San Francisco Examiner, December 22, 1961
Exotic Abigal (Gibby) Folger was presented to San Francisco and Peninsula society last night at a magnificent Italianate ball given by her father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Folger, at the Hotel St. Francis.
Seemingly dozens of dinners were given first, but by far the largest was the one hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kelham in the hotel's Borgia Room.
It was for all this year's debs, their escorts and a few of the Kelhams' friends. Guests included the Folgers, the James Floods, Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett of Bel Air, Mrs. Selby McCreery, Peter McBean, Whitney Warren and Mrs. Ines Mejia Folger, who is Gibby's mother.
Mrs. Kelham was a hostess in abstentia, because she has been hospitalized and is now convalescing.
The dinner tables were covered with American Beauty satin cloths, and centerpieces included gold baskets filled with white camellias and garlanded gold candelabra.
Mr. and Mrs. Folger and Gibby received in the foyer beside the Colonial Room. The tall debutante's dress was a bright yellow Dior, which she purchased in Paris last summer. It was designed with an Empire bodice, three-quarter-length sleeves and a long skirt. Mrs. Folger's gown had a square-necked green sequin bodice and a white satin skirt.
Bruce Kelham was decor adviser and began with a pink and green color scheme. The receiving line was stationed in front of a trellis entwined with foliage and pink camellias. Beside it was a filigree screen with Gibby's orchid gifts.
Ernie Heckscher's Orchestra played for dancing at the opposite end of the room, the musicians flanked by 14-foot pink and green striped banners drawn up above the center of the ensemble.
The little balcony boxes around the room were shaded with pink and green striped awnings.
Supper was served after midnight in the adjoining Italian Room, where the small tables were covered in dusty pink satin and the buffet in green satin.
The entrance to the room was marked with striped maypole banners. Behind the buffet were jewel-studded gilded instruments joined together with pink camellias and puffs of pink satin.
Among the dinner parties given before the ball were those hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sutro, Scott Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Cabot Brown, the Marshal Fishers, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Soto-Hall and Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball. The Kimballs' party honored Nancy Miller, the Harry East Millers' daughter, who made her debut last year.
Other dinners were given by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dohrmann, the Charles Mayers and the Charles Munns.