Friday, June 7, 2013

Newest Manson Photo

Eviliz gets this one first!


  1. These guys are really getting old...

    these last photos of him and LULU are the biggest difference from pic to pic I have ever seen....

    Over at Atkins website- which I haven been to in a while- hur hubby used to have,and may still, a timeline of photos of Susan over the years and it is interesting to me to see the gradual changes...

    But LULU went from many years of slow change to almost unrecognizable in the last one, and Charlie- who granted is much older- has taken a bit turn in my opinion as well...

    good job on scooping the photo!

  2. Although I'd be grumpy too if I lived in prison and someone shaved my beard off, I guess.

  3. Charlie looks good for an old dude.

  4. He looks like he's trying to look like more of a badass than he is

  5. He looks like he's trying to look like more of a badass than he is

    1. He's almost 80. I don't see him "trying" to do anything - that's just who he is. He looks like an old gangster. Give him a fedora and tommy gun.

    2. There's obviously a very bright light on him. His squinting could easily be interpreted as though he's trying to put on a "bad ass" face.

  6. If I saw him on the street I don't think that I'd recognize him. Well. maybe the swastika would give him away.

  7. Thank you, Sherm, for making me laugh! Poor Charlie - age has reduced him to being indistinguishable from the grouchy AARP'ers playing the penny slots and lining up for the "early bird" buffet special at the casino. Oh, the inhumanity... (P.S. The forehead tattoo isn't holding up well, either.). LMAO.

  8. No Liz I agree he does look good for his age ( I dont feel the same about LULU)

    But I agree with the others..

    my point was he is starting to not look like Charlie any more. If you took the X off his head and showed this to 50 people not in this community how many people could tell you who he is??

    by the way- I was under the impression they only released new pics when hearings came up??

    I thought we had already had our last look at him??

  9. I was under the impression they only released new pics when hearings came up??

    I thought we had already had our last look at him??

    ST, we are EVILIZ, lest you forget :)

  10. He and leslienbasically look the same age but he's 16 years older.

  11. Charlie looks better in this picture than he did in his last one. His face is fuller. Can they get botox in prison? LOL

  12. Hello all. This is my first time posting here, but I've been looking over the site for quite some time. It's definitely the best one out there.

    Concerning everything Manson-related, I'm just as intrigued as everyone else by not only what really happened at the Tate/LaBianca houses, but also the day to day life at Spahn and Barker/Meyers.

    My problem is this. With such an enormous amount of drug use (especially psychedelics), coupled with every player in this wanting to save his or her own skin and minimize their involvement, is there any realistic chance of ever knowing exactly what happened?

    I just don't see how it's possible. What really happened went to the grave with Sadie, and will most likely go to the grave with the rest. That's sad. The families deserve better than that. What happened can't be changed, but at least the truth could be told, IMO.

    Thanks, and keep up the great work!

  13. Howdy Kyle. Great question.

    What REALLY happened is as much a mystery as any other event clouded with suspicion due to lies, cover-ups, disinfo, etc.

    The more people involved that expire, the better chances we have of getting more nuggets of truth. Just like when Howard Hunt was dying, he gave a deathbed confession to his son about his involvement in the JFK assassination (as well as other high level Government officials).

    With that in mind, people should seriously withhold their judgements about certain individuals involved in the case. Especially Manson. If we don't know what really happened, to this day, why is it so easy for so many to lay such a heavy judgment on Manson?

    Yes he was involved but is he really behind the entire thing? Is he really the great mastermind who controlled every aspect of everyone's lives, day to day 24 hours a day, around him and forcing them to kill for him?

    This country is addicted to always placing the blame on one person, quickly closing the case, and doing whatever they can to prevent the important questions from being answered. A lot of times the questions are prevented from even being asked.

    There's definitely A LOT more to this story.

  14. Actually, Manson has good skin. All that time in prison, not being exposed to the sun will preserve your skin. He does not look bad at all, for someone his age. Surprising! I do wonder what his overall health is like, though. I read somewhere that he has emphysema. I don't know if that is true though.

  15. Actually, Manson has good skin. All that time in prison, not being exposed to the sun will preserve your skin. He does not look bad at all, for someone his age. Surprising! I do wonder what his overall health is like, though. I read somewhere that he has emphysema. I don't know if that is true though.

