Monday, July 11, 2011

From "Death to Pigs": Snake

From "Death to Pigs" Post trial, Squeaky and Sandy are asked about Snake.

Merrick: Snake?

Squeaky: Snakes a hole, she's an open hole. And she's..... she wants attention.

Sandy: She uh, she's a very young girl and by the time the, the DA's had gotten through with her she was speaking their language.

She was speaking court talk. She's just like a baby. She can be molded whatever way anyone chooses to mold her. When she was with us, she was slender and beautiful. Striking, that's how she got her name, Snake. Charlie named her.

Everyone needs to buy "Death to Pigs" if you mention Eviliz when ordering instead of paying $100.00 you can get it for $65.00. That is very nice of Mr. Hendrickson. The book is the size of an old school phone book. 573 pages chock full of never scene before photos. Great summer read. Worth every penny.