Thursday, August 7, 2014

Live From LA: 45th Anniversary of Helter Skelter

Greetings readers. By the time you read this, Patty will be on her way from home (Ballarat! LPAO) to Los Angeles to report on the 45th anniversary activities at Spahn, Cielo and El Coyote. The illustrious Stoner Van Houten and Michael Channels will be her hosts; she'd like to bring you along with her if only vicariously through intermittent blog posts now through Sunday. She will also be seeing Mr. Jon Aes-Nihil again, and is told that Bill Nelson will be there too... she shits you not!

Anyway, stay tuned. Wish you were here.


  1. Patty,

    Sounds amazing! Something to really look forward to.

    Hope Patty enjoys herself.

    Be careful around the ghost of Bill Nelson!

  2. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!! I wish I was there, too. Soooo envious! Safe travels, have a great time, & can't wait to read your posts. Any thoughts of doing a "real-time" time travel sort-of re-enactment of the last few hours and immediate aftermath? Here's why I ask: The anniversar
    The anniversary is a "same-day" cycle and the ethers will be more interesting and maybe more revealing, especially under conditions similar to that horrible night. Any empaths or anyone with any of the "clair-" abilities in the group?

  3. Sorry about the typos in the post. What I mean by "real-time" enactment is driving from Spahn to Cielo, up the switchback, etc. Taking careful note of any and all feelings/emotions, words, images, thoughts, &/or symbols that come to you, no matter how briefly. Let the victims clear up some of the lies.

  4. Man, I bet the weirdos are going to be out & about on Cielo, just like 45 years ago. Patty, be careful!

  5. When in LA, GO see the detectives that got the "Tex" WATSON tapes. NO joke! Be the journalist representing "THE" MansonBlog and YOU might be surprised at what you can find out. If you are NOT satisfied with the response, I would even be so bold as to reveal that folks all over the world are very interested in this case and don't believe that the LAPD did a competent job in investigating ALL the possible murders and even believe the present TEX tapes "business" is not much more that another cop cover-up.

    Even a NO response could be a "story" clue.

    IE: AT the time of the Catholic Church molestation Scandel in LA, folks couldn't understand why nothing was being done by the LAPD. And then one day - there it was - a large photo in the LA Times of cops in the front row of the Catholic Church getting THEIR Badges "Blessed." It was "Bless the Badges Day" and there was the LAPD "Chief" of Police "Bratton" on his knees, with other key brass, getting HIS badge blessed by the the now infamous Priest Roger Mahonny.

    SEE, the TRUTH always makes sense, that's why they call it the truth !

  6. Awe! That sounds so fun! I'm in LA and wish I was joining you. Have a blast!

  7. You probably can, John. Email her...

  8. Hey Anne :) I hope your well!

    Did you just warn a grown women who is driving hours to celebrate the anniversary of a 45 year old murder to look out for weirdos?

    "We are the weirdos mister" lol

    J/K I would love to be there, and nothing is weirder than the fact that in May I will also go and look at these places again- only alone :)

    Have a great time Patty, and do be careful... I too am very jealous!!

    P.S.- Trilby is you read this- I read and really enjoyed you're first post....

  9. @ Mr Hendrickson; We here in Europe had the Catholic Church Scandals too... I guess the Pedophyle Priests of the Catholic Church are/were world wide ,Organized, (as in MOB) The story of the Bless Badgess Day came to me like this.... And there was the LAPD "Chief" of Police "Bratton" on his knees, in front the the now infamous Reverend Roger Mahonny ..... Not to let his Badge being blessed...but goes down on his knees, for doing something completely different ! ! !

  10. I always have to do the hard work.

    Here we go

    Why anyone would want to flippantly celebrate the ruthless murder of 7 people over a two day period is beyond comprehension. It isn't sick, it is unbalanced.

    No doubt Acid Burnout Aesnihil will meet you at El Coyote, a place where I have little doubt the victims did NOT eat their last meal at a table near the toilet where I would bet money they NEVER sat.

    When is Evil Liz gonna come back and inject some order into this mishigoss of a site?

  11. ColScott,

    You make a good point re doubting whether the Tate party actually ate that evening at El Coyote. I would have thought that if Sharon Tate turned up, people (of both sexes)would notice her - she was stunning. Perhaps, only Voytek and Abigail went because Sebring's autopsy report only shows up fluid in his stomach.

    Just because there was a reservation for four doesn't mean that four (or any of them) took up their table.

  12. .
    Patty may I go with you??? Pretty Please???

  13. Patty I really would LOVE to join you. Please let me know how.. John

  14. John, email her. I'm sure she isn't reading comments today.

  15. HellzBellz: My thought exactly, BUT the "kneeling" before someone has always been to demonstrate one's subsurviant "role" to the higher power. Obviously, the photo confirmed WHY the LAPD would NEVER do anything to make ANY Priest uncomfortable.

    Did any of the Family ever have to kneel before Charlie ?

  16. Robert Hendrickson said...

    Did any of the Family ever have to kneel before Charlie ?

    Well, Little Paul comes to mind...

  17. John, cocktails are on at El Coyote though the table for 16 is likely full. We are meeting there around 630, after that we will go to cielo. If you send Patty your phone number, she will text you when we are on our way there. That goes for anyone except you, Col.

    PS This was Matt's idea LOL

  18. Hey Col- Liz is just fine and will be back soon...

    She is working on a relaunch of a new site...

    You will be the first one invited

  19. "Well, Little Paul comes to mind..."


    LMFAO! You can add Bobby B to that (according to a very disillusioned Leslie Van Houten who witnessed it).

  20. Will Patty and friends be able to go up to the top of Cielo Drive? I know it is a public road, but you might think that the neighbours will try to sabotage any gatherings tomorrow.

  21. The worst thing that can happen is David Oman will put a curse on them...

  22. Or that lady with the fat ass will come out and scold them...

  23. Hiya St., & thanks, I appreciate your kind words. It's really great to see you posting again.

  24. Anyone besides the paranormal crew at David Oman's house doing live feeds tonight?

  25. Matt said...

    Robert Hendrickson said...

    Did any of the Family ever have to kneel before Charlie ?

    Well, Little Paul comes to mind...
    Their AKA names should be Neil and Bob.....

  26. Would love to meet up. I live in Canoga Park, so all this history has been a part of my back yard! ;-)
