"be always at war with your vices,
at peace with your neighbors
and let each new year
find you a better man"
~Benjamin Franklin
Your Resource for the Tate-LaBianca (TLB) Murders
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[Nancy Pitman] was first introduced to Charles Manson and the family through her friend Deirdre Lansbury, daughter of the famous actress Angela Lansbury. Deirdre hung out with the family from time to time, and even had a note from her mother stating it was ok for her to travel with them.
- from cielodrive.com
[Deirdre] is experiencing a happy life with her Italian husband Enzo Battarra; they have been the managers of the delightful Ristorante Positano in the Los Angeles area (closed in the year 2005) and, since 19 December 2005, of the Enzo and Angela - The Italian Restaurant.
- from angelalansbury.net
MelissaDrastic said... I live in Bardstown ,Ky where James Willett was from. I know his family quite well. I do know that his sister Alice was under protection for awhile after the murders. The Willett family received death threats and numerous threatening phone calls. Everyone was so scared for a long time around here. Yours is the only site where I have found much info on James and Lauren.
Hi Melissa, thank you for writing. We would absolutely LOVE to hear more from you. Would you write to Panamint Patty please? Patty at this website.