Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Necrorealist art...

Ladies & Gentlemen, please allow me to show you the somewhat disturbing paintings of David Van Gough. I saw Mr. Van Gough's paintings recently on a documentary currently streaming on Netflix called "Serial Killer Culture" by John Borowski. The documentary is about collectors, and artists that are fascinated by serial killers. No big surprise, Tex Watson doesn't make one appearance in the documentary, even though, technically, he is more of serial killer than Manson. Nobody collects, or paints Tex? Are you surprised? Manson looks better on canvas, I suppose. Actually, Tex was a spree killer, right? Anyway, continuing.....

I have to admit, the documentary, and Mr. Van Gough's paintings are highly disturbing to me, and I could never display them in my home. The third painting down is supposed to be Sharon Tate alive on the left, then Sharon Tate dead on the right. He included the cut on her face that Tex felt the need to do when murdering her. Jeepers Creepers!

From David Van Gough's website, the reader is told "Mining the dark recesses of a fevered subconscious, combined with the post millennial paranoia of impending doom, David Van Gough is a Necrorealist painter." Yep-I agree with that description, but hey-to each their own! He is talented, I will give him that! A link to his website can be found here.


  1. Here is my commfor the day: this art is creepy. On a different note, please have a safe New Year's eve, my friends.....

  2. Nice bottom on the bottom picture.

  3. Happy New-Year to ALL of you here !!! takes about 2,5 hours for me....... leaving 2014 with a BANG !!

  4. About the Artwork, because knowing whats behind this, the Art seems a bit ,Macabre, . But artwise and as of the details in the paintings, I do like them.

  5. There is talent shown in this artwork but it reminds of the fuzzy memories one wakes up with when coming out of a nightmare. It makes me wonder what goes through the mind of the artist who creates these and it seems to me a very dark place and not anywhere I want to spend time. But regardless, Happy New year and best wishes to all. Sweet Dreams.

  6. I went to art school - this crap sucks. Happy New Year!

  7. Then please 58, show us your Art...

  8. Just my opinion, I appreciate the blog sharing them.

  9. PS. Hellz, I love your avatar!

  10. @ 58 ; Just my ,Art,..... and a lil MansonBaby help.

  11. Hellz, this stuff reminds me of all my high school notebooks covered with my earnest attempts at album cover design tributes.

  12. IMHO, shis stuff is better than Bobby's, but not as good as Star's. Charlie's vest I consider a true work of art.

  13. "Nice bottom on the bottom picture."

    As my late friend used to say to me as he slapped his wife's bottom...

    "I'd like to see the Japanese made a better one of these."

    RIP Big Moose, love ya.

  14. Big bottom
    Big bottom
    Talk about mudflaps
    My girl's got 'em

  15. Hey, the artist does a helluva better job than I ever would. I draw the same thing over & over again, which is eyes with huge, arched Joan Crawford eyebrows, naked ladies with giant watermelon boobs, and for some reason, my doodles always include deformed flipper hands & beehive hairdos. Damn, do I have residual effects from all the acid I used to do? Too many raves in 1995? Hmmmmm.....

  16. A very short poem for New Years:

    It's all the same song
    It's all the same painting
    It's all the same day
    Keeping us waiting
