Monday, April 9, 2012

Video of Bobby's Power Wagon

StrangeTours has this video on their YouTube channel.

To see other related videos:


Anonymous said...

Ive asked this before, Is this REALLY the escape truck?? As many TLB sleuths there are and not so normal TLB people there are, out there, I have a hard time beleiving no one has taken the truck, they take EVERYTHING else Manson relative, so why not the truck?? I mean really, someone even took the PIG door and put it on display in Nawlins, so this truck just sits there year after year, me thinks not!

Matt said...

Janson, Bobby has confirmed that it was indeed his truck. He ID'd it by the painings on the ceiling that he did himself.

Patty is Dead said...

Plus anyone who tried to take it would be really conspicuous in a little town like Ballarat, here. It's dead quiet, flat and all of about an acre big. Go Ahead. Make Rocky's Day.

In fact, the truck is in Ballarat precisley because Tex tried to skirt Ballarat altogether and drive out across the "dry" lakebed that was not so dry after all. The truck was towed back to town and here it sits, today.

There is only one way in and one way out, and everybody out here would know you were up to no good with Bobby's truck on your flatbed.

orwhut said...

Would someone please tell me what to read, so I can refreshed my memory on the Power Wagon?

Anonymous said...

OIC, thanks Matt, thanks Patty.
Still a shocker that it is still there after all this time. I wonder if Bobby ever gets paroled, if he will go get the power wagon?

Zarathustra said...

I agree, probably it is. Another survivor today is Dennis Wilson's Ferrari 250 GTL crashed by Clem & Little Paul

Zarathustra said...

orwhut, in the Truman Capote's interview with Beausoleil he mentions the two Power Wagons he owned

Anonymous said...

Panamint Patty said...

Go Ahead. Make Rocky's Day.

Rocky is such a nice guy, isn't he? The caretaker before him was a real dickhead!

Patty is Dead said...

Gotta be a tough old desert rat to live in the Panamint Valley, eh Grump? There is still such a thing as the wild, wild west!

Matt said...

Somebody has to be inflating those tires every now and then, right? I can't imagine they just stay inflated year in and year out. Who does that?

Patty is Dead said...


Zarathustra said...

Matt, the truck is laying over four jack stands

Zarathustra said...

I guess Rocky (?) had a good idea

orwhut said...

Thank you very much.

orwhut said...

I thought the same thing about the tires. The jackstands were a good idea.

Zarathustra said...

You are welcome my friend

Matt said...

Yes, thank you Zarathustra. Jackstands make total sense.

orwhut said...

Air in tires can be a funny thing. In the mid 80's I saw a B25 bomber that had just been rescued from the bottom of a lake where it had crashed during or shortly after WWII. One of the tires was still half inflated. On another miletary note, the tires on the big guns outside our local American Legion building went flat so many times that, someone finally got smart and put them on stands.

Matt said...

@orwhut - was that the Lake Badin bomber?

Anonymous said...

I am new to this blog. I am Strangetours on you tube. I love the blog, and hope you enjoyed my video.

Patty is Dead said...

Hiya Strangetours. Great video. We got to see the truck up close and personal on our trip about three weeks after Matt linked you up. Patty is glad you like the blog, come by any time. Your comments are always welcome here.

Anonymous said...

I have hundreds of photos to share and video. You can see a lot of my work on MT's site. I will put up some photos soon for all to see and share.