Taming the Beast, Edward George with Dary Matera: Charlie's old prison counselor tells tales of Charlie's life behind bars up until the early 1990s.
The Family, Ed Sanders: A classic but disliked by purists because the author puts quite the spin on the facts. Patty digs it, though.
Charles Manson Now, Marlin Marynick: A psychiatric nurse from Canada who developed a long distance personal relationship with Charlie in the late 2000's tells all.
Squeaky: The Life and Times of Lynette Alice Fromme, Jess Bravin: THE SQUEAKY BIBLE until she releases her own damn book. JESS IS PATTY'S IDOL. Can anyone get her his email address? Please?
Manson In His Own Words, Nuel Emmons: A great read but also disliked by purists because Emmons edits Charlie's words for "improved coherence."
Trial By Your Peers, by one of the original TLB jurors: Grump sent this one to Patty. It's rare, it's interesting, but IT'S BAD. Grump warned Patty and he was right. Still worth a book report though, so watch for it. Thank you, Grumpy Poo.
Child of Satan, Child of God, Susan Atkins: Great details about her early days in San Francisco.
Will You Die for Me?, Charles Watson: More great details about his time in the desert before fleeing to Texas.
My Life with Charles Manson, ("Little") Paul Watkins: An engrossing read: someone (Patty forgets who) has the kindle version and it's also on line at The Colonel's pad.
Witness to Evil, George Bishop: An early cheap paperback about the trial. Patty has not read it yet but the illustrations are hilarious and definitely worth their own post. Watch for that too.
Manson, John Gilmour: Patty can't remember what she likes about this one, but it was pretty good.
Manson: Behind the Scenes, Bill Nelson: Hilarious! Some good material with some laughably awful fiction intertwined. Patty loves her some Bill Nelson. Except for that child molesting business, of course.
Desert Shadows, Bob Murphy: The Patty's constant companion on their semiannual explorations of Death Valley National Park. Patty is told it's expensive on line, but rumor has it you can get one pretty cheap in Death Valley itself.
Patty also read Mr. Hendrickson's latest, but it is now in the posession of The Evil One. Given her current paltry collection, what should she buy next? She needs some Gorightly and Schreck: these are obviously missing. What else?
ReplyDeleteI saw the statement about 160 books too but, don't remember seeing a list. If you run across one please direct me to it.
No Helter Skelter Patty?...I thought everybody with an interest in this case has that one it like the bible of TLB
ReplyDeletealthough i can't supply a picture of my Manson books I can give you a list.
ReplyDeleteHelter Skelter
The Family
The Long Prison Journey of Leslie Van Houten
Child of Satan,Child of God
Charles Manson Now
Will You Die for Me?
Charles Manson: Music Mayhem Murder
and an eBook of Crucified - The Railroading Of Charles Manson (pdf form)
If anyone is interested in Crucified let me know and i will post the link where you can download it
Hey, WHUT: Patty has never seen a comprehensive list, but she imagines different sources would quote different numbers of "Books on Manson." For instance, is Jess Bravin's book a book about Manson? Primarily, no. Secondarily, um, yeah. Duh. Perhaps Patty will start "The Patty List of Books About Manson."
ReplyDeleteHey, BING: funny you should say about Helter Skelter. What got Patty interested in the first place was her daddy's weathered copy of HS. She remembers reading it perhaps at too tender an age in the late 70s or early 80s (think: Stacy's HS baby+10). After Patty's dad's death in '97, she inherited his copy of HS but can no longer find it, having moved four or three times before settling with Mr. Patty in Ballarat.
Oh BTW, shout out to Ken, Liz and Matt. Thank you for having Patty back, you phreeks.
Great collection! I have few others, most recently the updated MANSON FILE, which is excellent! I also have a signed copy of THE GARBAGE PEOPLE(1st edition too). I will post a pic of all my Manson books soon.
ReplyDeleteI meant to do this earlier but it slipped my mind temporarily....
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming back Patty and Ken.I always enjoy both of your posts!
ReplyDeleteYou've posted some intelligent thinking on how the number got so high. It puzzled me when I read it but if books like "Squeaky" and the anthologies with a chapter on Manson are counted, I guess it would go that high.
I got some money for Xmas so I finally bought myself Death To Pigs, it arrived a few days ago. So i now have 10 Manson books.
