Sunday, February 23, 2014

Paul Crockett Has Passed

Thanks to the blog reader that tipped us to this news.

I have received word from his wife and partner of 40 years, Sylvee, that Paul Crockett, “an amazing, incredibly wise man, took his departure on Jan. 10, 2014.

Read the tribute here                                                                                 Help with the bills


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Both of my mother's parents passed on Jan. 10, ten years apart. For years I was warry on that date.

  3. Hey Dooger I'm just curious as to why you think Crockett was out for riches?

    What did he do exactly that implied he was out to make lots of money off of his involvement?

  4. I'm too busy to write ,BUT Dooger has raised a REAL issue.

    Out of ALL the MANSON story related opportunists (I am apparently thought of as ONE) Paul Crocket had to be the least. In fact he did NOT even testify to boost Mr. 'B's" bottom line. For me Paul added a much needed understanding of a very relevant perspective to the MANSON mystique. We paid him a minimum wage and for that YOU can read a lot of his "wisdom" in "Death to Pigs." Of course, my MANSON book is way "overpriced" thus I am the beneficiary opportunist NOW. Worst than that, I won't even ship a MANSON dvd to Hong Kong (the piracy capital of the world) for Fiona. William can send me a card and I will sign it for FREE and he can paste it in his copy of "Death to Pigs" BUT my signature is worthless.

    I only comment on this ISSUE because it is NOW the primary issue driving America to total socialism, which believe it or NOT, is relevant to ALL of our futures.

    An interview with HIS wife would be a real plus, Ibut iF she wouldn't do it for FREE for US, it must be worthless!

  5. well said Robert. Whut, condolences. Patty will never forget the anniversary of Dad Patty's death and its been YEARS.

    As for whether or not Crockett was out for riches, Patty can't judge. There was a need that he filled. He had a niche. This is pure capitalism, and many people make a living in far worse ways. RIP.

  6. My pop passed on his Mother's birthday, December 31st. I'm certain that she came and got him.

    New Years ruined forver.

  7. Weird, Matt. Dad Patty passed on NYE too. He had this fancy Fittipaldi wristwatch he got for selling an assload of tires. At the end, that's all he wore. It had a date window on the face: Patty thinks he had set a goal to make it through the year. And when it was done, so was he.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I was surprised to read that the famous "psychic" Sylvia Browne passed away. She swindled millions of people out of money, and was even charged with fraud one time. She claimed to know what heaven looked like, and she would charge people hundreds of dollars for "readings." All she was, was a cold reader. She knew how to read people quite well. Manson could of played a good psychic too. I think some people do have "gifts" but to charge hundreds of dollars, and then be wrong about almost all of it is WRONG! I don't know why this reminded me of Sylvia Browne. Anyway, I am sorry to read about Paul Crockett's passing. Now, I must get back to my gardening....

  10. I don't think it is wrong to charge people for those help sessions, because spiritually, it does work. Just don't cross the line. When someone needs medical help, don't tell them to think it away.

    But it seems like he and Sylvee were a great couple, and they lasted 40 years. Reminds me of my parents- my father was a lot older than my mother and he died after 40 years of marriage.

  11. Here's link to that psychic magazine interview of Crockett we ran last October, in case you missed it or want to reread it.

  12. Dooger: I have read rumors, BUT can you confirm the Paul Watkins story. Where is it published?

    I know that Paul Crocket and Charlie Manson both KNEW some of the same mind games and US currency does proclaim OUR trust in God, so anything is possible.

  13. Dooger is that from Paul's recorded message to Nick Bougas?

    Crockett looks a little too old for 1973.

  14. OK, thanks Dooger - I have yet to actually sit down and listen to that entire recording.
