Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Everyone has their opionions on the motive.  I used to have a motive, until I started talking to a lot of people about the case. Shorty I think was the bug in George's ear about all the illegal activities going on.  He was a snitch, he had to die.  I used  to think SA,BB, and MB went to Gary's to get some loot to finance the Family' needs to get out of the dessert, away from the police harrasment.  Gary said "no", then things got out of control and they HAD to kill him or he would snitch. Tate- was because Melcher fell through on his musical promises, didn't matter who was living at Terry's at the time.  A message needed to be sent. A few people have the "drug burn" theory for Voytek. As for Tate- why didn't TW, SA and PK search the house for money or drugs?  It was overkill.  A personal crime. 
Labianca- No clue.  Maybe Leno confronted Charlie when he was next door at Trues. 

He wouldn't give up his money or vehicles.  Selfish pig.

Snitches and other enemies will be taken care of.

was it HeAlter Skelter?

To maybe thin out the pigs? 

A drug burn?


  1. Well maybe now that Charlie has a flip phone he will call us and tell us :)

  2. I just read an old shitty book that says without a doubt Charlie and Shorty and Gibby were at a dinner together...

    who knows if that is true- you would think that could be proved- but if it is true...

    It changes my whole idea of what I think happened.... and changes the game in a big way...

  3. haha my "real life" friend posted the Charlie article on my FB wall.
    she wrote, "was he calling you?"
    i myself am a lover of crank calls, until myself and a friend got arrested for it.

    though i was proven innocent, my friend got prosecuted for it. and just to let everyone know *67 or is it *69, cant remember which one it is to block your phone number on caller I.D.'s but-if you decide to make a threatening "crank call" to anyone-star *67 does not work!!! they frown on crank calls now a days. luckily my friend had never been in trouble before but they still wanted her to serve 5 years. wtf? for a crank call?

  4. the ultimate evil by maury tery- it is old been around. I bought it cause it supposedly had a Manson connection- but it is mostly about Son Of sam- the fact about Shorty and Gibby was the only new thing I read- the rest is speculation...

  5. i have had that book forever and tried to read it so many times but couldnt. it just sucks!

  6. There's no doubt in my mind that the motive had a lot to do with linking Hinman's murder to free Bobby. The whole helter skelter trip (to me) is so completely absurd, outlandish, and comical. It's the equivalent to someone trying to say there were no moon landings or 9-11 is an inside job.

  7. i HATE when people say 9/11 was an inside job!!!

  8. a friend of mine had a conversation with maury terry and terry said he got the info. on manson, folger, and shorty from sandra good. i would say it was just disinformation on goods part, just to mess with terry and those who read the book. i do not believe manson ever shared a meal with folger and shorty.

  9. WEll it was something i had never heard before- but it didn't sound like it was something that would be true... the book really sucked lol

  10. For those still unclear on the motives for the murder I recommend Susan Atkins (& hubbys) book "The Myth of Helter Skelter" published Nov.? 2012. SA lays out the events and their causes with VASTLY more clarity than any other available source. Finally the whole thing makes sense.

  11. 9 11 is an inside job. False flag event and insurance scam. Smoking guns: the phone calls from 10000 feet; the debris (lack there of) field for the PA crash; FBI cleaning the debris of the crime scene at the Pentagon immediately and the clean up in lieu of investigation at WTC; building 7; Dick Cheney/ Haliburton; physics (planes vs skyscrapers); thermite particles in the dust....
    Anyways, the motive is tex and his sex partners using lsd logic to conflate things Charlie said and going off to impress him. Is creating hugely infamous murders really a good way to escape the lotsapoppa murder onus?

  12. Copy cat makes no sense either. I guess these people would say that means it makes sense then