ReplyDeleteI have 32 books on Manson now and waiting for Witness To Evil to arrive in the post soon ... Tex Watson by Bill Nelson is a good read , Five To Die by Jerry LeBlanc is a very accurate telling of the story ,Death Trip by Johnny Satan is Ok and Sharon Tate and The Manson Murders by Greg King is an excellent read. If buying any of these books online its well worth comparing prices between Amazon and Alibris books as You could save a lot of money
ReplyDeleteBooks required for Manson 101 are HS & The Family. BUG is Joe Friday and Ed provides color commentary.
ReplyDeleteDesert Shadows - Read it twice. The real life is stranger than fiction part. Should be made into a movie.
The Manson Women by Psychiatrist Dr. Clara Livsey. Required reading twice unless you understand the theory of penus envy. No 'devil made me do it' or 'acid killed my brain' stuff here. Discusses in depth TLB players, including the pathetic Tex, the eco sisters and pulls back the covers on Charlie. There's an excellent review on Amazon which says it much better than I can.
I have more, but these are by far my favorites.
can anyone tell me about the pictures in Death to Pigs? are they color or black and white are they all stills from the movies or new pictures? is it worth me buying it for pictures I havent seen? any info appreciated thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt still strikes me as a bit odd how many delightful people there are on a Manson blog, and Patty is at the top of the list. Great sumnation.
ReplyDeleteThere is still that rumor of Gypsy having a book written that she can't find a publisher for. I wish she would self-publish or at least get a couple of chapters online. She is an intelligent gal. I would read that.
'odd' isn't the right word. I should have used surprising.
ReplyDeleteLove Letters to a secret disciple is well worth it if yu can find it I found it 20 yrs ago for like $7 not sure what its going for now
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is interested in Crucified let me know and i will post the link where you can download it
ReplyDeleteYes, Bing, please post the link.
Hi, Patty,
ReplyDeleteWell, if your Jess Bravin is the same Jess Bravin assigned to write about the US Supreme Court by the Wall Street Journal, then try here:
It took me a while to compile this, but here is my list!
ReplyDelete(I have a huge DVD collection too)
Helter Skelter (both versions)
The Family (3 versions, had to have the Process Chapter)
Tex Watson, The man, the madness, the manipulation (autographed!)
Manson Behind the Scenes (autographed!)
Charles Manson: Music Mayhem Murder
Five to Die
Manson Unholy Trial (updated Garbage People)
Desert Shadows
Coming Down Fast
My Life With Charles Manson
The Manson File
The Long Prison Journey of Leslie Van Houten
The Shadow Over Santa Susana (both versions)
Death to Pigs
Manson in His Own Words
Child of Satan,Child of God
Crucified, the Railroading of Charles Manson
Charles Manson Now
Witness to Evil
Trial By Your Peers
Will You Die for Me?
Though not Manson specific, these have interesting Manson info in them
Ultimate Evil
Road Mangler Deluxe (Phil Kaufman - autographed)
Heroes and Villains (Beach Boys bio)
I used to have
Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders
Tex’s 2nd Book (100% religion)
True Crime (sent to Liz, chapter on Bobby B.)
Charles Manson - Helter Skelter and Beyond (waste of money)
Why both versions of Helter Skelter? The picture of Paul Crockett, Brooks and Little Paul by the mailbox at Barkers is only in the original version.
Why 3 versions of The Family? First one has the Process Chapter, later removed. One version identifies one of the Jane Does (the one in Helter Skelter as “Sherry”) as Stephanie Rowe, aka Suzanne Scott. I looked into that theory once. It mentions this idea in Adam’s book too.
Who was/is Stephanie Rowe, aka Suzanne Scott? I know she was one of the “Witches of Mendocino”.
starship said...
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is interested in Crucified let me know and i will post the link where you can download it
Yes, Bing, please post the link.
I almost forgot
ReplyDeleteThese Canyons are full of Ghosts, Emmett Harder (autographed)
I met him, nice guy. This is a must for anyone interested in the Family Days in Death Valley
Leary, I'm a bit amazed at "not being able to find a publisher".
ReplyDeleteJeeez, this is 2012. There are self-pub websites out there where you can post an electronic version of your book and everyone can download it like music.
All she'd need to do it get it online and leak the word to us bloggers and let the games begin!
If You type " crucified the railroading of charles manson " as a google search ,You will get a page of info ... Scroll down to Charles Manson bibliography and there is a list of 160 titles related in some way to the Charles Manson story
ReplyDeleteawesome, Higgins! Here is the direct link:
Not all of these are primarily about Manson. Interesting.
