So, what are the pros & cons of releasing Bruce Davis into society after 40 years? Let us make a quick list to weigh in the key issues, shall we?
1. He is 70 years old (low changes of recidivism)
2. Became a born-again Christian in prison, and preaches to other inmates (doesn't mean shit)
3. Has earned a master's degree AND docorate while incarcerated (an educated murderer)
4. Claims that he works to help other people to make good choices, and to have spiritual connections (rolling my eyes)
5. Has attended numerous self-help classes over the years (yawn)
6. I can't think of anything else (this is what comments are for)
1. Was involved in two brutal, and violent crimes
2. Has been present when others died (Zero, possibly others)
3. Continued being in denial for many years after the murders
4. Continued a "friendship" with good ol "Tex" behind bars
5. Very good chance that he is responsible for other deaths
6. Lied for years about his actual involvement
7. Is really creepy-looking (just an opinion)
Now, what will Governor Brown do? Do you think he might use my list to decide? More importantly, what do our readers think? I know I am missing a lot more stuff. I just can't think clearly right now. Just getting ove the flu. Comments? I know one individual who will defintely find time out of his busy schedule to give his opinions on the issue.