Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Debra Tate Protesting Leslie Van Houten's Release

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  1. Maybe I read too much into this but...

    Wouldn't it be easy for him ( and good press) to spend 10 min with them and let Deb do her spheel while he plays sad understanding good guy as he is going to deny her anyway.


  2. I guess as the Guv he needs to appear neutral?

  3. Did she just show up without an appointment?

  4. So really it was just a stunt, right?

  5. What a dog and phon, I mean pony show.

    It would have been more interesting if she met with the Dahli Lama instead.

  6. A stunt is as good a word as any lol I'm sure she had some misguided purpose. But is becoming ridiculous.

    Dog and Pony is also a pretty good description.

    I have been saying for years the whole parole situation over the years is so sad all the way around. Victims families have to re-live it. Convicted families get their hopes up. Nobody ever wins.

    I have watched so many hours of parole hearing video on old sites like Bretts and a few other places. Between all the the Family members trying to get out, and all the victims families trying to keep them in, only two things have been consistent.

    Everyone suffers. Nobody goes anywhere.

    It's time to put it to bed.

  7. What do y'all think about her calling Leslie a domestic terrorist? At first Patty wanted to dismiss that comment but now she's considering it.

  8. After all they did carve "War" into Leno's torso and write "death to pigs" on the wall. Those are both rather political statements.

  9. Van Houten and the remaining "clan" are geriatric inmates now. Does anyone really believe they'd jump at the chance to annihilate more people when they themselves are ancient? The biggest argument of the modern-day TLB crusaders is that the sphere of influence these perps have is far too dangerous and mayhem will ensue should they ever be released. That's not good enough. I hate to sound sympathetic to the alleged domestic terrorists here but it is getting really played out. This instilling of fear and retelling of events every time someone's parole is in question. It doesn't need to be broadcast everywhere anymore. Let it commence under wraps. Meetings with the Gov and all.

  10. Nah. All due respect

    The biggest argument is that maybe some other scumbags think twice before taking a life if they start to realize it may cost their own.

    Nobody thinks Lulu would or could hurt a fly

    But back when she could and did she- the only one who had the foresight of a choice - did.

    So if Leslie has to be an example for the greater good lol. I am not going to shed a tear.

    Cause lord knows she didn't

  11. Based on the interview it seems Debra showed up at his office with cameras in tow but without an appointment. Guess she didn't get the confrontation that she was hoping for.

  12. Which goes back to original point.

    If he plans to deny parole...

    What confrontation would there have been? He could have listened quietly, nodded his head and played the hero for the cameras.

    There isn't going to be any backlash from lulu supporters. There wasn't from Bruce. Besides a few people in this community who cares in society if Manson killers don't go free?

    What does he lose by saying a few hard on crime words to grieving family members in front of cameras and going on with your day.

    I just wonder why he wouldn't ?

  13. Was Leslie convicted of Tate?
    Parole is never given to high profile names only people you have never heard of-that is the criteria.

  14. Sjeeeeszzz thats one Ugly woman WoW, just scared me !!!

  15. Thomas Blanton (86 yrs) is eligible for parole this year.

    Old, forgotten, and a prime example of justice delayed.

    About 53 years ago, he planted a bomb in a church, which killed four young teenaged girls, for being black.

    Even though the suspect's names were given to police early on, no arrests were made. By 1968 the FBI closed the case.

    Ultimately Blanton was convicted in 2001, sentenced to life. Parole now would value each life at 48 months. But he's too old to be a danger, yet still young enough to represent the race hatred of the KKK.

    How strong is the age consideration in this case?

  16. I'm not sure about age consideration but I do consider this...

    Blanton was sentenced to life

    Lulu (not convicted for Tate - convicted for the labiancas) was sentenced to death. Her death sentence was commuted a year later only eventually to be reinstated later. Lulu lives only dilute to some fortunate timing.

    So in a sense she was granted a reprieve.

  17. Does somebody know if DORIS Tate ever opposed Parole for Leslie v. Houten back in the day ?? Ever got to a hearing or whatsoever ??

  18. This morning I woke-up to an email from two very dear friends - alerting ME to WHERE a webSITE is providing links to MY films MANSON and "Inside the MANSON Gang" for FREE unauthorized viewing.

    Of course, the "victims" of the world's "new and improved" FUCK the little guy economical system THINK "Screw Hendrickson, he's made enough off those movies." "So what IF we're taking the food OFF his table.

    Well, because I simply cannot control ALL the infringing activity in a WORLD gone "sharing" MAD, I'm now THINKING: "Hey, why not just pass-on to the world EVERYTHING I know about - like Area 51, the JFK assassination, what I learned from Mary Sirhan, the TRUTH behind Charles Manson, the MOST corrupt "legal" system in the world, etc. And most relevant, the GREAT Muslim vs Judao/Christian Conflict ALL wrapped up in one 5 hour mini-series.

    Unfortunately, or otherwise, because WE as a people have intertwined OUR "truths" so tightly with OUR fiction, it ALL makes for ONLY entertainment, BUT maybe "entertainment" can be our "new" DRUG?

