Friday, June 3, 2011

"Manson Rising" ~ movie #6

There is one more Manson film in the works
titled "Manson Rising".  
If you click on the link below it has some really
good "rumored" info about the movie.

The film will have the usual cast of characters
but also included for this one are- 
Bernard Crowe and Alvin "Creepy" Karpis.
It also mentions that director Andrew Jones 
spoke with Bobby B while doing his research.
I wonder which story Bobby told this time.


  1. Adrienne Barbeau is in it playing Nancy Pittman only they call her Nancy Maddox. Hmmmmm that's odd. She was a babe 35 years ago. She must be in her 60s now. I'm confused why they'd use a busty broad like Barbeau to play a pretsel like Pittman.

  2. MrPoirot said...
    Adrienne Barbeau is in it playing Nancy Pittman only they call her Nancy Maddox

    Mr. P i was wondering where you found that information about Nancy Maddox being Pitman? Barbeau is 66years old. will she be playing Pitman present day?

    I thought that maybe "Nancy Maddox"
    would be a fictitious charecter.
    strange also since charlie's mom's maiden name was Maddox.

    in the list of charecters i noticed that Katie and Gypsy are missing. you HAVE to have Katie in the film. maybe they have not found anyone to play those two yet?

  3. liz you have eclipsed me.
    I never knew Charlie's mom was named Nancy. You have answered my question.

    BTW. Adrienne came from filthy rich family yet she played a defender of the poor man. Her luscious boobs seemed to sag after I learned that about her.bGod I hate hypocritical phony liars.

  4. MrPoirot said...

    I never knew Charlie's mom was named Nancy.

    Charle's mother was named Kathleen

  5. GrumpFromPahrump said...
    MrPoirot said...

    I never knew Charlie's mom was named Nancy.

    Charle's mother was named Kathleen

    yes what the grump said. for a minute i thought i posted charlie's mom was named Nancy.

  6. Adrienne had real boobs too before all that silicone came into vogue. Patty loved her with Kurt Russell as Snake Pliskin in Escape from New York.

  7. Panamint Patty said...
    Adrienne had real boobs too before all that silicone came into vogue. Patty loved her with Kurt Russell as Snake Pliskin in Escape from New York

    Mr Poirot replies:

    Yes! We need to give credit to real boobs.

    But I digress, damn you folks distracting me with boobs.

    I don't think it's wise in a film to call Charlie's mom "Nancy" because this saga already has a very famous "Nancy" by the name of Pittman.

  8. Mr Poirot replies:

    Yes! We need to give credit to real boobs.

    i have real boobs!
