Thursday, April 19, 2012

More Mary

Eviliz has returned with this gift for you. I only wish I was the original finder.

Thanks to "Racestarr" for this pic of Mother Mary. She's wearing the same orange shirt she was wearing in the photo provided by starcityradio.

**updated, cropped photo. Please click to enlarge.**

And yes I was off on a jaunt with The Colonel. Don't hate.


  1. Yes I changed the post and added the part about the shirt.

  2. Looks like an entirely normal bunch of people there. I wonder what Mary's been doing with her life all these years?

  3. The guy in the hat with the gray beard behind Mary looks familiar, I wonder if I've seen a pic of him somewhere else?

    I wonder if the other people in the pic know that she was Manson's first "disciple"? (if it is Mary Brunner)

  4. sunset77 said...

    The guy in the hat with the gray beard behind Mary looks familiar, I wonder if I've seen a pic of him somewhere else?

    He does look a lot like Greywolf, doesn't he?? But his beard is too short!

  5. GrumpFromPahrump said...

    He does look a lot like Greywolf, doesn't he?? But his beard is too short!

    I don't think that's the guy I was think of, but I do know who "Greywolf" is now (also Star)

    Here is a link to their Facebook page:

    Apparently "Star" was a 24 year old fast food employee in 2009.

  6. Just a suggestion... you might want to consider blurring the photos of the folks around her, or cropping them out.

  7. Looks like Charlie's and Rosalie Willis' grandson will be on Anderson Cooper 360 tomorrow night

  8. @hippichick: point well taken. Maybe Matt can do a better blur out job tomorrow so the context is not lost.

  9. Hippichick, you are right. I was hibernating and the girls weren't willing to wait :)

  10. HAHAHA, I knew I was right, Eviliz and the Col were out and up to something. Damn I am so smart!!
    Dont know why I cant come up with any answers about TLB though.
    Ok, forget the previous, maybe Im not so smart.

  11. that's a nice body for someone Mary's age. I wish she didn't have that old lady haircut though.

  12. and I hope she does think about her friend Gary often.