Here's what Lurch has cluttering up the ol bookshelf:
ReplyDeleteDeath To Pigs
Child of Satan, Child of God
Will You Die For Me?
Reflections on the Manson Trial (don't bother with this one)
No More Tomorrows
Long Prison Journey of LVH
Sharon Tate & The Manson Murders
Charles Manson Now
Coming Down Fast
Manson's Blood Letters
In His Own Words
Taming The Beast
Manson-Unholy Trail (Gilmore)
Manson File
The Family (71 HC + latest updated)
Shadow Over Santa Susanna (both)
Manson Behind The Scenes
Desert Shadows
5 To Die (Updated)
Blood Family
My Life W/ Charles Manson
Witness To Evil
Killing of Sharon Tate
Our Savage God
Garbage People
Manson File-Myth & Reality of an Outlaw Shaman
Sorta related I have:
God's Prison Gang (pieces on Tex & Sadie)
Joy of Hooking by Virginia Graham
I also have "White Rabbit" manuscript and "Psychosexual History of the Manson Family" manuscript
If anyone's interested I have 2 pb copies of The Family that could use a good home as well!
Just finished reading Crucified, and all I can say is "wow". I had it all wrong. This man is innocent and deserves to be released right now and give financial compensation for the years of injustice!
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock this book was. Cm was a victim of society, he only committed crimes to exist (rather than working like most people, The world was against him, and he never had a chhance.
When the author does nothing more that use snippets from a book and court transcripts, he can craft any image he likes in formulating his messaged. When you surgically extract certain comments or statements, and place them into a puzzle you like, you create a masterpiece. This is no different.
The author gave really nothing as to his qualifications as an investigator, nor does he show any investigateve prowness rather than citing another book. I hope that that this book came with a complimentary tin foil hat when it was written, for it is a conspiracy theorist's wet dream come tru.
yeah, Matt, it's a head scratcher. Why doesn't Gypsy just put a couple of chapters online, even here or one of the other blogs to see if she can generate some buzz. Makes no sense. But I suspect she couldn't find a publisher because she really has no "meat" to sell. It's all just side dishes. Same with Stephanie. What could they have to say of substance.
ReplyDeleteI really really would love to know some numbers on all the Manson books. It can't be that hard to find out how many copies of that new one by the Canadian psych nurse sold. Or Hendrickson's. Anyone have that info? Or a site that might help?
The rest of mine:
ReplyDeleteManson His Own Words - Emmons
Manson: The Unholy Trail - Gilmore
Manson: Behind the Scenes - Nelson
Squeaky - Bravin
Ginny Good - Jones
Sharon Tate Manson Murders - King
Shadow Over Santa Susana - Gorightly
The White Album - Didion
Knock Wood - Bergen
Forgot about these:
ReplyDeleteThe Long Prison Journey of LVH
Death To Pigs
Child of Satan, Child of God
I want to share too. But I can't seeing SOMEONE borrowed the majority of my collection.
ReplyDeleteI will go from memory.
"A Who's Who of the Manson Family" by Adam Gorightly. I just recieved a copy of this book and so far, like his Adam's other book, this one rocks!! I also included a few others with mentions of The Family.
The Shadoow Over Santa Susana
by Adam Gorightly
Susan Atkins Child of Satan Child of God
Papa John by John Philips
Valley of the Dolls
Witness to Evil
Blood Family
The Killing of Sharon Tate with a giant dog bite taken out of it
Helter Skelter one copy of revised one copy of the original
The Garbage People
The Manson File (first one)
Tex Watson The Ma he Madness The Manipulation
Tex's book Will You Die For Me
Charles Manson NOW
The Ultimate Evil
The Family 3 copies, 1 copy with the process stuff
2 without
Coroner by Thomas Noguchi
In His Own Words 2 copies
Can't rememeber what else. When Matt came to visit me he raped and pillaged my book case. Book borrowing bastard.
obtw w/b Pattypoo
ReplyDeleteGrumpFromPahrump said...
ReplyDeleteTrue Crime (sent to Liz, chapter on Bobby B.)
Yes, True Crime I forgot that one since it is still packed up. Even though I moved in October I am still not unpacked.
Squeaky too and Desert Shadows Matt feel free to add what I forgot.
