Sinners are those who don't believe in God's love, that Christ died to provide the gift of righteousness, and rose again to give eternal life. "For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
Saints are those who believe in God's love and grace.
As a sinner in the sixties, I did not realize that Jesus died and rose again to supply all my need. I tried desperately to fill my own need in every possible way, only to fail miserably. But today as a Saint, "...God shall supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
I was blind to the wonderful things God had freely given to me 2,000 years ago at the cross. I was expecting people, places, and things to provide the love, acceptance, and approval that only God's love and grace can give. Maybe you can identify now with how I felt back then?
I guess maybe I am not alone here, but if I had the opportunity to be in Southern California in the late 60’s, I may have had more on my agenda then stuff that happened a couple thousand years ago. All due respect to religion. Tex has none. As a "sinner in the 60’s" Tex did not realize quite a few things, and even today it still sounds like he is looking for someone to "supply all our need." Tex says sinners are those who don’t believe in God’s love. I think if a person who does not believe in God doesn’t harm anyone and is a decent member of society and treats his fellow man with compassion and dignity, God would let them in Heaven anyway. I don’t necessarily think believing in God more loudly than others can get you to the front of the line or earn you any titles either. It certainly won’t make him forget or ignore your resume when you arrive there trying to get in. I think this guy is making excuses, and has been looking for someone to hide behind his whole life. He can call himself whatever he wishes and he can make references to the Bible for as many days as he has left mopping up the Mule Creek State Prison State floors. But if there is really a God up there and he is watching - I am sure he would not want this man just bestowing himself with such prestigious titles, and comparing himself to such important people...
It just isn’t that easy to be
a Saint ;)