Their only request was that the leaflets of these misdemeanors publication in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, International Herald Tribune. Although the plane was not weapons, an incident connected with the kidnapping took place, to their chagrin, the New York City police officer was killed while three others were wounded.
Zvonko Busic and received a life sentence (with the possibility of parole after 10 years for Zvonko and Julienne for eight years, recommended by the judge).
The other three Croats were given 30 years each in prison. All Bušić's co-defendants were acquitted in 1989. year. Only Zvonko remained in prison until his release in July 2009th year, almost 32 years later, the high-security section Terre Haute in Indiana."

It surprised Patty to realize that Juliana is American, and that Zvonko was obviously well regarded by his countrymen. So yes, the funeral was for the husband of the woman who Squeaky legendarily hit on the head with a hammer. Has anyone ever heard why Squeaky did that?
Thanks Sunset for the inspiration. Peace.