Sandy Good's old site had an extensive book list good up tp 2000. I have it on my home computer and will send it over the weekend when i get the chance. I have some rarities and I will post them as well.
ReplyDeleteI wish Patricia would just suck it up and write a book. She has to know that it won't hurt her chance at parole, she will rot where she's at. A Pat and Leslie co- written book would be fantastic!
ReplyDeletePatty just ordered a cheap copy of Noguchi's "Coroner" off Amazon.com: less than $6 delivered! The upside of the worst recession Patty has ever lived through is cheap used shit. Hooray!
ReplyDeletePatty and Charlie,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the link and the list. I'll check it out when I finish reading the comments.
I would just love to read the book Gypsy says she wrote. She has been caught lying so often in interviews, so I would take her stories with a grain of salt. Still, I consider her to be very intelligent, and I would like to hear what she has to say. Ditto to Mary Brunner (previous sentence about intelligence).
ReplyDeleteI suspect that these memiors will not get published until after CM passes (which could be a long wait) I am more interested in the book Lynne fromme was writing at the time of the Ford shooting attempt. Wonder what ever happened to it...Time or newsweek published a few selections from it.
ReplyDeleteGypsy and Mary Brunner almost escaped from CIW. Patty Krenwinkel turned up her radio to cover the sound of blade on bar.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't this story reported more completely?
Just finished reading Cruicfied. Very interesting to read the other side of the Manson coin. While I do not agree with everything the author put forward, I thought he summed up the joke that was Linda's testimony and Bug's hammer every square peg in approach to fit his HS theroy very well.
ReplyDeleteHas it changed my stance on Charles Manson? No because I never believed he directly ordered anyone killed to begin with.
no offense intended, Adam, but how exactly does one arrive at the conclusion that CM did not order any murders? I am honestly curious. Even when one discards HS and crucifies the Bug, there is still the fact of all four participants in the TLB killings saying Charlie instructed them to do so.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, you have CM ordering TJ to shoot Crowe, the phone call between CM and Bobby right before BB pierced Hinman, the testimony of his instructions on getting rid of Shorty and so on.
Sorry, but it just seems to me that arguing that CM never ordered anyone to do anything flies in the face of reason, logic and countless testimonies. Not to mention Manson's own admissions of tying up the LaBiancas and instructing Tex and the girls to 'leave something witchy' at Cielo and so on.
I realize folk have their passions and alligences, but I just can't fathom how anyone can say Manson is an innocent victim in all this. It's like saying OJ didn't do it. It's just flat out delusional.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should clarify my earlier post.
Do I believe Charlie to be a poor innocent soul in all of this? No, I'll leave that one to AC.
Do I believe he had knowledge prior to what was about to go down on the first night? Hell yes!
At best he just shrugged his shoulders and said "Fuck it, do what you want, ain't none of my business" and went back to fucking Steph.
At worst he stood on the sidelines as some sort of demented cheerleader, egging on the participants.
Second night, he WAS in the car and I doubt it was just because he fancied a ride into town. Despite conflicting accounts of how it happened, he and Tex entered the LaBiancia's property and tied them up. That makes him an accessory to murder. They had him cold on that one. All Bug had to do was get one of the people not implimented on the second night to testify that Manson was there and he'd get 20 years.
There was no need for Bug to make out Manson as the prime culprit and twist what was refered to as Helter Skelter into the prime motive for the killings other than to sensationalise the trial for his own needs.
What those idiots did, they did by their own free hand and own free will. To make out Manson orchestrated the whole thing, for the crazy reasons the Bug shoehorned as fact, gives Manson too much credit and takes too much of the blame off the prime participants, esp Tex.
Maybe we have overlooked the most simple explination as to why the murders happened - namely, a bunch of desperate, drugged out losers thought it would be a groove to murder some "rich piggies" who to them had come to symbolise everything they despised.
Just my two cents and I'm perfectly willing to admit I could be totally wrong.
I believe Bug did what he thought was necessary to see to it that Charlie never again saw the light of day. Charlie wasn't ambitious enough to be a master criminal, just a common street thug and he surrounded himself with his own kind. I believe that he was faced with the pressures of a capital crunch associated with his planned move to the desert and pressure from the Crow incident. He viewed his rejection by the music business as society spitting on him again and he lashed out in a fit of frustration and rage. Tex wasn't a leader and would take on such an enterprise unilaterally, but he view this as his opportunity to return to the BMOC status that he had not experienced since his days at Farmersville High.
