Monday, May 14, 2012

Catherine Gillies

Is that a Bible open in front of Cappy?


  1. As usual, surrounded by family. Good to see. Looks like an ill relative in this one. Sincere wishes that it turns/turned out well!

  2. yowza, not to be critical but those are linebacker arms on Cappy. Is she really that bulked or is it the camera angle? A long way from the waif on the sidewalk.

  3. Cappy was always a tad overweight. You can even see it in the Hendrickson videos. Never obese, but a little heavy...

  4. Hendrickson described her as "always cheerful", I don't doubt it. They need to get her on the StarCity Radio program, wouldn't that be a good one?

  5. If Cappy is heavy, then this blogger here really IS a HippoPATTYmus. LOL. She looks fab.

  6. An author or two have mentioned Cappy being slightly over weight. I've seldom noticed it.

  7. It always amazes me to see someone wish these people well, I wish them the same heartache they gave onto others!!

  8. i regret saying that now, i didn't mean to say she looked heavy, just that her arms looked like she might be into working out or such. I am embarrassed to say I have never seen the Hendrickson film (is it available online) so I just remember her from the sidewalk photos and such, where she looked waifish to me.
    and those photos of you and Liz etc on your trip were the most fun many of us have had on here Patty. There isn't a red blooded guy who wouldn't chase you and Liz around the block. They may be chasing for different reasons, but for me it would be just the plain old biblical pursuit of lively, fun, good looking gals.

  9. I wish everyone well, Jesse. Even people who don't care for me. It keeps me from feeling negatively about them, but I digress...

    In the photo she appears to be with a sick relative. I think Suze was wishing HER and the situation well but I can't speak for her.

    I wish Catherine Gillies well. In the end she hurt no one.

  10. Definitely a bible. Better late than never. The read book on top *might* be an AA Twelve and Twelve book. According to, "After the family broke apart, Gillies reportedly joined a motorcycle gang." Anyone kow which bike club?

  11. Well, that certainly puts you in the Col's doghouse Matt, as he argues Gypsy remains the only truly dangerous one. That defies reason, but then that is the Col.

    My belief is that most of us on this blog recognize the evil and pain Manson and the Family caused. But we also recognize that these folk are still humans. With the exception of Charlie and Sandy and Squeaky most have repented and renounced the events of '69. But it isn't even about forgiveness per se. It's more about "there but for the grace of God go I". '69 was a crazy time. And anyone who does enough acid and identity eliminating sex is going to be susceptible to taking the dark path.
    Sure, you can condemn the Family and say they all should be in hell. But what about the folks down in Jonestown or in Waco or the guys over in My Lai. Strange things happen in strange situations. Charlie and Tex should never and will never be released into society. But a fair minded person will at the least evaluate the others individually.

  12. Leary said:

    I am embarrassed to say I have never seen the Hendrickson film is it available online

    There are 2 films about the Manson's I know of produced by Robert Hendrickson. "Manson" 1973, and "Inside the Manson Gang" 2007. Both have been involved in serious copyright infringement battles. You can read about Hendrickson v. Ebay here:

    Here you can see a preview of "Inside the Manson Gang":

    I think both these links are to Robert Hendrickson's website. He sells the book and both films as a package for $100.

    It's unlikely you will find either film online, however, occasionally, 1 or the other pops up on YouTube. "Manson" 1973 was removed from YouTube about 1 week ago, it had been up for about 1 week. That's about the third time I've seen it come and go.

  13. I sprung for the book/film package deal. Well worth it.

  14. I say that we women who are curvalicious just are robust and I am one as well...I like my wine...

    Interesting...I was reading through some things on the internet tonight and came across a quote from a fellow Canadian. Technically, I am American, born in the US, but I know live in Canada.

    Neil Young on Charlie...

    Young describes Charles Manson as not so much of a song-writer as a "song-spewer." But he remembers actually telling record executive Mo Ostin, "This guy, he's good. He's just a little out of control."

    So, we know that Charlie was a decent musician. Not disputing that. His songs were pretty good. But the last line speaks volumes. Even Neil Young recognized that..."he's just a little out of control"...

  15. Maria,
    I'm not up on Neil Young. What I've read is that he co-founded Buffalo Springfield and that Cappy was a Buffalo Springfield groupie. Do you know whether Neil has ever mentioned knowing her from those days?

  16. Panamint Patty said...
    If Cappy is heavy, then this blogger here really IS a HippoPATTYmus. LOL. She looks fab.

    Then that makes me a Lizopotamus!!

    I think it is the angle the pic was taken at that makes her arms look big. I never found Cappy or any of the girls fat back in the day. Cappy looks slim.

  17. Jesse2112 said...
    It always amazes me to see someone wish these people well, I wish them the same heartache they gave onto others!!


