Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Taken from todays CDCR Star (CA Department of Corrections newsletter.) Ex-Manson family member speaks about his ministry By Tori Brock, The Huntsville Item -- Vincent Bugliosi, author of the Charles Manson true-crime book “Helter Skelter,” called Dennis Rice one of the Manson family's most hard-core members. Rice became a Christian in prison and has been ministering to offenders for the past 25 years. On Friday, Rice spoke to offenders at the Byrd Unit and will be speaking to offenders at the Wynne Unit today. Rice will speak at Univeristy Heights Baptist Church at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.


  1. He is a good friend of mine.
    Not a fake like Tex or Susan.

  2. I hate that idiot Rice, he CHOSE to join the 'family' and bring his kids. Manson was already in prison when he joined yet he preaches against Manson.

  3. You have some interesting friends Anonymous....

    That must be why your anonymous...

  4. my opionion is Dennis is serious about finding God. like everyone else he found God in prision and continues to keep up with it when he was released. his 4 chicken coop kids are all ministers as well. poor kids, living in a hole under a fucking chicken coop? wtf? unlike the chickens i assume the kids were not "free range chicken children" LMAO

  5. Rice strikes me as an attention-getter. Much like the girls.

  6. No surprise here that many ex-Mansonites are now tambourine banging born-again Christians. They never went half way with anything. Critical thinking and self-reliance were never any of their strong suits, either. And if you are in prison for life, you might as well bet it all that there is an afterlife.

  7. Such bullshit. Rice is using the name to get sympathy and hopefully some nice fat donations to his cause.
    He did meet Manson face to face, and I guess he stole some letters Manson had him deliver to someone else (Maybe Squeaky?) and never did it. In the Taming The Beast book it was stated that Manson called him elf.
    But, seriously, Rice is a conman. He claims to have been under Manson's program when he participated in the shootout and that is a joke.
    He's just too much of a coward to fess up to his wrongs and take responsibility for the horrible things he has done, especially to his kids.
