Monday, October 15, 2012

Mary, Gypsy & Como

I had these once without the blur-outs. Sorry I can't find them. Does anybody have those??? 


Looks like Gypsy's packin' more than automatic fire.

I wuv you...

Now I know I was right!

Thanks, candy and nuts


  1. I think the second one was in a slide show. It may have accompanied a song on Youtube. I haven't seen it in quite a while.

  2. nothing sexier then a girl with a gun...hahahahhahahaha

  3. Mary mustuv been hungry....looks like she's gnawin on that gun like a turkey leg!

  4. candy and nuts said...
    nothing sexier then a girl with a gun...hahahahhahahaha
    Bang bang shoot shoot....

  5. I want a pair of those camoflage panties. With or without the extra ammo clip.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Como must have had some serious mojo to have "turned" Mary, Gypsy, Brenda etc away from Charlie.
    I sure would like to read more about him and his fight with Manson in the prison courtyard. Anyone have some suggestions as to where to look?
    Ah, if only Mother Mary would speak. She is the one I would cross state lines to listen to.

  8. not to be crass or a dirty old man...ah, the hell with it...but Gypsy looks like she has Sherwood Forest 'down there' while Mary has the Mohave Desert.

  9. Leary, I think you may be wrong. It's looks more like Gypsy's carrying a bunch of grapes for a late lunch after the rifle range......

  10. Grapes??? They'd be raisins after ten minutes down there what with all the STD's the Family garnered.

  11. There are so many hilarious jokes that I can add to that but they'd be gross for some of the more squeamish members so I'll keep them to myself......

  12. I don't know where you found them, but I kind of wish you would send them back!

  13. Gypsy is gorgeous always has been always will be why the fuck else would Bobby mess with her

  14. Leary your comment was no more piggish than my caption! LOL.

  15. Candy,
    I guess, everyone has their own idea of beauty. Personally, I've seldom thought Gypsy more attractive than Mary.

  16. When I was a teenager I always liked Ruthie. I thought of her as Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island with a knife....

  17. That sum Ruth Ann up pretty well, Doc. I think she's prettier than Mary Ann.

  18. sorry Matt, I honestly missed the captions when I first read the thread.
    We've discussed the relative beauty on the Manson Girls often. My take is that they all had their moments. Not to many extol Mary's attractiveness but I always thought in that video of her leaving the courtroom of Bobby's trial she looked quite fetching.

  19. Ah ha! Remember I found that photo of Mary a while back, and some people thought it was a fake! Now I know it was real. Real UGLY!
