Thursday, August 22, 2013

Debra's Chest

Patty is not sure how she missed this one. For the 40th anniversary of the murders, Debra Tate did a piece with Inside Edition and an exhibit with artist Jeremy Corbell whereby she had a Sharon lookalike model some of Sharon's clothing. Have you ever seen these?

Were all of the above meant to be dresses, or is "Sharon" running around bottomless in some of them? Here is the art exhibit that was held in Culver City. Apparently, Steve Urkel was
in attendance. See him?


  1. It's easy to see why the Col. Has such a strong dislike of this women

  2. That is one cute Sharon impersonator.

  3. Are they dresses? Yes, they are. My mum gave me a frock just like that: it's in the Costume Museum in Manchester now. I nearly died when I saw it, so brief. Mum said they would wear 2 pairs of knickers, the top pair being all frilly for display.

  4. Sorry, off topic.

    Like me, do you get the feeling that Bradley manning leaked that info not exclusively out of a sense of righteous morality, but because he wants the US Government to foot the bill for sex reassignment???

  5. Matt,
    This is the first I've herd about the sex reassignment. I'd rather think about the Sharon impersonator.

  6. orwhut said...

    This is the first I've herd about the sex reassignment. I'd rather think about the Sharon impersonator.
    What if the female PFC Manning looked like the Sharon impersonator? That would blow you freakin' mind man.....

  7. That reminds me of a gag from the old sitcom "WKRP in Cincinnati". Dr. Johnny Fever told someone that Lonnie Anderson's character, was the recipiant of the most cunningly successful sex change operation ever perfrormed in modern medicine.

  8. Dresses were very short, but that model was probably several inches taller than Sharon. Good resemblance to Sharon, but not as pretty.