    BTW: When EVERYONE finally becomes a "victim" - there will be NO more victims.

  19. Pardon typos. This phone has a mind of its own. I need to use regular keyboard when I do this lol.

    The death penalty was later reinstated. Lulu and the others slipped through a small window in time which is no small consideration in my opinion.

    Imagine if they had all been executed. Everything that came after as far as parole hearings and Doris' crusade, Tex creating several new lives, Bill Nelson lol Bretts website , Whitehouse's law degree, friends of lulu

    None of it would have happened.

  20. Blanton was given life, with the possibility of parole... At the age of 70.

    Considering his late conviction, the slaughter of four children, life should mean, die in prison.

    He got to spend the prime years as a free man.

    Those girls were killed at church, while putting on their choir robes. I don't know why the potentially best people are discounted, and the patently worst are protected.

  21. Doris made her first major move in 1982 when she found out lulu had raised 900 signatures. She mounted a public campaign against her. She got 3,500 signatures

    She gave the first ever victim impact statement at a parole hearing. She crushed Tex face to face a couple times. She was involved in prop 89 which gives the Governor the right to overturn parole board. And of course she helped get proposition 8 passed. No more sex for Tex either thanks mostly to Doris

  22. This is another thing people should think about when evaluating Deb.

    She lost her big sister at a very young impressionable age- in a very disturbing way. She grew up watching her mother - then sister- fighting this with all there hearts.

    And most celebrate them for that.

    Yet when her turn comes and she does what she must have felt was her duty...

    Most scorn her ???

  23. Doris went around the country to assist with parole hearings for people she had never heard of. She was taken to White House. Doris ran for assembly. She is my hero in this case and a hero to many people.

    People here go crazy because Deb goes to Lulu's because " she wasn't even at Tate"

    We seem to put standards on Deb we didn't hold the rest of her family too.

  24. I view Debra's vitriol towards the Family, akin to a Jew's pursuit of a NAZI.

    No one would ask a Jew if THAT particular NAZI killed anyone in their family. He was from Dachau, your family was exterminated in Bergen-Belsen. I don't think that philosophy would have much traction.

    Doesn't John Walsh get involved in crimes which had nothing to do with the murder of his son?

  25. Yeah but on TV for money lol.

    His daughter was abducted about 15 miles from where I live. Another one who will spend his life trying to fill the hole chasing others

  26. I'm not sure what a HERO even is, BUT I think "Ellie Nesler" is the best role model America has EVER had.

  27. I don't know who could do anything "long term" for free. Doesn't the Pope do his thing, and get paid?

    If I was given the choice of being paid to be on TV, or continue my anonymous life, with an un-murdered son.... Please.

  28. Deb Tate has been doing it long term for free lol

    I don't begrudge him his sucsess. I'm just saying its a different type of crusade. I'm sure he would still be driven even if he never had the opportunity publicly

    And I also am Sure Deb would take it the other way around as well given the choice lol

  29. The difference between Doris and Debra is dignity and grace. While they both want/ed to arrive at the same result the means of their two different approaches are entirely opposite. Doris worked quietly, dotting her "I's" and crossing her "T's", Debra stumbles in half cocked and creates a mess for herself.

    There is no doubt that Debra is damaged by what happened to Sharon but she has such an undignified way of handling that damage. She opens herself up for criticism because of her actions and the people she chooses to surround herself with.

  30. I see. Well, all I can say about that is I hope nobody ever judges me by those terms lol. I'm a drunken fool

    I get the point. Deb is omni-present and obnoxious and all that other stuff. Just saying there is some things that go into which makes it hard for me to have the hatred for her so many others seem to have.

    It would seem to me a stranger to the facts of the case who only read posts and comments on the sites for last 5 years...

    Would walk away thinking Deb Tate was the villain of this story.

    How did the younger sister of a murdered pregnant woman turn into the bad guy over the years to so many people?

  31. I mean Doris was a major force is creating legislature that affected tens of thousands of people she never heard off. She took away the chance for men and women to have conniving visits. She caused many people to wait longer in between parole hearings. Without her Bruce would be out. She was welcomed by a President of the Untied States.

    Deb limps up to her state capital in a tshirt using a cane and gets shown the door lol

    It makes me feel sad. I think it's pathetic.

    But it doesn't make me hate her or want to call her names.

    I guess it's just me :)

  32. People are judged by the company they keep, not just Debra. It says a lot about their self esteem. I don't hate Debra I just wish she could step outside of herself and see herself as others see her.

  33. Then I wonder how Deb would judge me if she reads this blog and saw my picture with an actual ( semi) member of The (extended ) Family and other pro Mamson people ? Lol

    In my case - Deb would have to run with a pretty messed up group of people for me to be in a position to judge her by who she hangs around with lol

    But I know zero about who Deb hangs out with so who knows ?

  34. I just realized the "Manson Case" is the longest running reality TV show.

    Domestic Terrorist? That works if you seriously believe the motive of the murders were to incite a race war. I do not, thus that is just a tag tacked onto her to malign her even further. Though I do suspect the murders might have been designed to scare a certain element within society, I do not think they were meant to kick start a war.

