Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

Thou shalt honor thy mother. Now, get out there people, and plant something/clean something/admire something green. :)


  1. I planted 10 blue spruce pine trees yesterday.

    I remember "Earth Day" 1983. They put a speed bump in at our college and painted it green.

  2. Hahaha, speed bump.

    What did you guys do for the day?

    We've been planting permaculture garden stuff all week, cleaning the roadsides around our place, and today, collected a whole TON of old electronics for refurbishing or recycling. The company that does this service, does not put anything into landfills.

    We collected some eight-track players, boom boxes, and computers with 10 inch floppies... reminded me of several readers here on the Evil Liz blog, hahaha!

  3. BoomBoxes...heck, I collect those!

    StarCityRadio had a good guest tonight

  4. I listened to the StarCityRadio show also, the guest was Les Edgerton. Much of what he said on the show can be found on his blog here:

  5. Oh man not another person who reckons they were invited to the Tate house. Here it's Bryan MacLean who funnily enough replaced Bobby Beausoleil on guitar in Love.

  6. Hey SJ, I didn't hear any mention of the Tate house in the vid. Where do I look for that?

  7. Thanks Louis. I must have been distracted by office noise at that second.
