Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mary Brunner

Thank you, L.W. for the photo!


  1. Looks like a regular nice lady on a park bench. Hard to believe she once stood by and watched while a man was tortured and killed, stole Volkswagons from dealerships, used stolen credit cards, robbed surplus stores at gunpoint & plotted prison escapes. And those are only the things we know about.

  2. Exactly Suze, which is why a word from her would be such a treat. She wasn't half-ass, she really bought into the whole thing. So hearing her reflections would be amazing - does she acknowledge the evil, or is she like Squeaky etx claiming they are all misunderstood. Would she have any desire to talk to Lynn or Pat or even Charlie once more before it is all over?
    I wonder, I know there are prohibitions about ex-cons having contact with prisoners, but given that Mary and Charlie are parents of a child if there is some exception that would allow them to communicate. It seems unlikely to me that American law would forcibly keep parents from communicating with one another.

    Speak to us Mary.

  3. Not to mention she had Charlie Manson's baby. Paul Watkins described the birth: "Some of the girls held her up, and Charlie used a razor blade to make the hole a little bigger"

    Also, I think Bobby Beausoleil updated his webpage May, 13, 2012.

    I'm trying to make a clickable link but I can't get it to open in a new window:

    Beausoliel Slideshow

  4. Thank U Sunset. Bobby has some cool photos up in his gallery. Patty was never too hot for him but there's this one photo...damn. Maybe she woulda hit it after all.

  5. Sunset, abandon all hope. It's not possible to open a new window from the comments section.

  6. Thanx for that Matt, I've been trying for 2 frikken days.

  7. ya gotta love a woman who says she "woulda hit it after all".
    Not exactly Emily Bronte, but my kind of gal.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. sunset77 said...
    Thanx for that Matt, I've been trying for 2 frikken days.

    Thank you for trying though.
    I am going to post the link.

  10. Is she still in the San Fernando Valley? Looks like Reseda Park.

  11. Here is a link to a news article from Apr. 11, 1970, entitled "Woman Describes ‘Family’ Slaying of Hinman", the woman is Mary Brunner.

    If you middle click this link, it should open in a new tab.

    Middle Click

  12. What does 'D' mean Patty? I didn't offend did I?
    The thing about Mary that is so compelling is that she wasn't a promiscuous porn actress like Gypsy or a skanky topless dancer like Sadie or rebellious teens like Ruth Ann and such or angry family rejects like Red and Blue. She was a midwestern librarian. You would think she would have been more like Didi Lansbury or Ella Jo Bailey, but no, she bought into the evil all the way. You just have to wonder how one rebalances their life after going that far into the dark side.

  13. a colon followed by a capital D is a sideways smileyface emoticon, Leary. It's like ":)" only, bigger, w/ more teeth.

  14. Respectfully, Leary7, I disagree.

    They were anti-war protesters in a time if you didn't protest that war, you didn't have a soul.

    Viet Nam is not a Democratic Republic and we all float on okay.

    Iraq is not a flowering gateway democracy of the Mid-East. Life goes on.

    Afghanistan is still Afghanistan.

    The War on Drugs.....two million incarcerated, and prohibition still doesn't work.

    The Manson Family isn't evil. We are probably more evil because we tolerate all of this.
