RB- "Everybody always wants to know how I got together with Manson. It was through our music. He plays some, too. One night I was driving around with a bunch of my ladies. Well, we came to this old roadhouse, beer place with a lot of cars outside. So we went inside and there was Charlie with some of his ladies. We all got to talking, played some together; the next day Charlie came to see me in my van, and we all, his people and my people, ended up camping out together. Brothers and sisters. A family."
TC- "Do you consider killing innocent people a good thing?"
RB- "Who said they were innocent?" They burned people on dope deals. Sharon Tate and that gang. They picked up kids on the Strip and took them home and whipped them. Made movies if it. Ask the cops; they found the movies. Not that they'd tell you the truth."
To read about Gary's murder and more go to http://capote.wordpress.com/
Thanks to member William Marshall for jogging my memory about ".45 Dangerous Minds."
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Bobby in 2011 |
For whatever this is worth- on his site- Bobby vehemently denies this was any type of legitimate interview. He says he was lied into doing it in the first place- realized quickly it wasn't going to be what he thought- and terminated it shortly....
It stresses that he was told the Manson family wouldn't come up, and he was misquoted and the entire thing was not reliable in any manner..
Says Bobby.
I have read the interview a few times, and it does sound like cocky bobby back in those days to me. He has changed his story in the past a few times, so heard to know when to take him at his word for me ...
I just have a hard time believing the Tate/LaBianca murders were done to exonerate Bobby.
Along with the name misspelling is the anachronistic date of 1973 with Capote referencing Bobby’s decade of incarceration and age of 31. More than likely, this interview was done around 1979.
What on Earth would he do if paroled, aside from his Spicoli-esque fantasy of drifting along the coast?
Your resume is quite impressive Mr. Beausoleil, we were all touched with your dream to “Throw some driftwood on the fire. Good gash…. Good hash…. Just tripping right along”. We feel you would make an excellent addition to ‘our family’. Welcome to the ‘Olive Garden’ Bobby, here’s some lettuce and carrots; we hear you’re quite good at tossing salads.
BB should remain incarcerated if for no other reason than that unbearable crap that he makes and calls music.
PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FARMER: Following that, a parole plan. Let’s get down to the bottom line Mr. Beausoleil. You’ve been given a date and released, what would you intend to do?
INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: Occupationally?
NMATE BEAUSOLEIL: I would probably do a number of things. I would initially take a job at a software company in Salem that has offered me a job. However, in the long-term I would do some similar types of works that I’ve been doing while I’ve been incarcerated. In particular, over the past eleven years, I would be producing videos, doing technical consultation and continuing to produce work of my own in the process of doing that. I have job offers for my technical abilities on record in the documents that we’ve just been going over; and that’s what I would be doing. Initially however, I would want to have a regular job to help in my transition; and I have a job offer at Gold Com, a small internet, web-site design company in Salem, whose been in business for a number of years.
PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FARMER: Of those, which is your first preference?
INMATE BEAUSOLEIL: My first preference is to do the type of work that I’ve been doing; and to do work for Don Murphy who has offered me job in film and video and do consultation work and proto-typing assistance with people like Steve Fobarry and Sony Pictures Media Division.
Wow, that’s amazing how Oregon’s unemployment rate is over 8% with companies offering jobs to people serving life prison terms. I wonder if unemployment would decrease if these companies tried to hire people who ARE NOT in prison and ready to work. I’m no economist so I can’t tell.
I do hope that Mr. Beausoleil has taken time to read the EEOC regulations, where his employer can be held liable for the creation of a hostile workplace. My goodness, whatever would be the result of introducing a notorious member of the Aryan Brotherhood, into a multi-cultural work environment like those in Salem, Oregon or any video production or music industry?
May I Suggest…
“When you’re here, you’re….Family”
LOL just now catching the Olive Garden reference
interesting list of job offers. makes a believer out of me as far as one of the internet rumours.
There's an hour segment about Charlie on Deranged on the Destination America channel tonight
So far that Deranged program is highly inaccurate.
what time, Al?
Right now CST
Farflung said...
Welcome to the ‘Olive Garden’ Bobby, here’s some lettuce and carrots; we hear you’re quite good at tossing salads.
OMG! Farf are you aware there are two definitions of "tossing salads"?
manson has always claimed he met beausoleil at the spiral staircase house. i tend to believe manson on this one. why would beausoleil lie, was he doing illegal activity at the spiral staircase house, that he's fearful may come out if he told the truth?
Eviliz thanks for posting this just wondering if you read the interview with MANSON
The good Col Scott spoke so highly of in 05 when he published his review of the book
Is there a link to the Manson interview?
AL best lead I can give you is go to official T,L blog read 05 COL SCOTT has good info actually amazing info regarding everything MANSON related thanx again Andy for all your solid advice peace out
OMG! Farf are you aware there are two definitions of "tossing salads"?
True, but one of them actually means "tossing salads", correct?
Is Bobby still married?
Bobby also said in that interview that there was no need to be remorseful because "whatever happens, happens" because it is supposed to happen, and so therefore, "it is all good."
"i never meant to ....hurt...Gary Hinman. But then it all came down."
"And it was all good?"
"It was all good".
This is the Charlie stuff right there. The same stuff Susan spoke of him indoctrinating them with when they were spaced out on that serious acid.
Usually the only people who know the meaning of tossing the salad where somebodys sissy in prison
Im familar with the term becase 15 yrs,ago as a dumb kid in his 20,s rollin with local 1% Bike club was cool luckaly I woke up.before ever doing time but know alota people living in cages flor long stretches.
Always be a little outside the law but nothin that would get me in prison
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