and the only time they could come up with a "better" system than that of the United States, is when they name a county with a higher density of white people. So yes! Praise white genocide. Because the left would do so well and be treated so much more kindly in a place with say, a Muslim majority.

    Perhaps I should have spent more time reading Paul Krassner.

  40. Mythos, your characterization of liberal-minded people is laughable. Honestly you do make me laugh, just not for the reason's I'd prefer. I've seen you get booted from TLB-related Facebook groups and not speaking for Deb, Matt and the others I get the feeling you are on thin ice here too.

    Take Dreath's advice. Go to the beach, drink a Mai Tai and for God's sake lighten up.

  41. Blow away, little stormfront, blow away...

  42. My characterization of liberal minded people is only proven right by your typical silent dog whistle tactic of rallying a pecking order against somebody who thinks differently. I can see the little seed planting there.

    BTW, to date I've been kicked out of one TLB group and had a bigger majority of people demanding I return. Not I'd be ashamed. This entire "TLB community" could use a few feather rufflers among the sea of bores and Sharon Tate coffin riders.

  43. Nuthin like fun at the ole ballpark!

  44. Oh, you poor, poor, little oppressed "white man"
    When will your persecution and brilliance be acknowledged by the fools?!
    I ask when?!

    Additional note: Oftentimes irritants delude themselves into thinking that they are iconoclasts.
    However, they are usually wrong.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Why you do hate white people, JC? You're obviously butt hurt over my disdain for Bourdain's fantasy of ethnically cleansing white people and laughably call me the racist. You clearly feel the Europeans who came here are "white trash ancestors". That with your thinking your one time "Hero" Krassner coining the term "softcore porn" is a testament of his brilliant mind makes me think you might be Jewish.

  47. Little man, your jewdar is as defective as the rest of you; I look like I could have stepped out of a freaking SS recruitment poster. I bet that sets your little resentful heart racing, doesn't it?
    I don't hate all of my fellow "white men" except for those whose ONLY accomplishment is being born with the acceptable pigmentation. However, their hysterical fear is amusing in a mordant way.
    Furthermore, I apologize for my calling your ancestors "white trash", at the time I was unaware that they were Italian.

  48. @Little man, your jewdar is as defective as the rest of you; I look like I could have stepped out of a freaking SS recruitment poster. I bet that sets your little resentful heart racing, doesn't it?


    I don't hate all of my fellow "white men" except for those whose ONLY accomplishment is being born with the acceptable pigmentation.

    I didn't know being born was an accomplishment one could take credit for.

    Although, it is rather funny leftists discredit the idea of being proud of being white as racist and stupid, despite the achievements of whites in the realm of art, literature, science, philosophy, being the only race to fight and die against ourselves for the sake of another race(if you believe the Civil War was about slavery). But oddly, we should all carry the shame, guilt and the burden of what dead white people did.

    However, their hysterical fear is amusing in a mordant way.

    Yeah, like the ones wearing "I'm sorry" shirts as they cry and apologize with shackles on their wrists to a bunch of black people. Or the ones sitting on the back of buses when Black Lives Matter bafoons tell them too. Yes, actually is scary white men have become such cuckholds.

  49. Robert Hendrickson said...

    So I asked myself "What have the BLACK people got to lose with Helter Skelter?"

    Not much really. With it, we get to pick cotton all day and get our butts kicked and our fuzzy heads scratched and eternal servitude to 144,000 weird dudes that just came out of a bottomless pit.
    Probably get fed for nothing too.
    I wonder who does the cooking....

    IF the real people are still alive, WHY would anyone WANT to SEE / HEAR wanna-be actors pretend to be the 'real' people ?

    I guess for the same reasons that lots of people would rather watch a movie than a documentary.
    You know, if one wants the truth or something accurate regarding this case, you're no more likely to find it by listening to those still alive {presuming they'd even want to talk} than you are watching some crumbcake movie put together by a sensationalist that wants people to watch their production.

    Matt said...

    People are xenophobic by nature

    Does that mean then, that those people that aren't are abnormal ?

    Racism is just xenophobia

    Not necessarily. Racism is essentially about belief in the superiority of one's own race. Xenophobia has at it's root fear and good old fashioned dislike.

    Overcoming it is accomplished through education, higher thinking and a willingness to understand others

    If it's natural, that is, part of human make up, then why would it need to be overcome ? The need to overcome it implies that it's wrong. Which then opens up a whole other can of worms as to how does one determine what is right and what is wrong or more to the point, who determines it.

    Manson Mythos said...

    In reality, there is nothing wrong with belief in cultural and racial preservation

    In a way that doesn't make sense, given that every race has evolved into loads of different cultures.

    If everyone respected that, there would be less problems

    The problems of human beings are....human. Those that believe in cultural and/or racial preservation are not and never have been free of problems. Whether races and cultures stayed singular or mixed forever and a day, we as humans are a screw up.

    The fact is, some are simply culturally incompatible with others

    By nature, choice or preference ?


  50. MM,
    It is interesting how you project your literal cuckoldry (but really, who could blame her?) onto others in such a convoluted metaphorical way.

    Well, it's not really interesting, just amusing.

  51. grimtraveller said...
    "we get to pick cotton all day and get our butts kicked and our fuzzy heads scratched and eternal servitude to 144,000 weird dudes that just came out of a bottomless pit."

    The source?

    The founder of the Nation of Islam(NOI) in the early '30s, Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, preached an end-of-the-world scenario, like Manson:
    Only 144,000 people would survive, and all of those would be Muslims of color, the only “true” Muslims.