  18. Patty if you're a hippoPATTYmus I'll eat my hat. I bet it'd taste better than El Coyote's food.

  19. Orwhut...Neil Young is also of the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young fame. He has gone on to be a very successful solo artist.

    He said that he met Charlie on a number of occasions when he was attracting a celebrity crowd. Remember when the Mamas and the Papas, the Beach Boys, Jim Morrison...the whole lot of them were hanging around for a period of time. Charlie was somewhat of a fixture on the Sunset Strip so he inevitably got to know some of the artists playing it.

    I don't think there was ever any affiliation with the Neil Young and the Family, but Neil Young did write "Revolution Blues" specifically for Charlie. There's mention of dune buggies and deserts in it.

  20. Neil Young did give Manson a motorcycle.

  21. Was that the motorcycle he crashed through the window of a bakery?

  22. Orwhut, I been waiting for someone else to answer that. I don't know, but I'm sure someone like Matt or someone else here does. Years ago, I tried to find out what happened to that motorcycle, but was unable to do so.

  23. I looked online about Neil Young and his motorcycle. Not much, except 1 person said Young was probably messing with Manson's drugs and girls and probably gave the cycle for "services".

    What kind of bike it was and what happened to it I don't know, but I'm guessing Manson traded it, or it was grabbed by the police. I've heard of Manson drinving a VW bus, school bus, dune buggy, etc. but never a "2-wheeler".

    My family has been operating bikes since probably, the 1940's. Riding the junky cycles they had in the 1960's without crashing is a skill Manson probably never learned. The world of motorcycling wasn't revolutionized until 1969 by the Honda 750 Four. My uncle still has a '72 in near mint. My dad had a 1952 Indian Chief he wishes he still had.

  24. erm.. I had a couple of attempts to get the film, it didnt work out...but did manage to download it. I really would have bought it, but Hendrickson just wouldn't ship to me in Hong Kong! I wish he could have just sent to me personally: i don't want to rob him, but well, I really needed to see it.
    But after reading Death To Pigs, I was kind of shocked to see how the film was pretty dishonest. Remarks about Mary Brunner, by Gypsy, were spliced into ones about Sadie, so you think its all about Sadie. The whole film is like this. This goes beyond editing. Taking lines, splicing them with others, so what is said is totally fantasy...

  25. I don't remember exactly where Manson said he had a Vincent motorcycle... I'm trying to recall

  26. "with an aircraft engine" JAP, I guess...

  27. I have to agree with Jesse on this one.

    I don't wish them well, nor do I wish any of those "Family" members still on the outside any harm. I just try not to think about the likes of them. Giving someone like Mary Brunner or Cappy space in my brain is just a waste of time.

  28. louis365,
    Thanks for responding. Having never learned to ride a bicycle, it's little wonder Charlie went through the window. (This is the second time I've sent this message. They may both arrive eventually.)

  29. I've heard his lawyer say that he never learned to ride a bicycle. But then there is this other docu on him that says, as a kid, he robbed a bicycle. I tend to think that if a kid is going to rob a bicycle, he knows how to ride it.

  30. Good point. I may have been mistaken.

  31. I am told the motorcycle burnt down along with Spahn Ranch in the early 70s.

  32. Sunset 77, Charles drove a bike, and was the mechanic for two clubs. He talks about it in a recent interview in the "Horse" magazine.

    Often the bikes required parts they hadn't the $$ to buy or fabricate.

  33. Now for a comment... every time Evil Liz posts a photo of a woman who was friendly with or acquainted with Manson, all the guys on this blog make negative comments about her physical appearance.

    I think it's bogus.

    First of all, most of these ladies aren't wearing makeup or fancy designer clothes. Most of them are in their sixties, have had children -- which changes your body -- and they look like normal human females, rather than botoxed, plastic surgeried, anorexic fashion models. Dolly Parton is the same age. Does she look sixty? No. Is she realistic of American womanhood? Hell, NO!

    Secondly, these ladies haven't the "stage lighting" and professional photography of commercial pictures; these photos are done by amateurs and are candid. Nor are they air-brushed, photo-shopped, etc. These pictures are of REAL women doing real activities with their loved ones.

    You guys have the misfortune to have a mindset of the American commercial media ideal of what women are -- objects to be used sexually, to sell products, and to cater to men. They're supposed to wear tons of animal-tested products that likely contain ingredients that cause cancer, mutilate themselves with surgery and wear clothes that cost the income of a third-world family, or they're not considered "pretty" by the male critics on this blog. Or by the average misogynistic ageist sexist American male. It's pathetic.

    I bet NONE of the men here will be film-idol material when you're sixty, balding, wrinkled, overweight, have ear hair and your scrotums are sagging. I hope you still have someone who loves you, as these ladies seem to, when you get old and "ugly" by American standards.

    You keep wondering about the appeal of Manson? He doesn't have these false notions of beauty. He's renounced the Hollywood myth of fake-ness. It's refreshing.

