Monday, December 6, 2010

He May Surf After All


  1. Oddly enough, this happened a while ago and they are just now getting to reporting it like it's current news. The world can rest easy; all he made was prank calls and calls to the man who was writing the book Charles Manson Now. In fact, this incident is mentioned in it.

  2. "all he made was prank calls and calls to the man who was writing the book Charles Manson Now."

    ....Damn,....and you would like that we "belive" what you say ?....damn...
    It's hard enough to belive what CM says allready !


  3. Anonymous said...
    "all he made was prank calls and calls to the man who was writing the book Charles Manson Now."

    ....Damn,....and you would like that we "belive" what you say ?....damn...
    It's hard enough to belive what CM says allready !


    what anon1 said is true The calls were made to Marlin.

  4. Yes ,hahahah

    ....I just have a very very difficult time "beliving" what people say about CM....


  5. How brilliant - someone, somewhere is getting prank phone calls and they have no idea they are not coming from the 12 year old down the street ...

    As active as most imaginations are- do you think they have any idea who really is on the other end of the line???? lol

  6. P.S.- Matt mentioned " Star" in his review... I admit- I have studied the case for twenty years. I have every movie made on the subject, and have read almost every book out there that even mentions anyone in the family...

    But I have to admit a total loss when it comes to Star... I assume this is the person who posts on the ATWA site...

    I have to take a moment here to salute STAR...

    I used to think that the ladies who married Tex and Bobby were the most screwed up women on the planet... I was wrong.

    I now bestow that honor on Star...

    Whatever kind of life she had as a child, and regardless if she got enough attention from Mom and Dad are irrelevant to me.

    She has none of the excuses anyone else used- he was already in jail when she came around- and everyone knew what Charlie was about... Still despite the fact that she knows what he represents, and what he took part in, and she chooses to put herself out there, and to actively call others out on Charlies behalf...

    You know maybe I am alone in this, and my opinion maybe old school- but I swear what Star needs and what alot of those Girls needed was a few weeks with my dad lol. It is obvious that none of them had great parental influence in there lives, but this Star person is so obviously craving attention, and so desperately looking for something to identify with it is scary...

    If someone would have grabbed this girl was she was still young enough and banged her head into a wall a few times until she understood right from wrong- maybe today she wouldn't be out there fronting for a guy who on his best day- would have balled her, used her, and thrown her into the heap with the others he had discarded. When I listen to Leslie and Susan, and Katie the only thing they say that I totally buy- is when they talk about feeling duped by Charlie..

    This girl Star had all of it to absorb up front, and she still chooses to be who she is...

    I dont give Charlie credit for this- I blame her for it...

    Its not any special powers he has- it is just a special weakness on her part...

    Star- you should be ashamed of yourself, and you life. You follow a weak minded looser who raped and took advantage of children. He stole, lied, and hurt people almost all of the time. He refused to do any type of work, and screwed every single type of person who ever tried to help him.He gave drugs to and had sex with underage girls, and he was all of these things before anyone ever went to Ceilo drive...

    Co keep up the good work, and congratulations on the life YOU CHOSE. If you ever have kids of your own ( or if you do) I hope you do better by them than what was done to you...

  7. P.S.S. - Squeaky

    I have been reading up on the Squeaky posts- dont let this one fool you either.. She comes across as very child-like and innocent- but she also has no trouble sending threats, and using violence when it suits her... she plays up the scared little girl act like a true pro, and has had men taking care of her whenever she has been free as a result of that ability... The reason I suspect she always was one of Charlies closest is because they were both great manipulators and saw alot of similarities in each other....

    This is one crazy scary lady... and the fact that you dont think so- makes her much scarier to me...

  8. ST >This is one crazy scary lady... and the fact that you dont think so- makes her much scarier to me...

    She is harmless and just like you or I, if pushed to far she will react.

  9. i think Lynn has mellowed out as she aged, and i doubt she want to go back to prison. imagine what a trip it is for her being out? microwaves, cell phones,
    the internet, electric cars, Obama.

  10. She is far from harmless and that is what scares me- people who think exactly that way....

    She is unstable and unbalanced. She may be older now, and not physically strong, but she has made a life out of making people feel sorry for her, and she has been giving so many chances to make some sense- and she just keeps babbling away- she kept pushing the issues long after everyone else had given up...

    She must be having a real trip lol playing with all these new toys- but I have never heard one serious intelligent thing come out of her mouth ever- and the things she has done in her life are absolutely crazy- so personally I would keep a nice distance from her....

    I think what Susan and Katie and LULU did was much- much worse- but at least they sounded normal as they got older... even if it was a ploy- they had enough common sense and respect to at least act responsible- Squeaky never ever did. so either she was too stupid, or too stubborn- either way- not good enough to make me feel comfortable :)

    But hey Anonymous lol- maybe you know her too and have better information than I do....
