Thursday, November 15, 2012

Name me...

We adopted this Chihuahua today. She needs a name. My only condition is that it be a Manson name. What should it be?


  1. How about.... Kitty?

    Isn’t that ironic?

  2. I like Yana :)

    How about " LULU"

  3. No one's said Shorty?

  4. Cupid for Bobby. We recently found to newborn kittens in an abandoned house we were doing work at, they are named Sadie & Gypsy.

  5. Sorry, I didn't read that it was a girl. Abigail or Ouisch.

  6. OK, something with a Latin sound for a first name, with a last, and applicable name for those times when she doesn’t ‘make it’ to the back yard in time.

    ‘Olancha Barker’

    Olanchaaaaaa come here girl, gooood dawgie, gooood dawg.

    Olancha Barker! Who did that on the carpet?!

  7. I lost my dog a few months ago. Her name was Sadie.

  8. I lost my dog a few months ago. Her name was Sadie.

  9. Soliel instead Beausoleil. Sun instead of beautiful sun.

  10. Thank you for adopting, by the way. She will be an eternally grateful companion. I found my last cat crying at the top of his lungs in the back yard after a terrible storm, only 3 months old. No idea where he came from, I spent 4 days trying to capture him. His name is Sawyer, after the character in "Lost." because he was lost in the wilds of the backyards of my neighborhood :)

  11. How about "Lotsapoppa" aka Bernard Crowe.

  12. Personally I wouldn't go for a "bad guy" name.
    How'bout Rose ?

  13. Personally I wouldn't go for a "bad guy" name.
    How'bout Rose ?

  14. Yana wins. Only because it's a pretty name.

  15. It's not too late to rename that cat Juanita.

  16. Liz Hernandez said...

    Now see- I told PPatty if she ever got a new puppy doodle it would have to have a name that starts with a Z, since her other dogs are Zelda and Zeke. I told PPatty she must name it
    Zezozezo Zadfrak Zoe or what ever the terrible name was Sadie bestowed on her baby.

    PPatty is that not what I told you in April? Huh Huh?!!

    The Patty's look at animals like potato chips, weed and cocktails-you can't just have one!

  17. FYI-Some useless info for you all- my dog is named after Sadie.

  18. Patty resembles that remark, Liz. Mr. & Mrs. Patty have Ziggy, Zoe, Zeke and Zelda. Zezo is next.

    Matt, Patty thought that "lulu" was a done deal? What did you decide on?

  19. She has much larger breasts than any of the Manson girls, BTW.

  20. We have another pet named Lucy. Lulu is too close.

  21. El Coyote and Shorty really cracked us up. Zuzu actually made it to the finals. We didn't want to name her after any of the TLB participants but Yana is pretty and it suits her. She is blindly loyal to the wrong person!

  22. Here are my 2 name suggestions:
    1)Topanga (sorry, Trilby), or
    2)Soupspoon. Wow, Soupspoon would be a perfect name for this little cutie.
    3)Saperstein. RIP. So sad.

  23. Yana has been slow so far on the paper training and she howls all night because she isn't allowed in the bedroom. sigh...

  24. EvilLiz said:
    FYI-Some useless info for you all- my dog is named after Sadie.

    I can 1-up you on that, my daughter's name is Sadie. But you already knew that :-)

  25. I sometimes call my two youngest kids Soupspoon and Squeaky, and they have no clue why.

  26. Oh sorry didn't see you picked Yana. Nice choice. I think if you had two dogs, Yana and Cielo would sound cool

  27. Oh sorry didn't see you picked Yana. Nice choice. I think if you had two dogs, Yana and Cielo would sound cool. In fact if I ever get two new cats I will call them Cielo and Waverly. Even children could be called this. (Maybe).

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. my vote would be for ruby or pearl. i almost got my sister to name her daughter lulu. she named her lily instead. of course she didn't know the significance of lulu to me. my cats are named cupid and gypsy. i had a friend who called his unborn son clem,his wife hated that.
