Patty would like to compile a readers' list of all the TLB and Manson related websites and blogs out there that are still active as of April, 2012. Here: she will start you off with just a few:
Adam Gorightly's Untamed Dimensions: http://gorightly.wordpress.com/
Aes-Nihil Productions: http://aes-nihil.com/aes.html
Charlie Manson.com: http://charliemanson.com/
Charles Manson Music: http://mansonmusic.blogspot.com
Cielo Drive.com: http://cielodrive.com/
Crime Scene Photos (Warning: GRAPHIC): http://vanessawest.tripod.com/crimescenephotos.html
Helter Skelter Forum: http://www.helterskelterforum.com/
Lynyrd's Manson Forum: http://lsb3.com/
Manson Direct: http://www.atwa.info/
Official Tate La Bianca Murders Blog: http://tatelabianca.blogspot.com/
One World Order: www.allthewayalive.com
Order of ATWA: http://airtreeswateranimals.blogspot.com
Second Official TLB Blog: http://2ndofficialtate-labiancamurdersblog.blogspot.com/
Sharon Tate: A Beautiful Soul: http://www.sharonsbiggestfans.webs.com/
Sharon Tate Official Site: http://www.sharontate.net/home.html
Star City Radio: http://starcityradio.com/
Supernaught (Manson category): http://supernaught.com/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=2&page=0
The Backporch Tapes: http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelsBackporch?ob=0
The Exclusive Film Network: http://www.exclusivefilms.com/
The Manson Family: http://www.rickross.com/groups/manson.html
The Sensational Sharon Tate Blog: http://sensationalsharontate.blogspot.com/
The Weblog of George P. Stimson, Jr.: http://www.gpsjr.com/
Truth on Tate La Bianca: http://truthontatelabianca.com/
Here is a site that sells Manson memorabilia:
You can get Charles Mansons personal palm comb along with 2 squares of his toilet paper for only $3,200. It's interesting just to read some of the letters they have for sale there, like the cancellation of an insurance policy for Donald Jerome Shea.
Thanks for posting this list! I'm gonna do some browsing tonight....
Is the toilet paper used ?
CieloDrive has a cool booklist - Patty dicovered that Virginia Graham wrote a book called "The Joy of Hooking" which includes some about Manson. It's on its way to Ballarat right now.
Thanks, Cielo!
Mr. Patty turning you out?
I do have to say that I really like how Cielodrive.com has a television schedule.
www.allthewayalive.com Mostly about ATWA, lots of photos of Charles, his artwork, his music, environmental philosophy, and a lot of related information.
airtreeswateranimals.blogspot.com The ATWA blog, with Manson updates as well as how our Earth is being ravaged and what individuals can do to make positive changes. This had the most comprehensive article about the dangers of Monsanto that I've ever read.
Also, enter "Order of ATWA" at Facebook, MySpace,, Twitter, Tumblr and You Tube. Several of these sites have many videos, Charles's and the Family's music, ATWA information, art and more.
Google "Murder Auction" for letters, photos, art, and legal papers, most of which are for sale.
http://mansonmusic.blogspot.com/ Manson Music has new albums for sale as well as sound files of a lot of Charles's older music.
TY AC, Patty will add these to the list when she gets a moment. Nice to see you this evening.
Is charlie out of the hole yet,can some one tell me? Also can i get one of his hand made spiders or scorpians apart from visiting him in prison.
Hexjoe, Charles will not be out of the hole until at least next February, possible next March.
You can purchase spiders or scorpions from Murder Auction or Supernaught, when they have them.
Or you can post a wanted note on various prison art and collectable sites, and perhaps a private collector will sell you one.
Hmmmmm....is there a reason why the most? site MansonDirect is being ignored?
It's been a long time since I read "The Joy Of Hooking." But I think I remember it being interesting. Again, it's been a long time so I might be mixing things up. But I'm pretty sure Virginia claims she went to look at the Cielo house to either rent or buy. This was before Melcher lived there I think. Definitely an interesting coincidence if true.
Hi Cielo - it just arrived this evening. :)
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