  16. Thanks for the great reply Max. That's absolutely the truth.

    Manson, in my opinion, is no more guilty than the numerous televangelists who "legally" drain people's bank accounts and social security checks on a monthly basis. Do I believe he has never personally killed anyone? No, I don't . I'm not a Manson supporter, but I digress. My interest in the case and the history lies more in the judicial system and counterculture aspects than my personal feelings about Manson and the family.

    Sometimes I find myself thinking about how much more the public would know had these crimes been committed in 2013 rather than 1969, given today's technological advances (cameras everywhere, security systems, cell phones, etc.).

    I guess we'll never know. I'm reminded of the saying "If you can remember the '60's, you probably weren't there." Lots of truth in that, and I think it directly applies in this case.

  17. I just had another thought on my earlier post. While I'm not willing to accept drug use as an excuse for what they did, I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that in all honesty, they may very well not remember the details of those nights. I'd be willing to bet that exactly what happened was as foggy and blurred to them 2 or 3 days afterwards as it is almost 44 years later. While I would like to think that if I went out and killed several people I would remember every single thing about it, I've never done LSD or speed, so I can't speak with any authority on the subject.

    I guess I'm just hung up on the inconsistencies with crime scene photos versus the court transcripts. Things don't seem to jibe.

  18. Both Tex and Atkins wrote books recalling what happened both nights. Not that they told the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but it's obvious they totally remember what happened.

    There was also the first book "The Killing of Sharon Tate" based on Atkins' grand jury testimony. The guy that made that book happen is the same guy that made the first OJ book happen. Lawrence Shiller.

  19. I agree with St. If we took the swastika off his forehead and showed it to people(not us) they would have no idea. I don't see his crazy eyes anymore.

  20. Looks like Charlie shaved his head on the sides.....I guess he's going through a "punk" or "grunge" phase!

  21. "Mugsy" Manson. Looks like a cross between an owl and a pitbull.

  22. "There is definitely ALOT more to this story".

    No, there really isn't. After 43 years of scrutiny and countless books anyone who believes there is some grand story or master conspiracy is just grasping at ghosts.
    Are there unknown factors and such? Of course there are. But the basic story remains the same a half century later. And Manson's guiilt - he ordered Cielo, tied up the LaBiancas and participated in both Hinmann's and Shorty's demise - is flat out unquestionable. If you simply listen to his interviews on youtube, Charlie, to his credit, admits to most of those actions.

    Your delusional and paranoid 'there is a conspiracy (i.e. govt) behind every rock is EXACTLY what turns folk off from participating in rationale discussions about TLB.

    "people should seriously withhold their judgements"

    I disagree.
    People should seriously withhold their paranoia.

  23. The brainwashed robot speaks again.

    Go crawl back into your safe little box Leary. We are trying to investigate the truth here - not rehash Helter Skelter propaganda.

  24. My point is proven by your juvenile need to insult. I shall indeed stay out of your way as you roam your neighborhood in your cape and mask fancying yourself some kind of "truth" superhero.
    Up your meds. Serioulsy.

    1. You should take your own advice Leary.

      Scroll up and see who had the "juvenile need" to insult first.

      Being an outright hypocrite is one of the first signs of dementia.

  25. Charlie looks like an old school gangster from the 30's. And a decent looking one at that. I suppose that we will see a different sort of look yet again in the next few pictures of him. He's always changing...and yet still remains the same. A chameleon.

  26. you're right, I should have said 'juvenile need for name calling".
    Regardless, I've no appetite to debate with someone so sanctimonious so I shall leave this blog to you so that you can continue to argue that Lincoln was offed by the CIA and that George Washington had a firewood business.

  27. Um, we have a no fighting policy boys. U have been noticed.

  28. Who's fighting? I was having a nice discussion with Kyle and Leary had to chime in with his insults "delusional" "paranoid" "conspiracy" blah blah blah. I don't even know what he's talking about.

    He obviously doesn't READ the posts - just reacts to trigger words.

  29. That isn't Charlie! Is it? It doesn't look anything like him

  30. Looks like he's constipated.....

  31. Look at the 1984 MuggShot here in ,,Manson through the Years,, posted in December 2012. Same apearance....only somewhat older.....

  32. wow. Squeaky was right. The man never looks the same. He’s a chameleon.

  33. welcome, ! ! !. how do you pronounce that, btw?