ReplyDeleteoh crap. would take on should be would NOT take on
ReplyDeleteSomeone already put the url to the list of books pre-2000 that I had mentioned so I will not list them. Some books out of the ordinary that I have are:
ReplyDelete'Labyrinth 13' by Curt Rowlett (a few articles on Manson related issues)
'The Trial of Charles Manson' by Bradley Steffens and Craig Staples (sort of a kids book for middle school libraries)
'Charles manson: Music, mayhem, murder' by Tommy Udo (a bio of CM from a more music critic perspective)
'From Spahn Ranch: A Journal of Manson Studies No 1 Spring 2009' edited Mr. X (collection of articles mostly pro-CM or neutral)
'ATWA' by Charles Manson (pamphlet recently released by Manson Direct.com
'The Shadow over Santa Susana' by Adam Gorightly 2009 revised version (lots of cuts from the bigger book but lots of pictures makes up the difference)
'Riding on Your Fears: A manson Murders Essay' by Curt Rowlett (a small book but I highly recommend it...the author goes into really deep about the meaning of 'fear' in CM's philosophy)
'Manson Family Picnic' a small cartoon booklet that uses animals to relay the meaning of manson. It as two letters on from CM and one from Bug who were sent copies
'Charles manson' by Andy Koopmans (another kids book)
'Charles Manson's Blood Letters' by Richard Rubacher (strange tale which the author has a visit from a pro-manson Dennis Rice just out of prison)
'Horrible Workers: Max Stirner, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Johnson and the Charles Manson Circle' by Donald Nielsen (a cultural studies look at CM's thought and action)
'The Manson Murders: A Philosophical Inquiry' ed David Cooper (title says it all)
'Drugs, power & Sanity' by Charles Manson (leaflet of CM ideas by the Universal Order'
'Our Savage God: The perverse use of eastern thought' by RC Zaehner (a religious history perspective of the origin of CM ideas and practice)
Does anyone have Love Letters to a Secret Disciple by Sy Wizinski? If so it is worth the steep price tag?
ReplyDeleteMy advice for what its worth ... Avoid the Richard Rubacher book at all costs ... Bought it , read it , read it again and ditched it ... Even though No sense makes sense , this is nonsense
ReplyDeleteLolo its interesting in covering a time period after Cm conviction til fromme's assassination attempt. It covers early CM fandom. Plus the author kind of psychoanalyisis CM from his letters. The price is coming down and I believe a pdf might be floating around.
ReplyDeleteRubacher is interesting only in his stories of his dealing with Dennis Rice and another Manson fan. His analysis of CM letters is crap.
ReplyDeleteDidnt rice claim to abandon manson in prison?
As well as HS, Susan's book, Little Paul's, Tex's (online) Susan's second also online, Charles Manson In His Own Words, Squeaky, The Family, Death To Pigs I have got The Killing Of Sharon Tate, the Leslie book and my best find ever, a pristine copy of Five To Die, found in Krabi, Thailand, 2nd hand book shop. Must have been left there in the 60s. It was first printing. (maybe the only printing). and I have the White Room for Didion's take on Linda and Music For Chameleons, got the Bobby and Capote interview. And the Ultimate Evil, too, plus several other books that reference Manson, like Mindhunter, Alone With The Devil and Raising Hell. Plus, I have Bugliosi's And The Sea WillTell, I really recommend this if you see it. It gives such insight into the way Bug's mind works, and hence more insight into the case.
ReplyDeleteso now I want Desert Shadows, think it's the only one I am truly missing. I have read Crucified, quite interesting. Don't believe there are 160 books. Maybe books with little references.
Lolo I have Love Letters to a Secret Disciple I bought this probably 20 years ago for like $7-its pretty interesting one of the better ones I think because it has real letters a young girl was writing Charlie while he was on trial-which Charlie gave to the girls on the corner-and letters Squeaky wrote back to this girl-not sure what its selling for now but Im sure its rare you dont see it much
ReplyDelete3 copies of "Love Letters To A Secret Desciple" currently available at Amazon.co.uk , ranging from £60 - £109
ReplyDeleteCharlie Higgins said... 3 copies of "Love Letters To A Secret Desciple" currently available at Amazon.co.uk , ranging from £60 - £109
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid Sandy and Squeaky would hand to come and read it to me for that price.:-)
What is the Psychosexual History of the Manson Family about? I saw it offered on Aes-Nihl's site but for mucho money.
