Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Yana the Witch 2013

A mutual friend of  Eviliz.com and Linda Kasabian's got in touch with me recently providing me with a few recent pics of Linda to share. Please be kind in the comments so we can keep this mutual friend.


  1. Many thanks to the mutual friend.

  2. interestingly enough, the picture behind her right shoulder (bottom photo) is a Beach Boys album cover.

  3. ColScott said...
    She got old on me!

    Just what I was thinking.
    Colonel - I just e-mailed you some good gossip so keep an eye out for it. Love ya! ;)

  4. orwhut said...
    Many thanks to the mutual friend.

    Mutual friend says your welcome.

  5. ColScott said...
    She got old on me!

    Just what I was thinking.
    Colonel - I just e-mailed you some good gossip so keep an eye out for it. Love ya! ;)

  6. In that bottom picture, Yana looks a lot like my friend Judy.

  7. Oooh Linda taking selfiess(pictures where you hold the camera yourself. She looks cute in the first picture I think.

  8. I'd still love to see Linda sit down with someone besides the despicable Larry King and talk things out.
    I'd like to see her do it with Howard Stern for example. My favorite Manson interview is the Charlie Rose one so maybe ol Rose sitting between Yana and Cappy. That would be interesting.

  9. If not for the distinctly American art, I would think this pic was taken not in the USA, but of someone in Minsk.

  10. That's a very cool piece of driftwood in pic #1. And I do like the green beret.

  11. leary7 said...
    I'd still love to see Linda sit down with someone besides the despicable Larry King and talk things out.
    I'd like to see her do it with Howard Stern for example. My favorite Manson interview is the Charlie Rose one so maybe ol Rose sitting between Yana and Cappy. That would be interesting.

    STERN- could you imagine?!

  12. I think she looks good, she's over 60 now. She could look so much worse! I would pay to talk to her. Thanks, mutual friend!

  13. Hey lets remember, shes no longer the naive 19 year old she was back then, no longer my age!!

  14. Still kinda hippy-dippy huh? I mean that in the nicest way. Indigenous scarf in #1, disco gypsy headwrap in #2.

  15. Also, that's a black woman on the right, in #1. Just sayin'.

  16. I see the cover illustration for "Surf's Up" on the wall. Intentional or unintentional irony?

  17. This entire endeavor is fraught with unintentional irony.

  18. LIz, Howard actually has great interview skills when he is not being obsessed with bowel movements.

    Suze's comment is so dead on about Minsk. Great awareness.

  19. Can we get some generic info about what Linda is up to from the mutual friend? Without seeming pushy or stepping on toes of course.

  20. So does Linda know her friend is leaking these pix I wonder? And I wonder if she ever checks the blogs? Also, anyone know which family member christened her Yana?

  21. Jason, from what we can tell she lives a normal life in the company of her children and grandchildren in the northwest.

    biglittlepatty, the way I remember it she chose Yana herself. My feelings won't be hurt if I'm corrected on that.

  22. leary7 said...
    LIz, Howard actually has great interview skills when he is not being obsessed with bowel movements.

    I used to listen to him all the time before he went to Sirus or what ever it's called. Remember the "Kielbasa girls?" The used to come on and deep through kielbasas. WTF?
    I mean at least make some money off your talent. :)
    Don't waste it on Stern.

  23. All of the Manson girls age well.
