Friday, November 26, 2010


looks like they are holding hands like lovers.




  1. Tex looks gay! I'm sure he is. They were all homos!

  2. i am sure they all had a little sugar in their tanks.

  3. Bad haircuts, bad least the men looked a little better than the women. Those chopped up hairdos! What an ugly looking bunch!

  4. Hello all. I would love to make my feelings on this Bastard very clear...

    I think Charles Manson as a Evil monster is somewhat over-rated. I think that what most people imagine of Charlie who don't really know the case- is actually quite true of Tex Watson... He is a very scary son of a ....

    What bothers me more is that there was no real reason for it... Unlike some of the others he came from a great background. A loving family. Accessible older brother- role model. Chance for a great education, and the sky was the limit as far as his future...

    But this lazy bastard made every decision in his life for self gratification....

    And what he did is something I believe very few people could stomach- stabbing to death is a very personal way of killing someone- it isn't as easy as pulling a trigger- you have to hear the sounds and see the effects up close of watching the life drain slowly out of a person... He did this multiple times, and to a 9 month pregnant woman...

    I go to his site once in awhile- he talks alot about God and forgiveness...

    He is trying very hard to convince himself it will be alright...

    It never will be

  5. Saint- again you are 100% correct.
    I love your view points!
    You, and everyone else is also welcomed to write anything about any M member and i will gladly post it in the blog. Saint- most of your stuff is to good to be sitting in the comment section.
