Thursday, April 23, 2015

Manson Tour 2015: Earth Day at Spahn Ranch

So, what if I told you that in one day I would fly cross country from Florida, get high at Spahn Ranch with a guy named Stoner Van Houten,  go out to dinner with The Col, and then bunk for the night with George Stimson?

Would you say that was a hell of a day? Welcome to Manson Tour 2015!

Yeah, thats right- a few extras tagged along this year. I guess it is not hard to imagine the emotions, and feelings I experienced yesterday. Safe to say I went through some changes of my own for sure. Day one of the Tour was on, and with special help from the legendary Michael Channels, Pete Porteous, and the aforementioned Stoner Van Houten, We got a first class look- and first hand account- of the history of Spahn Ranch and the surrounding area.

Personally, just pulling around the final corner and seeing the sign for Santa Susana Pass road, was about when I first started worrying if anyone else could notice I was scared shitless? But Patty, Julie, and Deb were along, so I sorta had to go through with it. I was glad I did. The rattlesnakes left us alone, and we left the poison oak alone, and we all ended up friends.

Dinner with Max Frost and the Col was an amazing experience. Along with George being there, I found myself sitting between the most informed and intelligent people who are intimately involved with the case. It was - even a time for a guy like me- to just sit back with a beer and listen. Some nights should never have to end.

But it did. So we went back to the place we are sharing and I finally passed out in a loft in the room above where my new friend George was sleeping. We have different views, but we shared a great day. I know in the coming days we will talk about some of these differences. I get a rare chance to learn, and hear the thoughts from both sides in a very intimate way. Wow what a concept- People on both sides, and with different views all coming together for a single purpose. For the next week. This is my family lol

All the Very Best-

You're Favorite Saint


  1. Nice post ST, and good to meet you at long last.

  2. Thank you for sharing the event. It's not a given these days.

  3. Dalligaf, would you email me when you have a minute?

  4. The next best thing to being there - thank you for sharing!

  5. I think his Stormtrooper name was Dillingaf, long for Dildo

  6. Thanks for sharing, i am sure we all love to see the tours.
    If we cannot be there with you, it's so nice we can share a little. Looking forward to read the next posts.
    It's really cool to see you all!
    You guys get high at Spahn's, huh?
    Hey St., you're cute! ;)

  7. "Wow what a concept- People on both sides, and with different views all coming together for a single purpose."

    Curious, St., an honest question: what is that?

  8. To hang out and have som fun and demonstrate the ability to get along and cooperate. But mostly for me to hang out and have fun. Thanks Chris!

  9. Vera- you came up at dinner and the conclusion was that if you used better feminine hygiene products (like Febreze) "down there" people would take to you more and dogs wouldn't follow you around the community. Some friendly advice.

  10. Can anyone join the Manson Tour?? DO you do this every year?? Looks like fun!

  11. Stuck in the middle of a prolonged house move, otherwise would've been so happy to cross the Pond and join the fun. I hope you've all had a wonderful, informative, challenging, argumentative, and most of all - a good time.

  12. What a cast you have assembled this year!
    I guess you CAN fit a lot of people in that cave. (it looks so tiny when Stoner makes his videos)
    Looking forward to more stories from Pete P.
    Nice write-up St.

  13. Well, Col, judging by that photo...well, never mind. Vera doesn't pick on people for how they look but rather what they do and say.

  14. Then you must think yourself a real bitch, right?

  15. Vera/Robin shows all aspects of what you do my love.

  16. Well Corporal Scrote, I mean Scott, even a long dildo is more than you will ever know. But don't worry, your small penis should qualify you for ADA protection.....

  17. YES, it may be a little scarry for newcomers to visit Spahn's in the daytime, so how about some old timers spending the NIGHT there. Then they would understand WHO the real Creepy Crawlers are.

    You could even go IN the Manson Train tunnel at midnight. That's one thrill ride you'll never experience at Universal. There's already been a murder committed there and one hell of a train wreck just outside. OR visit the burial grounds near where Shorty's body was dumped.

    Funny, nobody believes in this stuff, BUT I've NEVER heard of anyone willfully spending the NIGHT at Spahn's deserted grounds.

  18. That was one HELLUVA reunion!

    Great meeting you Mr. Circumstance - thanks again for dinner and drinks.

