Sunday, May 11, 2014

Raising a Style Icon: Does Sharon Tate Hold a Clue to the 'Mad Men' Finale?

From the New York Times Today. Unfortunately, it's kind of a mélange of disjointed connections to Sharon.  Young 'uns  discovering Sharon for the first time, throwbacks to the '60's in TV  and they mention both Restless Souls and Debra Tate's upcoming "book"! Restless Souls mentioned first!!! It also touches the glamour of the clothes and mod vs hippie style, subjects that bore us to pieces. There are just a lot of little bits thrown together almost haphazardly.

We suppose it all comes down to being an article on the show Mad Men though and I guess if we were to approach it from that angle it kinda makes sense.

I guess we're not the only ones sometimes trying to shift the focus from the killers to the way more pleasant subject of Sharon Tate, in fact it we may started a trend!

Good luck Debra. Sounds like you're trying to sell chicken scraps as pheasant under glass. Can't wait. Tick tock...


  1. Matt, don't hold your breath on doing that review. The release date has been pushed back so many times that I'm beginning to wonder if Susanna Lo is the ghost writer.

  2. So we watch Charles Manson die, but also see Sharon Tate come back to life.

    Just an everlasting cycle, except it used to be about villains & heros and now it seems to be only
    about celebrities.

  3. Maybe y'all have seen, been there....but trough this articel I was directed by an URL to this Facebookpage. Nice photos of Sharon, wich there were ones I did never seen before. Maybe this is old and boring to you guys....but I wanted to bring this under atention, Greetzz from Holland Hanz

  4. I'm in the UK and I have to confess, I have yet to watch "Mad Men" but, like so many "must watch" series, it's yet another one I will have to binge-watch, when time allows.

    The aspect I feel I can comment on, however, is that I'm reading quite a few speculative commentaries in the entertainment sections of newspapers (desperately?) linking characters from "Mad Men" to that fateful night on Cielo Drive.

    Mr. Hendrickson - a most illuminating perspective. Once upon a time it seemed to be about the binaries of "good/evil" and now it appears to be celebrity "culture" cannibalising itself.

  5. Hi Patty,....Hi Matt !!! LOL !! Me Not saying much lately, but believe me, I am a loyal ,Folower, (ha ha ha) !!

  6. I'm thinking Mad Men will deal with that night as symbolic of when the 60s ended.
