Another day another asshole.
One of the researchers here Shawn thought it would be funny for some unknown reason to turn on us. He started his own web site dedicated to hating myself and my administrators because he does not like what we do here. All of a sudden.
He finds it funny that he had my e-mail accounts hacked. Why? So he could copy and paste my sent e-mails, edit them to his likings and re-post them on his site. Which is a total "ShittyKitty" move and Shawn knows it. Then he says that I have to much time on my hands.
Along with some picture of myself I shared with him over the years, he found it amusing to also post Patty, Ken, myself and Matt's personal information, work and home addresses plus phone numbers. That scared off Patty and Ken since they are upstanding citizens with stuff to protect. Matt and I are hard core.
I mean, how are you going to tell me what I do is wrong, then turn around and do the same thing hypocrite? Shawn writes on his blog that all Eviliz does is sit in her bedroom in her pajamas, doing drugs, living off state aid while stalking the Manson Family.
Sounds like someone is jealous to me. The ironic part is, Shawn provided me with abut 40% of my findings. Pictures and all the personal information on ex Family members. He was working on finding Mother Mary for us next but I guess that won't happen now. Losses cut.
The funniest thing I read over at Shawn's was something like -Eviliz disguises herself as a male rapper on FaceBook and tricks ex Family members to be her friend so she can steal their pictures."
Best of luck to you Shawn as you take on the title of--- drum roll ---
"Protector of the Manson Family".
Charlie's speed old friend. I myself am off to smoke some crack and lay down a new rap track to post on my FB. It is after all- the best Family lure.
And NO I can't post the link!
The great thing about being a middle-aged pillar of my community is that I have money to burn on private investigators and attorneys. Let's do it, Shawn. :)
Any of you that want us to be here, now is the time to stand-up.
What can be done?
I really wish I could understand what the hell is going on here,but whatever it is sounds pretty shitty. I love this blog and all the contributors that go along with it. I wish things could go back to the way they were. Stay strong Liz, Matt and whoever else this support. ROCK ON!
Matt said...
Any of you that want us to be here, now is the time to stand-up.
Fuck that Clown!!!...If You guys aren't here then he has won. PLEASE Stay. I,along with many others love this site and appreciate all the time and effort you guys put in. Don't let some douche bag drag you down. He's not worth it, No one gives a fuck what this guy has to say his pathetic blog only has 2 members, both of them are probably him. Please Ken and Patty reconsider!!!
I sure enjoy the tidbits of information, pics etc...
You two know I would do anything you need to support you...
yes Matt tell us what can be done?
It would be a real shame for a site such as this to be torn apart over the actions of some asshole!
This site is 1 of 3 that I visit regularly, and I've come to think of most of you who post regularly as "friends". Not sure who this Shawn is, or exactly what his beef is.......But giving out people's personal info over a blog is a chicken-shit way to deal with it!
Don't let this loser win.....keep the site alive and well!!
Matt & Patty.....Sorry this happened to you, hope all works out well. You will be missed and hopefully someday you can return to us!
This is also 1 of the 3 sites I visit regularly, and it's easily the best of the 3. Who cares about this guy Shawn?? He sounds like a little bitch.
This all sounds like quite a bummer. My sympathies, guys.... don't let the idiots get to you.
Here is this pussy's email
They are threatening Saint now. This is what it says.
Anonymous said...
XXX XXX from XXXXXXX aka "Saint Circumstance". Mind your own business. You want no part of this. Trust me. Patty and Ken made good decisions. Use your last brain cell to follow them. Disappear.
Sounds like a real sick fuck.
They are lashing out at Eviliz, but are doing the exact same thing. What a fool.
Anybody that has anything to say against what they are doing, gets deleted. They need to do this because they are in the minority on this. What a pussy! If there was any strength to what they are doing, they would let everybody comment. Again, what a pussy!
Sorry friend, I had to delete your comment as it had personal info about Mary. If you have leads please send them to Liz or myself via email.
We'd love to speak with you.
Kill Trout, Shawn recently commented here as Knievel. He's also used various other aliases like Kickboxer.
Well, I like Eviliz's cute dog. I am sorry about the troubles here---I enjoyed it here because people sometimes disagreed, but tended not to hassle each other.
(....even though someone once called one of my posts "boring.")
That Shawn dude sounds like a coward.
(Language always gives you away)
Rock on, Eviliz! Don't let this coward hamper your excellent blog. Shawn Reed is a coward. The responses on his site are all anonymous it seems and are likely all his own.
I love your blog! Come back soon Ken & Patty!