    Great seeing George again after so many years.

    And, as usual, always a pleasure of pleasures reuniting with the blog crew - always a great fuckin' time...!

    I'm not forgetting the Col. or Stoner but I do see more of them so it wasn't really a reunion.

    Hey ST. you forgot to mention which table we were sitting at...

  19. Dildo, as we ascertained long ago on Cat's place, the main problem isn't that your family hates you, it isn't that your co workers hate you, it isn't that you believe in a moral code that is completely bankrupt, it isn't that your education is particularly poor or that you still support Bush/Cheney ad the Westboro Baptist Church....all of that is true but it isn't JUST all that... the main problem is that you


    So when you try you provide unintentional hilarity to the rest of us. We thank you for it!

  20. How did this descend into insults so quickly? I'm confused.

    Looks like a fun time apart from that. You guys got to visit the place where The Creeping Terror was filmed! That's why Spahn's is famous, right?

  21. Corporal, it is better to be a person hated rather than a pathetic loser such as yourself. However, I must admit you are the funny one, I find my self laughing at you whenever you pop your head out of your ass and make an appearance.

  22. Lisa Brown, the tours have always been open for others to come and it has always worked out that readers have joined us.

  23. Well, next time around, I will make an appearance!! :)

  24. i found a 22 cal. bullet casing right in front of them...awesome !!!!

  25. Dillingaf


    Ever get tired of Epic Fails?

  26. Nope, never do. Everything about you is an epic fail, and that is very enjoyable to watch...

  27. I find it ironic that a schoolyard bully who's insults mimic, well, a schoolyard bully's (age 13)would criticize someone else's capacity to be funny. Just like, I guess, when he calls Debra Tate "fat," "Orca," etc. I mean, did you see those pictures (above)??? I know, said I wasn't gonna go there, but. And lets see how long this lasts before his ass-lickin buddy Matt deletes.

  28. Salad tossing isn't my thing, Vera. My you're perverted...

  29. Vera \Robin you homophobic, ignorant, friendless clown. I have lost 60 pounds and need to lose 20 more. When I do I will be down to exactly ONE HALF of Orcs's size. She is filled with bitterness and hate. Her only friends are you and her vibrator. It's funny to watch you post you contribute nothing and know less.

  30. 20 more? Only if that picture was taken years ago.

  31. Robin

    Nobody likes you
    Everybody hates you
    You should go eat worms.

    You are a child- a stupid but dangerous child but just a child.

  32. Michael, we should seriously look at organising a UK group excursion to California at some stage. Aside from yourself and equinox, I wonder if there would be anyone here who would be interested?

  33. Mr Hendrickson, I remember seeing on the "Crime And Investigation" channel a documentary surrounding that murder in the Manson tunnel. I remember the narrator saying how it's become a hangout for stoners and people dabbling in the occult. The one thing the narrator fleetingly mentioned was that there was still graffiti on the interior left by people living at the ranch at the time, unfortunately the camera didn't pan in on any evidence to illustrate this.

    Looking at the tunnel, and taking into account that it wasn't exactly the sort of interior that ever got painted and the arrid climate, graffiti from the late 60's may have remained intact.

    Could you, or anyone who has been there recently, confirm or dispute this?

  34. bucpaul, that would be a fine idea. Alas, I personally know of no one else who shares this interest. And further, if I ever went to Cal-Nevada without my Americana-loving wife, and therefore also our three year old daughter, we'd have another Manson-related murder on our hands when I returned. But a Euro-weenie version of the tour would be a grand idea, especially if we could meet with Matt, Patty, et al. Maybe even Col Scott, just to see what genuine fear feels like.

  35. Thanks Matt - I am going to put it on my bucket list!

  36. It's nice and generous of you guys to share this stuff. Much appreciated.
    Thanks to Patty, Stoner, Matt, St, Michael, etc. Hope to be able to tour the ranch someday.

  37. best day i ever had at the ranch !!!!!!!!!...meeting george was awesome,also pete portues was there,and michael channels...AWESOME DAY !!!

  38. Hi. I live in Glendale and know how to get to Spahn Ranch but am confused on where to park? Anyone know? Thank you so much!

  39. Hi Josh, just use the shoulder on Iverson Rd.
