Bill Nelson wrote in one of his books about meeting DiDi present day. In true Bill Nelson style, he did not name names but gives you enough clues to figure out who he is speaking of. Bill always the pervert asked DiDi about Charlies "staying powers" and his love making in general. She gave Charlie two thumbs up. He also asked her why she stopped running with the Family. According to Nelson her reply was that - she loved hanging out with the Family until, while participating in a group orgy, she saw Charlie touch one of Dennis Rice's small children and that is what turned her off from the Family.
Now, everyone knows that Dennis Rice and his "chickencoup kids" came WAY AFTER the murders. I mean didn't Nelson do his research before telling tales??? I guess not. Makes you kind of wonder how accurate the rest of Bill's finding were? There has been talk over the years on the blogs about Bill embellishing. I don't care I still love his books.
Thanks to Panamint Patty for the Di Di idea.
DiDi was a vey pretty girl back in the day.
wasn't she little runt brenda's buddy?
Anonymous said...
wasn't she little runt brenda's buddy?
Yes, Didi introduced Brenda to The Family
I have read for years that Manson sites get something like 50,000 hits a day. But the comments here seem to be by just a handful of folk. Kind of disappointing.
Didi Lansbury is one of the interesting periphery characters of the Manson story. Has she ever given a straight forward interview?
When the whole TLB thing hit the news, Didi was whisked out of the country for quite some time as I understand it to keep her from being associated with the whole mess. A good move by her parents.
Anonymous said...
I have read for years that Manson sites get something like 50,000 hits a day. But the comments here seem to be by just a handful of folk. Kind of disappointing.
well that number sounds greatly exaggerated. most websites on the case have public trackers and i have never seen that many hits on them in one day. just like they say charlie gets a zillion letters a day, exaggerated again.
I have had a hard time understanding why big Hollywood names allowed Manson to hang around. Angela Lansbury signs her daughter off to him, Grandpa from the "Munsters" let him baby sit his kids (Maybe grand kids?) and others opened their doors to him. I found something that may explain it.
There was a guy in the 1940's named eden ahbez that showed up in Hollywood and was Manson-ish. He had the look well before the hippie era came about and had a group that was with him called "The Nature Boys".
The link will take you where I found this on this guy. It's past halfway down and called " A Stranger at the Beach" This might explain why these people in Hollywood thought Charlie was O.K.
Is it possible that nobody has even tried to talk to Diedre Lansbury in the last twenty years or so about her time with the family? It does seem like the Nelson stuff was crapola. Imagine Chelsea Handler interviewing Brenda and Didi. Wouldn't that be the balls.
bill nelson was my introduction to manson research. he was probably one of the creepiest people i have ever known. he used to phone me and read his hideous writing to me, that is until i brought federal mail fraud charges against him. he ended up selling his library to john aes-nihil because of this. he harassed me at home and at work! he was a lying, cheating, pedophilic, used car dealing, over all scum bag, christain. if nelson's with christ now than anyone can get into heaven including susan atkins. he sold copies of patti tate's death certificate within a month of her death--this is the daughter of his good friend Doris Tate. i believe it was his obsession with the manson family--that obsession being sexual in nature--that ultimately led to him losing everything including in the end his life.
I heard an interview with Dianne Lake where she said it was she who had a permission letter from her parents and not DiDi.
beauders said...he used to phone me and read his hideous writing to me, that is until i brought federal mail fraud charges against him.
If you don't mind my asking, what were the fraud charges for?
http://www.shadowboxstudio.com/eden ahbez.htm
Hey anonymous- you read it wrong- I just post 50,000 times a day-I am sorry to disappoint you...
But if you need the real thing- I have a friend who actually goes to visit LULU in the clink- if you clean up your manners and learn some class- I can fix you up with him :)
you guys might get along- you use some of the same terminology and sound an awful lot alike...
dianne also had a permission slip
but a stars daughter having one is more interesting.
hey st., not sure where your nastiness comes from. i didn't mean anything personal by my 'disappointment statement'. just that being new to this forum I had hoped for more substantial dialogue instead of what seems to be pretty much insider banter from a half dozen folk.
no worries, i'll find another playground.
Anonymous, few people post because this blog is only a few months old. It gets a very substantial amount of traffic though.
All are welcome, including you.
Don't mind St, he's just overly protective of Mama Bear. We all are. lol.
Matt is right- you are just as welcome here as I am...
But really -where does my nastiness come from??
did you think that was a nice thing to say in a room you are visiting for the first time??? Plus you said it twice- I just wanted to make sure you knew it didn't need to be said a third time...
People work very hard to make this blog interesting- if it wasn't what you hoped for it would have been just as easy to move on and keep the negativity to yourself...
If I overstepped my boundaries- my apologies to any offended...
This isnt my room to police, but god that comment made my ass itch
Anonymous' comments itched my ass at first too but that's okay I am slathering on the Prep-H and getting ready to hear his or her thoughts on the case because, the more the merrier! Just one warning to you our new friend - we are extremely uncouth.
lol :)
ppatty, i lost my couth in college so all good there.
matt, thanks for reply and i do understand being protective. i didn't realize the site was that new. i have been reading it for a couple of months now and love EvilLix's stuff. She is the best. disappointing was the wrong word to use, i should have said frustrated. all good.
i brought mail fraud charges against nelson because he sold me what he called "the scientology murder casebook. what he sent was a list the lapd put together of manson family members and associates. it had addressess for them in 69 and social security numbers. a murder case book includes pictures and all the police and autopsy reports. nelson went insane when i did this to him. i did get a set of the crime scene and autopsy photo's which were very disturbing. much clearer and detailed than the Tate/ LaBianca photo's. i could see why the police thought the people who committed the Tate murders also killed the scietology kids. also nelson phonestalked doreen gaul's father in albany, n.y. bill was one of a kind thank goodness.
You can find the Dianne Lake interview there in case anyone has not heard it already
That's a good interview but I found myself wishing Nelson would STFU. She couldn't complete a sentence without him saying at least "yeah".
Thank you SJ I had never heard the Dianne Lake interview with Bill Nelson. It provides a lot of good info: Diane is very open with her memories of how everyone met.
Interesting Nelson points out that Tex lived in an apartment in Los Feliz just a few yards away from Rosemary La Bianca's daughter.
Charliemanson.com is gone, been so for a couple of days. If it went the way of mansonfamilytoday.net I'll be sad. It hasn't had much happening there for quite a while. That is the site where I first started my downward spiral into the Manson topic.
Has anyone been watching Ducovney's "Aquarius" crap Agana? I thought the first "heater shelter"movie (1976) was riddled with errors(56). Emeraldeyes
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