  34. Amen, AC. We can't all look like PVM777, who said on Brian's show last week that it's much better (in her mind at least) to be too skinny than too fat. Not even sure why she said it, but there you go, even women think that way. Patty had to think long and hard about that one, but finally decided that she'd rather be too fat.

  35. I'm not sure that all men feel that way AC. My husband loves me no matter what I look like and he saw me give birth -- twice....

    My dad still adores my mom and they will have been married 50 years in November. Neither of them looks anything like their beautiful wedding pictures when they were young.

    Although I understand how you are feeling, I don't think it's fair to paint all men with the same brush.

    Now I have a question for you.

    I honestly want to know what you thought Charlie was doing at the LaBianca house? He was there. Fact. He went in first and tied them both up with leather thongs he was wearing. Fact. Then he left them there and Tex, Leslie and Pat went in. We know the rest of the story.

    Can you honestly tell me that 24 hours after Cielo, Charlie had no idea what was going to go down at the LaBianca house?

    What was the purpose of going there in the first place then? What is the reasoning to tying them up?

    If it was just intended to be a home invasion/robbery, then why didn't Charlie stick around? Even you will admit that theft was never and issue of moral conscience for Charlie.

  36. A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
    "When your scrotums are sagging" scrotum is already sagging :)

  37. first, I apologize if my initial comment was interpreted that way. I was just suprised at how muscular Cappy's arms looked given my memory of her from Family photos was that she was waifish. I was just wondering if she was a fitness weight lifter or such.
    Second, I know disagreeing with AC has its peril, but didn't Manson have his "front street" girls - i.e. he put the 'pretty ones' out front to attract the bikers and such? And didn't he comment when Diane Sawyer showed him updated photos of Leslie and Pat..."man, they got old on me". or something to that effect.
    Once again, AC, your loyalty is admirable but Manson is by any fair assessment if not an out and out misogynist then certainly a chauvinist.
    I mean come on, even prior to '69, Charlie was a convicted pimp. Trying to promote him as the face of "male enlightment" is truly a farce.

  38. I don't believe that Charles was actually at the LaBianca house, Maria.

    Think, this five-foot-six unathletic guy is supposed to be tying up Mr. LaBianca, who was six-foot-something, an athlete, and used to unloading and slinging around large cartons of groceries??? With a couple leather thongs? And no gun? Clem and Tex, probably. Charles? Um, no.

    They fit HOW many people in that midsized sedan car? Let's do a head count -- Leslie, Pat, Linda, Clem, Tex, Charles, Susan. That's seven. Really? In August, in CA, with no air conditioning? I can't fit three kids in the back of an SUV without them punching each other.

    I'm told the motivation for the LaBianca murders was that Mr. LaBianca owed the wrong people money. Tex was supposed to be the enforcer. He botched it.

  39. It was the remark about Catherine Share being "overweight". How much do you think the average American lady weighs, anyway? Weighing under 100 lbs is NOT normal nor desirable. It's unhealthy.

    It's a cumulative thing, the sexist / ageist / looks-ist comments, not just on this thread, but on many other postings, criticism of how the ladies appear.

    Other blogs are worse, complaining about victims' relatives' appearances.

    We're a very look-ist society.

    When Charles said that Pat "got old on him", he seemed surprised that she had aged so much in 25 years... he prolly still thought of her as a twenty-something. Remember SHE was the one who managed to pick up a famous musician while hitch-hiking. I hear so many negative comments on Pat's appearance... she seems like an average looking woman to me. Then and now.

  40. 1. I am happy to be curvy. I like to eat and I like to drink and I'm Italian. Add it all up = rubinesque.

    2. AC -- Charlie admitted to being at the LaBianca house didn't he??

    And if Leno owed people money..the whole mafia connection...then how does a blonde haired, blue-eyed dunce from Texas become the enforcer???? As I said, I'm "People" (LOL) take care of their problems with cement shoes.

  41. Ace, I think your feminism gets in the way here. Seriously. When we look at people our brain makes observations instantaneously. "tall, short, skinny, fat, pretty, ugly, cute, I'd hit that, I wouldn't hit that with Sunset's dick..." and so on. We can't help it and there's nothing wrong about saying it in a forum.

    For each comment of that ilk I also see folks saying things like "She's always surrounded by family", "she looks happy". They are observations. The photos spark conversation and sometimes very good debate. In my book thhose comments are just as valid as yours.

  42. @Matt...

    I consider myself a pretty strong and independent woman. I'm very well-educated, gainfully employed and happily married.

    Personally, I don't take offense at any of the comments re: women on this blog. In fact, I don't take offense at much because I just tend not to worry about too many things and try to find humor in life and people.

    I say, Kumbaya baby!

  43. A.C. thank you for the input about The Horse magazine interview

  44. Thanks for the cool site.Per Neil Young's Revolution Blues on his album On the Beach, David Crosby refused to sing on that tune.