    It's also a great example that Bernie and Clinton voters alike can use for irrelevant finger pointing analogies when the criticism of Islam pops up. The left love to dig up the past. As if reminding the world what Christians did 2000+ years ago or what happened to the native Americans has any relevance to Islamic terrorism in 2016.

    My problem with Debra Tate and the media ass kissers is the amount of groundless claims and disinformation. Such as her claim that ATWA is a front for "race war"(?) and that Leslie didn't receive death because California overturned it in 1972. In reality, her sentence was overturned on appeal due to the death of Hughes...which brings me to yet another issue with Debra.

    Ronald Hughes image appears in a college of victims to promote

  35. I think I did the same thing lol. There were only 6 years between her death sentence and the retrial order. She probably wouldn't have been executed that fast even had they not lifted the death sentence.

  36. Ron Hughes a victim? Of mother nature maybe

  37. I hope Debra isn't as miserable as she looks. It's a pitty she can't ever smile.

  38. Panamint Patty,
    I don't know whether Ron Hughes was a victim. I think Debra was one though.

  39. Patty, excellent point!! Sounds political to me too, carving WAR. Lou Lou the horsey face needs to stay behind the stable walls and rot


  40. orwhut said...

    "I hope Debra isn't as miserable as she looks. It's a pity she can't ever smile."

    That has more to do with Botox and lip injections than anything else. Jillian Barberie (in that video) has that same frozen faced, 'trout pout' look that far too many women over 40 have these days. It's not a good look. I've yet to see a woman who looked better (or younger) with swollen lips and a paralyzed face.

  41. Ziggy,
    I don't know much about botox or lip injections. Do they make her lips turn down into that awful frown?
    Someone put up what I took to be a "glamor shot" of her a while back where she was smiling and very pretty. It might have been taken when she was much younger. I don't know.


  42. Botox temporarily paralyzes (for about 6 months) the muscles in your face that it gets injected into, which in turn limits the ability to express emotions facially, like smiling, for instance. Supposedly, over time it also affects the ability to feel emotions, because your brain isn't getting the sensory feedback that it gets from being able to smile.

    Debra looked really bad in that Inside Edition video. I don't know what her health situation is, but I saw that she's walking with a cane, so I'm guessing that it's not too good. Her eyes always seem to have the look of a woman who is medicated. It was more noticeable on the Dateline show.

    Maybe she's on pain meds for whatever is causing her to have to walk with a cane.

    Prince was walking with a cane and on pain meds before he died.

    Gotta watch those pain meds. They kill more people than guns in the USA.


  43. ziggyosterberg said...

    "Gotta watch those pain meds. They kill more people than guns in the USA."

    Don't get me wrong, pain meds kill a lot of guns too.

  44. Deaths from opioids is overlooked in the media, seemingly. I girl I grew up with lost her 20 y.o. daughter to it recently. They are not to be played with.


  45. Agreed. It's nasty stuff. And they're so easy to get hooked on. It's best to avoid ever taking them, if you can.

    6L's in a row and counting for the Natspos. ㋡

  46. And we chose that time to be the Braves' bitches.

  47. Matt since you went off topic on your own post lol. If I make it out for the tour next year there are two new spots in LA unrelated to Manson I need to sneak off and see

    50 million dollar Scientology Movie studio on Sunset Strip.

    New LA Rams football complex- I read it's a monster

  48. Scientology is sort of related. Kind of.


  49. I haven't been watching Aquarius, but apparently.....

    !!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!

    Charlie poisons the soup (WTF?) of some black members (WTF?) of the Manson Family.

    Did the writers of Aquarius get Charles Manson confused with Jim Jones or something?

  50. I'm working on a Scientology related post so you're good, Saint! Start writing again, please!!!!

  51. "Don't Slurp The Campbell's"

  52. Ah, the black Family member .... that would be Pacoima Reggie. I had forgotten all about him. And why does he get soup? The rest of us got melon and day-old bread out of the dumpster, like always.


  53. Pacoima Reggie.....How could I forget about him? He taught Charlie how to dance. Charlie called him "Mr. Bojangles".

    Maybe Jeff Guinn will add the fictional soup story to his repertoire for the next Manson special : "Charles Manson was the original 'Soup Nazi'. Charlie's Soup Kitchen served 'Chicken Soup for the Soul Brothers' aka 'Lipton Cup-a-Death'."

  54. What would Debra Tate be doing had the death sentences been carried out? Writing scripts for D grade soap operas? Publishing her own version of Bobby's "Sassy Bottoms" with her pedophile henchmen? Living in a trailer park as a meth addicted prostitute? Selling her story to trashy magazines? Who cares? This woman is living Narcissism with no concept of justice or decency. An absolute joke who makes her living and celebrity from her sister's death. What a waste of oxygen.

  55. Justice,
    How does Debra make money from her activites?

  56. Apologies,the "makes a living"statement is completely unfounded and must be withdrawn.