ReplyDeletediary of a secret admirer?
ReplyDeletesome book I cant really recall.
rare book.
Psychosexual History is a manuscript found in a trunk in Chatsworth. Supposedly written by an unknown Family member. It's basicly just a bunch of poorly written sex stories involving Family members. Pure trash....it even claims some of the girls went to England for a romp with George Harrison! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS TURD!!!
ReplyDeletethanks Adam. Nice explanation. The perception that CM was given to much "credit" for the whole shebang is certainly one worth contemplating.
ReplyDeleteI would still walk backwards naked to Alaska for some numbers on Manson book sales. Anyone got any info on that stuff at all.
There can't be 160 books on the guy!! I struggle to come up with anything past around 30.
ReplyDeleteI have a book called Shadows and Light by stuntman and B Movie actor Gary Kent. There is a chapter on Manson in it. The guy worked on a few movies at Spahn Ranch while The Family were there. Whenever the crew would break for lunch the girls would crawl out from under whatever rock they were hiding and try to get scraps off them. Also Director John 'Bud' Carlos roughed up Tex for making a pest of himself.
The article in the link below says that The Shadow Over Santa Susana, gives Sadie credit for writing, A Psychosexual History of The Manson Family.
ReplyDeleteThe information is about ¼ of the way down the page. http://www.nachtkabarett.com/babalon/topic/8312--Charles-Manson-Spooky-Kid-holywood-Influence
If you have a Kindle or iBooks, I can hook you up with "Charles Manson: Love Letters to a Secret Disciple" by Sy Wizinski
ReplyDeleteLoLo said...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have Love Letters to a Secret Disciple by Sy Wizinski? If so it is worth the steep price tag?
I had that book and lent it out to someone who kept it on me.
I do recall it was just copies of letters between charlie and some young girl, plus letters to the girl from Red and Blue.
I bought it years ago and paid the cover price. I don't recall anything worth while in it but that's just me.
I feel in my personal opinion
these are the must haves
Helter Skelter of course. Even though it is alot of b.s you gotta have it to move on from there.
I don't feel H.S was completely true but like I said it is a must have to build on from there.
Bill Nelson-Manson Behind the Scenes- and Bill's Tex Watson book. Like Patty, Eviliz does love her some Bill Nelson. He was great for new info and pics.
Charles Manson In His Own Words
just because. A few little hints in there but that's about it.
It's like H.S, a stepping stone.
The Shadow Over Santa Susana by Adam Gorightly
The Nelson books and the Gorightly
book in my opinion are kickass because, it seems most book writers take parts of H.S, The Family and The Killing of Sharon Tate, rearrange some words and call it their own. Nelson was great for new info and pics. I am not saying I believe everything Bill wrote either. Adam's "Shadow" is not three books made into his own either. It is a really good read.
Adam also wrote "A Who's Who of the Manson Family" which is more than just a who's who and who used what alias, which I thought it would be.
It has some good info, going through the whole cast of characters and their roles.
I don't want to say anymore because I am planning a review of it for the blog. I guess this would be a good time to get that up huh?
Hi Lurch
ReplyDeleteCould I have one of your Family pb's? I'll pay the shipping.
Candy and Nuts,
ReplyDeleteDeath To Pigs isn't worth buying just for the pictures, they are small b & w pictures, mostly stills from the movies. I haven't read it yet but i have flicked through, it is mostly transcripts of interviews many of them didn't make it into the movies so i would say it is worth buying for that reason.
tx SJ
ReplyDeleteI read a book called Straight Whiskey. Its about the Whiskey A Go Go in L.A. through the years and the guy that ran it. Theres one chapter in early 69 where this guy gets called in by one of the girls at the club at 10 in themorning. They are not open yet but it seems this strange little man came in and was bothering the girls who were getting the place ready to open. The owner gets there and has a confrontation with the strange guy at a booth. It seems the strange guy had a notebook with all kinds of things scrawled on it. The owner took it and strange guy flips out to where the owner slammed his head on table. strange guy just smiles with blood on his gums and tells him I could have you killed, Im Jesus. So the owner tells him I guess that makes me God, then kicks him out and gives him back his notebook. At the end of the year, when his face is in the papers for murder, the owner recognizes Charlie as that guy.
ReplyDeleteThe Manson book, "Riding On Your Fears," by Curt Rowlett, is now available for free as a PDF download here: http://labyrinth13.com/#L13