Lurch, he HAS NO BEEF. He has pulled stunts like this in the past. For instance he provided Ken the info on the Monfort son's arrest to an admin who then posted it.
Then, he sent us emails pretending to be Nancy and threatened us. This after supplying Liz with many Nancy pics over the last year or so.
This blog of his it only about personal amusement, not a beef with Liz.
He needs to be on medication.
You are right, Kill Trout. He deleted me too. Fucking pussy...
Dont know whats going on.....But @Matt...It sounds to me that Guy is on TOO much Medication....
lol I am James Koch in South Florida
Is that it??
am I screwed now???
I dont feel different????
So now this pussy is deleting all the comments that supported Eviliz, and his only member besides himself left hahaha.....what a goof
I like your doggie. Is it a pit bull?
orwhut said...
I like your doggie. Is it a pit bull?
He is a pitt yes but not my dog. It's my friends. I do have a 1/2 pitt of my own though.
stand up, shout out, occupy his front lawn...whatever you need Matt. As others have said, can't let the assholes of this world win. what takes place here is what makes the spice of life - laughter and curiosity and speculation and all the good stuff. One miserable idiot cannot override that.
Come back K&P, please.
Wow I ahve not visited this site in a few weeks due to being busy with our local Occupy movement and I come back to ....Kind of reminds me of what routinely happened to CM related email lists. Less drama on pro-manson facebook pages...luv this site BTW
eviliz said...
He is a pitt yes but not my dog. It's my friends. I do have a 1/2 pitt of my own though.
A dog adopted me once that I think was part pitt. I never knew his parentage for sure or where he came from but he was a good dog.
I'm sorry about multiple posts of the same message. They didn't show up so I kept sending them.
I am not going anywhere. Happy Xmas, btw!
still, I would like to see what all this is about. What is the name of his blog? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't leave this one for anything, but, just want to see
As someone who has been away for a couple of days may I just say WTF?? Stay strong Matt and Liz.
FIONA- I lost your e-mail address.
Contact me here please. Eviliz
its ok Liz, Matt gave me the info. I read the blog. It won't last ten minutes. It is just a rant, nothing else. Quite interesting, all this drama. Enough for a movie script. Little independent movie about researchers into an old case one of whom goes crazy....
But alas his blog is dull and silly. Who is likely to read it in preference to this one? Ignore totally. It'll be gone before New year if you do.
Hey Shawn, Ya'all KNOW my real name, address, phone, workplace.
Unloadin' the birdshot. Loadin' the slugs.
Bring it Bee-yotch!
Hadda go look, since it's like slowing down to check out the car wreck. Or like when a beautiful model has a booger.
First of all, it was challenging to actually find the site, since the address and directions and such were NOT posted here on this blog. So the charge of Liz sending people to comment is NOT true.
Second of all, it was pretty boring. Just someone with questionable mental prowess, and low talent, ranting. Let's all join the I hate Liz club which meets in the treehouse in my backyard. You don't even get a secret decoder ring or warm Kool-aide.
Third of all, from the information and photos posted, a very dedicated private eye might be able to find someone's actual location... but who is gonna bother? I knew most everyone's name and basic location to begin with... and I promptly forgot them. Nothing bad about the photos. Liz, what a darling doggie. Matt, what a hot picture, is that really you? Your wife is a lucky lady, hahaha!
Lastly, MY name, address, phone and photo are very public for interest in ATWA, in Paganism, and in politics. Nobody has ever bothered me, except to write comments on the Internet. Comments on a blog and Facebook are not gonna kill anyone, not lose 'em a job, not cause them to come down with leprosy. Comments online are basically impotent. Someone might take it into their head to come bother you, but someone might get the notion to break in and steal your T.V. for no related reason. That is why God invented the shotgun.
Hi A.C.!
I'm all done with the Xmas thing finally. Seen everybody, ate drank and was very merry. As a cradle Catholic it's stamped on my union card. Time to prepare though for what will be a typical work week for me. Bummer
Yes the pic is really me. Sounds like whoever posted it has rubbed one or two out to it. I'm not flattered, though. It's like the ugliest and stupidest girl in the class having a crush on you. And you are correct, we didn't ask anyone to post for us. If they did I wouldn't know. Two visits were more than enough for me. It wasn't even clever enough to amuse me.
You know how it is with magnifier glasses? You keep lots of them everywhere so you don't have to be caught without them? We're like that with weapons, too - we take after the Aldags that way... the car, the office drawer, the nightstand. It's good to be an American, isn't it?
Although I'm not a frequent poster on the blog, I have always been behind Liz 100% from the beginning, and always will be.
Love you A.C.!
Support from the west San Fernando Valley!
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